Raytracing team searched
I'd like to invite you to a new raytraycing team. I've done 2/3 of my won engine and I think also others may be interested in building a 3d engine raytracing.
Further details let's see later on.
the aim is to build our own 3d engine in raytracing
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mooooooore details.
Well, I want to create a raytracer with an editor where you can pick the vertices stretch the object, rotate it, do addivitive things with two objects and subtractive and intersection, where you can set the texture, where you can can set "volume streuung"(german version) i think it's called volume scattering, where you can create the objects by drag and drop, the objects only consist of triangles because addittive mode and subtractive mode is better to do and there is a huge variety of objects which can be made up of triangles.The algorithm for creating each primitive out of the triangles shouldn't be that problem. The editor should consist of 4 boxes, three boxes each for one side look, the fourth box for a 3d look with open gl(i've got little experience with open gl). For creating small movies there may be an extra protocoll where the user says what each object at what time is doing and the program then renders this film. For the raytracer on it's own, I think we gotta use photon mapping, easy to implement and with great power, the intersection tests with rays on triangles is not that hard, we need a kind of shader who sets out the color in reference to the two parameters r and s in the planar equation. The refraction and the reflexion algorithm are already written by me, that shouldn't be that problem, but diffuse lighting should also be implemented by us, 3 or 4 rays should be shot to the environment as a lighting help. I think volume scattering has alsoto be implemented but it'shard to do I've never done it so let's see.
I think we need at least a team of 5 or so. Everyone is welcome. I think when someone work has done, when change our information through the internet our maybe we meet in real life. I think in between we can look at the precalculated pictures of the raytracer. I think we need to share the work, one is the group leader and there should be undersections of groups. Hope to see you soon.
And what would be the purpose/application of this raytracer-engine?
You have to know that raytracing is terribly slow, especially when you want to do things like "shoot 3 or 4 rays to the environment as a lighting help".
I think the purpose would be with some more techniques maybe to generate as realistic pictures as possible to surpass recent graphic engines or even recent best raytracer...
I'm happy to say that all main lighting methods diffuse reflexion, reflexion, and refraction now work without bugs pictures come later on...
i'm lookin forward to see those pics, in particual the diffuse reflection. please add the render time, thx in advance.
The term "raytracer engine" confused me a little - I thought you want to make something that can create images in real time, i.e. a real time graphics engine using ray-tracing.
he did not mention realtime in any way, the term engine does not implicate it's anything about realtime.
i see that now. i did say it confused me a little, didn't i?
i just wanted to explain why i asked a question that seems really stupid and pointless when you do NOT assume real time.
Also ich kann ja auch mal in German schreiben, ich hab ma 3 Bilder hochgelitten
die Datei row hat 77 Sekunden gedauert naja man sieht nich viel sry, bei der Welle und der Brechung kann ich es nicht genau sagen, bei der Brechung sieht man unten noch ein paar Bugs Bei der Spiegelung der Reflektion duerfte aber in der aktuellen Version nicht mehr sein. So wenn jemand also mal Lust hat Arbeit an dem Raytracer anzufangen sagter Bescheid, in der Zwischenzeit mach ich Photon Mapping mit kd-Trees an meinem Raytracer
(die Welle hab ich mit 100 Quadern gemacht deren Höhe durch eine Sinusfunktion bestimmt ist)
flubbyeick schrieb:
http://freenet-homepage.de/losgehtsjetzt/welle.jpgBei solchen Bildern ist png das Format der Wahl, durch jpeg werden die zu sehr verfälscht, um die wirklich beurteilen zu können. Ich würde die vielleicht nochmal als png hochladen.
hustbaer schrieb:
The term "raytracer engine" confused me a little - I thought you want to make something that can create images in real time, i.e. a real time graphics engine using ray-tracing.
Du schreibst ja selbst real-time engine für eine echtzeit Engine
@Threadersteller, warum schreibst du in einem deutschen Forum englisch, obwohl du a) deutschsprachig bist b) Deutsch beherrschst?
Die Tatsache, dass deine Bilder deutsche Namen haben entkräftigt übrigens alle Einwände die du hier einbringen könntest.
Weil ich erst als ich das schrieb dachte es wäre ein englischsprachiges Forum, außerdem kann mich so jeder besser verstehen falls hier englischsprachige Benutzer sind. Ich werde noch ein paar Bilder hochladen...
Diesmal ist es eine Pyramide aus Quadern mit Reflexen an den Quadern...
www.people.freenet.de/losgehtsjetzt/pyr.png scheint das Format zu sein das mit wenig Speicherplatz aber ohne Verluste speichert (73.5 Sekunden) jetz geht der Link zu öffnen die Dateiendung war groß geschrieben
link geht irgendwie nicht.
Der Link geht jetze. Ich hab jetz also schon 1 Mitarbeiter der auch Erfahrung in dem Berecuh gesammelt hat. Wäre nett wenn noch ein paar dazukämen
Hier ein paar Brechungsbilder(drei Gläser hintereinander)