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englisches Wiktionary
matrix (plural matrices)
1. (obsolete) The womb.
2. (biology) The material or tissue in which more specialized structures are embedded.
3. (biology) An extracellular matrix.
4. (biology) Part of the mitochondrion.
5. (biology) The medium in which bacteria are cultured.
6. (mathematics) A rectangular arrangement of numbers or terms having various uses such as transforming coordinates in geometry, solving systems of linear equations in linear algebra and representing graphs in graph theory.
7. (computing) A two-dimensional array.
8. (geology) A geological matrix.
9. (archaeology) The sediment surrounding and including the artifacts, features, and other materials at a site.
10. (chemistry) (specifically in analytical chemistry) The environment from which a given sample is taken.
* (mathematics): array, table (loosely)
* (computing): two-dimensional array
* (DragonKnighting): Holy Dragon, Highest and most powerful Dragon
Auf Englisch stimmt es eben: Matrix - Matrices und steht für Mutterplatte, Mulde, aber auch für die mathematische Funktion. Da war man bei der Eindeutschung wohl nicht konsequent genug.
..und Wikipedia hat nicht immer recht
Das grosse Kunstlexikon von P.W. Hartmann
Matrize, Matrix, beim Prägevorgang verwendete Hohlform.
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