Name von Antipattern gesucht
Gibt es folgendes Antipattern bzw. hat es einen Namen?
Stellt Euch vor, Ihr schreibt eine Methode, die einen Algorithmus realisiert. Dieser Algorithmus löste ein Problem P für eine Menge von Probleminstanzen A. Jetzt gibt es aber auch die Probleminstanzen B und für diese sieht der Algorithmus leicht anders aus. Es werden zum Beispiel einige Teile des Algorithmus mehrfach durchlaufen oder es kommen bestimmte Teile hinzu. Stellt Euch vor, Ihr verallgemeinert jetzt die Methode so, dass sie sowohl für A, als auch für B angewandt werden kann. Dadurch wird die Methodensignatur natürlich auch etwas komplexer und die Methode wird deutlich länger. Jetzt gibt es aber auch noch die Probleminstanzen C, D und E. Und für all diese Probleminstanzen müsst Ihr die Methode entsprechend abändern bzw. verallgemeinern. Am Schluss habt Ihr eine Methode mit einer unglaublich komplexen Methodensignatur und zudem einen Programmfluss in der Methode, den man kaum noch nachvollziehen kann, weil er für alle Abarten der Problemstellung etwas unterschiedlich aussieht.
Auf Klassen bezogen würde so etwas wohl "Swiss Army Knife" heißen. Benutzt man den Begriff auch für einzelne Methoden?
Ich kann dir keinen Namen anbieten, hab dafür aber ein paar Fragen
Was ist deiner Meinung nach der eigentliche Fehler der hier gemacht wurde?
Also wie sähe die Lösung aus?Wäre es deiner Meinung nach OK wenn man aus dem Ding z.B. ein Method-Object baut, das dann über diverse Interfaces oder mittels Trait-Klassen für alle Probleminstanzen passend angepasst werden kann (bzw. sich selbst anpasst)?
Oder wäre die einzig deiner Meinung nach sinnvolle Lösung einfach mehrere Funktionen zu implementieren, und sich die bessere Verständlichkeit durch teilweise Code-Duplizierung zu erkaufen?
Oder ganz was anderes?
Die Beschreibungen von "Swiss Army Knife" die ich so finde gehen alle in Richtung YAGNI-Verletzung - also dass der Entwickler viele Dinge anbietet die eh keiner braucht. Das zumindest ist bei euch ja nicht gegeben, der Algorithmus wird ja für alle Probleminstanzen gebraucht.
Davon abgesehen würde ich es einfach mal bis auf weiteres so nennen. Vielleicht mit dem Hinweis dass es sich dabei nur um eine riesen Funktion mit elendiglich vielen Parametern handelt.----
Was noch passen würde sind die "code smells" "too many parameters" und "cyclomatic complexity".
hustbaer schrieb:
Was ist deiner Meinung nach der eigentliche Fehler der hier gemacht wurde?
Also wie sähe die Lösung aus?Das sind sehr gute Fragen, auf die ich aber nicht wirklich eine Antwort habe. In Wirklichkeit geht es uebrigens nicht um eine Methode im OOP Sinn, sondern um eine Prozedur. Das Programm, um das es geht, ist nicht objektorientiert gebaut.
Ich sehe nur, dass der Code, um den es da geht, ueber Jahrzehnte in dieser Art gewachsen ist und, dass er jetzt aus meiner Sicht fast unwartbar ist. Ich kann aber auch nicht direkt sagen, wie man es besser machen koennte.
ich denke mal, der Begriff "feature creeping" beschreibt schon ganz gut, was bei gewissen Planungen und Entwicklungen erscheinen könnte.
Ganz grob könnte man analog zu "Ausuferung der Programmiersprachen" von Ausuferung (vielleicht Ausfransung) einer Methode bzw. deren Möglichkeiten (mit Hinblick auf Wartbarkeit) sprechen.
Im Sprachgebrauch gibts ja auch so einiges, was passt, Verschlimmbesserung, Truthahnbegriff, Standardisierung usw.
Sowas nennt man über-shader
oder es ginge auch
"Fat Polymorphed && Overdrived Function-Algorithm-Group" abgekürzt "FPOFAG"...;)
Das hört sich aber profesionell an, dann wirds jeder verwenden wollen.
Ich würde es vermutlich einfach "unwartbarer Haufen Scheisse" nennen
Bzw. wenn ich etwas höflicher aufgelegt bin "unwartbarer Misthaufen".Und was das besser-machen angeht: ich hab' da mit sukzessiven mini-Refactorings gute Erfahrungen gemacht.
Überall wo was stinkt was klein genug ist dass man es refactoren kann => refactoren. Angefangen bei schlechten Variablennamen, fehlenden const, Einrückung, dann weiter zu redundanten Zwei- oder Dreizeilern, Kommentare dazuschreiben.
Wenn man das lange genug macht hat man irgendwann ne ungefähre Idee was das Ding macht, die Nebelschwaden werden langsam dünner.
Und dann kann man sich an grössere Dinge dranwagen. Aber immer so lokal/klein wie möglich bleiben. Lieber 10 kleine Refactorings hintereinander statt ein etwas zu grosses.Während man das macht, sieht man dann oft, dass neue "Kleinigkeiten" auftauchen. z.B. weitere Redundanzen die vorher versteckt/unauffindbar waren, weil der Code zu komplex war. Uswusf.
Und irgendwann landet man dann mal bei etwas, was vermutlich immer noch ne total bekloppte Struktur hat, dafür aber so einfach zu durchschauen ist, dass man grössere strukturelle Refactorings machen kann. Naja und dann macht man die auch noch.
Bei einigen Modulen hab ich so jede Zeile des (nachher noch vorhandenen) Codes min. 2-3x umgeschrieben bevor ich fertig war. Das Ergebnis ist dort aber mMn. meist um Lichtjahre besser als das was vorher da war.
Aber gut, wie man refactoren tut weisst du vermutlich selbst
ich finde die vorgehensweise konvergiert nicht zwingend zu einem anti pattern. Das problem ensteht erst durch schlechte implementation, nicht durch schlechte pattern.
eine funktion die fuer mehrere dinge wiederverwendet wird weil teile von ihr nunmal gleich sind klingt sinnig. wenn man sie kopieren wuerde um eine neue funktion mit leicht anderer signatur und leicht anderer implementierung zu erstellen waere fuer mich das eigentliche 'antipattern'.
damit es einigermassen sauber ausschaut muss man halt eine saubere signatur finden, bei zuvielen parametern sollte man diese eh kapseln. selbes gilt fuer die spezialisierungen der implementierung pro 'version'.
mit c++ kann man das mittels templates oft sehr sauber loesen, in c zur not mit function pointern.
ich wuerde das entsprechend eine bloated function bezeichnen, was, denk ich mal, kein (anti) pattern ist.
rapso schrieb:
ich finde die vorgehensweise konvergiert nicht zwingend zu einem anti pattern. Das problem ensteht erst durch schlechte implementation, nicht durch schlechte pattern.
eine funktion die fuer mehrere dinge wiederverwendet wird weil teile von ihr nunmal gleich sind klingt sinnig. wenn man sie kopieren wuerde um eine neue funktion mit leicht anderer signatur und leicht anderer implementierung zu erstellen waere fuer mich das eigentliche 'antipattern'.
damit es einigermassen sauber ausschaut muss man halt eine saubere signatur finden, bei zuvielen parametern sollte man diese eh kapseln. selbes gilt fuer die spezialisierungen der implementierung pro 'version'.
mit c++ kann man das mittels templates oft sehr sauber loesen, in c zur not mit function pointern.
ich wuerde das entsprechend eine bloated function bezeichnen, was, denk ich mal, kein (anti) pattern ist.
Ich fürchte, Du hast noch nie gegen eine ver{FehlendesWort}e Schnittstelle programmiert.
Ich nenne mal als Beispiel
CreateFile function Creates or opens a file or I/O device. The most commonly used I/O devices are as follows: file, file stream, directory, physical disk, volume, console buffer, tape drive, communications resource, mailslot, and pipe. The function returns a handle that can be used to access the file or device for various types of I/O depending on the file or device and the flags and attributes specified. To perform this operation as a transacted operation, which results in a handle that can be used for transacted I/O, use the CreateFileTransacted function. Syntax C++ HANDLE WINAPI CreateFile( _In_ LPCTSTR lpFileName, _In_ DWORD dwDesiredAccess, _In_ DWORD dwShareMode, _In_opt_ LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes, _In_ DWORD dwCreationDisposition, _In_ DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes, _In_opt_ HANDLE hTemplateFile ); Parameters lpFileName [in] The name of the file or device to be created or opened. You may use either forward slashes (/) or backslashes (\) in this name. In the ANSI version of this function, the name is limited to MAX_PATH characters. To extend this limit to 32,767 wide characters, call the Unicode version of the function and prepend "\\?\" to the path. For more information, see Naming Files, Paths, and Namespaces. For information on special device names, see Defining an MS-DOS Device Name. To create a file stream, specify the name of the file, a colon, and then the name of the stream. For more information, see File Streams. dwDesiredAccess [in] The requested access to the file or device, which can be summarized as read, write, both or neither zero). The most commonly used values are GENERIC_READ, GENERIC_WRITE, or both (GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE). For more information, see Generic Access Rights, File Security and Access Rights, File Access Rights Constants, and ACCESS_MASK. If this parameter is zero, the application can query certain metadata such as file, directory, or device attributes without accessing that file or device, even if GENERIC_READ access would have been denied. You cannot request an access mode that conflicts with the sharing mode that is specified by the dwShareMode parameter in an open request that already has an open handle. For more information, see the Remarks section of this topic and Creating and Opening Files. dwShareMode [in] The requested sharing mode of the file or device, which can be read, write, both, delete, all of these, or none (refer to the following table). Access requests to attributes or extended attributes are not affected by this flag. If this parameter is zero and CreateFile succeeds, the file or device cannot be shared and cannot be opened again until the handle to the file or device is closed. For more information, see the Remarks section. You cannot request a sharing mode that conflicts with the access mode that is specified in an existing request that has an open handle. CreateFile would fail and the GetLastError function would return ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION. To enable a process to share a file or device while another process has the file or device open, use a compatible combination of one or more of the following values. For more information about valid combinations of this parameter with the dwDesiredAccess parameter, see Creating and Opening Files. Note The sharing options for each open handle remain in effect until that handle is closed, regardless of process context. Value Meaning 0 0x00000000 Prevents other processes from opening a file or device if they request delete, read, or write access. FILE_SHARE_DELETE 0x00000004 Enables subsequent open operations on a file or device to request delete access. Otherwise, other processes cannot open the file or device if they request delete access. If this flag is not specified, but the file or device has been opened for delete access, the function fails. Note Delete access allows both delete and rename operations. FILE_SHARE_READ 0x00000001 Enables subsequent open operations on a file or device to request read access. Otherwise, other processes cannot open the file or device if they request read access. If this flag is not specified, but the file or device has been opened for read access, the function fails. FILE_SHARE_WRITE 0x00000002 Enables subsequent open operations on a file or device to request write access. Otherwise, other processes cannot open the file or device if they request write access. If this flag is not specified, but the file or device has been opened for write access or has a file mapping with write access, the function fails. lpSecurityAttributes [in, optional] A pointer to a SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure that contains two separate but related data members: an optional security descriptor, and a Boolean value that determines whether the returned handle can be inherited by child processes. This parameter can be NULL. If this parameter is NULL, the handle returned by CreateFile cannot be inherited by any child processes the application may create and the file or device associated with the returned handle gets a default security descriptor. The lpSecurityDescriptor member of the structure specifies a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR for a file or device. If this member is NULL, the file or device associated with the returned handle is assigned a default security descriptor. CreateFile ignores the lpSecurityDescriptor member when opening an existing file or device, but continues to use the bInheritHandle member. The bInheritHandlemember of the structure specifies whether the returned handle can be inherited. For more information, see the Remarks section. dwCreationDisposition [in] An action to take on a file or device that exists or does not exist. For devices other than files, this parameter is usually set to OPEN_EXISTING. For more information, see the Remarks section. This parameter must be one of the following values, which cannot be combined: Value Meaning CREATE_ALWAYS 2 Creates a new file, always. If the specified file exists and is writable, the function overwrites the file, the function succeeds, and last-error code is set to ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS (183). If the specified file does not exist and is a valid path, a new file is created, the function succeeds, and the last-error code is set to zero. For more information, see the Remarks section of this topic. CREATE_NEW 1 Creates a new file, only if it does not already exist. If the specified file exists, the function fails and the last-error code is set to ERROR_FILE_EXISTS (80). If the specified file does not exist and is a valid path to a writable location, a new file is created. OPEN_ALWAYS 4 Opens a file, always. If the specified file exists, the function succeeds and the last-error code is set to ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS (183). If the specified file does not exist and is a valid path to a writable location, the function creates a file and the last-error code is set to zero. OPEN_EXISTING 3 Opens a file or device, only if it exists. If the specified file or device does not exist, the function fails and the last-error code is set to ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND (2). For more information about devices, see the Remarks section. TRUNCATE_EXISTING 5 Opens a file and truncates it so that its size is zero bytes, only if it exists. If the specified file does not exist, the function fails and the last-error code is set to ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND (2). The calling process must open the file with the GENERIC_WRITE bit set as part of the dwDesiredAccess parameter. dwFlagsAndAttributes [in] The file or device attributes and flags, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL being the most common default value for files. This parameter can include any combination of the available file attributes (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_*). All other file attributes override FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL. This parameter can also contain combinations of flags (FILE_FLAG_*) for control of file or device caching behavior, access modes, and other special-purpose flags. These combine with any FILE_ATTRIBUTE_* values. This parameter can also contain Security Quality of Service (SQOS) information by specifying the SECURITY_SQOS_PRESENT flag. Additional SQOS-related flags information is presented in the table following the attributes and flags tables. Note When CreateFile opens an existing file, it generally combines the file flags with the file attributes of the existing file, and ignores any file attributes supplied as part of dwFlagsAndAttributes. Special cases are detailed in Creating and Opening Files. Some of the following file attributes and flags may only apply to files and not necessarily all other types of devices that CreateFile can open. For additional information, see the Remarks section of this topic and Creating and Opening Files. For more advanced access to file attributes, see SetFileAttributes. For a complete list of all file attributes with their values and descriptions, see File Attribute Constants. Attribute Meaning FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE 32 (0x20) The file should be archived. Applications use this attribute to mark files for backup or removal. FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED 16384 (0x4000) The file or directory is encrypted. For a file, this means that all data in the file is encrypted. For a directory, this means that encryption is the default for newly created files and subdirectories. For more information, see File Encryption. This flag has no effect if FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM is also specified. This flag is not supported on Home, Home Premium, Starter, or ARM editions of Windows. FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN 2 (0x2) The file is hidden. Do not include it in an ordinary directory listing. FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL 128 (0x80) The file does not have other attributes set. This attribute is valid only if used alone. FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE 4096 (0x1000) The data of a file is not immediately available. This attribute indicates that file data is physically moved to offline storage. This attribute is used by Remote Storage, the hierarchical storage management software. Applications should not arbitrarily change this attribute. FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY 1 (0x1) The file is read only. Applications can read the file, but cannot write to or delete it. FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM 4 (0x4) The file is part of or used exclusively by an operating system. FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY 256 (0x100) The file is being used for temporary storage. For more information, see the Caching Behavior section of this topic. Flag Meaning FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS 0x02000000 The file is being opened or created for a backup or restore operation. The system ensures that the calling process overrides file security checks when the process has SE_BACKUP_NAME and SE_RESTORE_NAME privileges. For more information, see Changing Privileges in a Token. You must set this flag to obtain a handle to a directory. A directory handle can be passed to some functions instead of a file handle. For more information, see the Remarks section. FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE 0x04000000 The file is to be deleted immediately after all of its handles are closed, which includes the specified handle and any other open or duplicated handles. If there are existing open handles to a file, the call fails unless they were all opened with the FILE_SHARE_DELETE share mode. Subsequent open requests for the file fail, unless the FILE_SHARE_DELETE share mode is specified. FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING 0x20000000 The file or device is being opened with no system caching for data reads and writes. This flag does not affect hard disk caching or memory mapped files. There are strict requirements for successfully working with files opened with CreateFile using the FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING flag, for details see File Buffering. FILE_FLAG_OPEN_NO_RECALL 0x00100000 The file data is requested, but it should continue to be located in remote storage. It should not be transported back to local storage. This flag is for use by remote storage systems. FILE_FLAG_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT 0x00200000 Normal reparse point processing will not occur; CreateFile will attempt to open the reparse point. When a file is opened, a file handle is returned, whether or not the filter that controls the reparse point is operational. This flag cannot be used with the CREATE_ALWAYS flag. If the file is not a reparse point, then this flag is ignored. For more information, see the Remarks section. FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED 0x40000000 The file or device is being opened or created for asynchronous I/O. When subsequent I/O operations are completed on this handle, the event specified in the OVERLAPPED structure will be set to the signaled state. If this flag is specified, the file can be used for simultaneous read and write operations. If this flag is not specified, then I/O operations are serialized, even if the calls to the read and write functions specify an OVERLAPPED structure. For information about considerations when using a file handle created with this flag, see the Synchronous and Asynchronous I/O Handles section of this topic. FILE_FLAG_POSIX_SEMANTICS 0x0100000 Access will occur according to POSIX rules. This includes allowing multiple files with names, differing only in case, for file systems that support that naming. Use care when using this option, because files created with this flag may not be accessible by applications that are written for MS-DOS or 16-bit Windows. FILE_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESS 0x10000000 Access is intended to be random. The system can use this as a hint to optimize file caching. This flag has no effect if the file system does not support cached I/O and FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING. For more information, see the Caching Behavior section of this topic. FILE_FLAG_SESSION_AWARE 0x00800000 The file or device is being opened with session awareness. If this flag is not specified, then per-session devices (such as a redirected USB device) cannot be opened by processes running in session 0. This flag has no effect for callers not in session 0. This flag is supported only on server editions of Windows. Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Server 2003: This flag is not supported before Windows Server 2012. FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN 0x08000000 Access is intended to be sequential from beginning to end. The system can use this as a hint to optimize file caching. This flag should not be used if read-behind (that is, reverse scans) will be used. This flag has no effect if the file system does not support cached I/O and FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING. For more information, see the Caching Behavior section of this topic. FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH 0x80000000 Write operations will not go through any intermediate cache, they will go directly to disk. For additional information, see the Caching Behavior section of this topic. The dwFlagsAndAttributesparameter can also specify SQOS information. For more information, see Impersonation Levels. When the calling application specifies the SECURITY_SQOS_PRESENT flag as part of dwFlagsAndAttributes, it can also contain one or more of the following values. Security flag Meaning SECURITY_ANONYMOUS Impersonates a client at the Anonymous impersonation level. SECURITY_CONTEXT_TRACKING The security tracking mode is dynamic. If this flag is not specified, the security tracking mode is static. SECURITY_DELEGATION Impersonates a client at the Delegation impersonation level. SECURITY_EFFECTIVE_ONLY Only the enabled aspects of the client's security context are available to the server. If you do not specify this flag, all aspects of the client's security context are available. This allows the client to limit the groups and privileges that a server can use while impersonating the client. SECURITY_IDENTIFICATION Impersonates a client at the Identification impersonation level. SECURITY_IMPERSONATION Impersonate a client at the impersonation level. This is the default behavior if no other flags are specified along with the SECURITY_SQOS_PRESENT flag. hTemplateFile [in, optional] A valid handle to a template file with the GENERIC_READ access right. The template file supplies file attributes and extended attributes for the file that is being created. This parameter can be NULL. When opening an existing file, CreateFile ignores this parameter. When opening a new encrypted file, the file inherits the discretionary access control list from its parent directory. For additional information, see File Encryption. Return value If the function succeeds, the return value is an open handle to the specified file, device, named pipe, or mail slot. If the function fails, the return value is INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE. To get extended error information, call GetLastError. Remarks CreateFile was originally developed specifically for file interaction but has since been expanded and enhanced to include most other types of I/O devices and mechanisms available to Windows developers. This section attempts to cover the varied issues evelopers may experience when using CreateFile in different contexts and with different I/O types. The text attempts to use the word file only when referring specifically to data stored in an actual file on a file system. However, some uses of file may be referring more generally to an I/O object that supports file-like mechanisms. This liberal use of the term file is particularly prevalent in constant names and parameter names because of the previously mentioned historical reasons. When an application is finished using the object handle returned by CreateFile, use the CloseHandle function to close the handle. This not only frees up system resources, but can have wider influence on things like sharing the file or device and committing data to disk. Specifics are noted within this topic as appropriate. Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP: A sharing violation occurs if an attempt is made to open a file or directory for deletion on a remote computer when the value of the dwDesiredAccess parameter is the DELETE access flag (0x00010000) OR'ed with any other access flag, and the remote file or directory has not been opened with FILE_SHARE_DELETE. To avoid the sharing violation in this scenario, open the remote file or directory with the DELETE access right only, or call DeleteFile without first opening the file or directory for deletion. Some file systems, such as the NTFS file system, support compression or encryption for individual files and directories. On volumes that have a mounted file system with this support, a new file inherits the compression and encryption attributes of its directory. You cannot use CreateFile to control compression, decompression, or decryption on a file or directory. For more information, see Creating and Opening Files, File Compression and Decompression, and File Encryption. Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP: For backward compatibility purposes, CreateFile does not apply inheritance rules when you specify a security descriptor in lpSecurityAttributes. To support inheritance, functions that later query the security descriptor of this file may heuristically determine and report that inheritance is in effect. For more information, see utomatic Propagation of Inheritable ACEs. As stated previously, if the lpSecurityAttributes parameter is NULL, the handle returned by CreateFile cannot be inherited by any child processes your application may create. The following information regarding this parameter also applies: If the bInheritHandle member variable is not FALSE, which is any nonzero value, then the handle can be inherited. Therefore it is critical this structure member be properly initialized to FALSE if you do not intend the handle to be inheritable. The access control lists (ACL) in the default security descriptor for a file or directory are inherited from its parent directory. The target file system must support security on files and directories for the lpSecurityDescriptor member to have an effect on them, which can be determined by using GetVolumeInformation. In Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, this function is supported by the following technologies. Technology Supported Server Message Block (SMB) 3.0 protocol Yes SMB 3.0 Transparent Failover (TFO) See remarks SMB 3.0 with Scale-out File Shares (SO) See remarks Cluster Shared Volume File System (CsvFS) Yes Resilient File System (ReFS) Yes Note that CreateFile with supersede disposition will fail if performed on a file where there is already an open alternate data stream. Symbolic Link Behavior If the call to this function creates a file, there is no change in behavior. Also, consider the following information regarding FILE_FLAG_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT: If FILE_FLAG_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT is specified: If an existing file is opened and it is a symbolic link, the handle returned is a handle to the symbolic link. If TRUNCATE_EXISTING or FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE are specified, the file affected is a symbolic link. If FILE_FLAG_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT is not specified: If an existing file is opened and it is a symbolic link, the handle returned is a handle to the target. If CREATE_ALWAYS, TRUNCATE_EXISTING, or FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE are specified, the file affected is the target. Caching Behavior Several of the possible values for the dwFlagsAndAttributes parameter are used by CreateFile to control or affect how the data associated with the handle is cached by the system. They are: FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING FILE_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESS FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY If none of these flags is specified, the system uses a default general-purpose caching scheme. Otherwise, the system caching behaves as specified for each flag. Some of these flags should not be combined. For instance, combining FILE_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESS with FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN is self-defeating. Specifying the FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN flag can increase performance for applications that read large files using sequential access. Performance gains can be even more noticeable for applications that read large files mostly sequentially, but occasionally skip forward over small ranges of bytes. If an application moves the file pointer for random access, optimum caching performance most likely will not occur. However, correct operation is still guaranteed. The flags FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH and FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING are independent and may be combined. If FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH is used but FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING is not also specified, so that system caching is in effect, then the data is written to the system cache but is flushed to disk without delay. If FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH and FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING are both specified, so that system caching is not in effect, then the data is immediately flushed to disk without going through the Windows system cache. The operating system also requests a write-through of the hard disk's local hardware cache to persistent media. Note Not all hard disk hardware supports this write-through capability. Proper use of the FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING flag requires special application considerations. For more information, see File Buffering. A write-through request via FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH also causes NTFS to flush any metadata changes, such as a time stamp update or a rename operation, that result from processing the request. For this reason, the FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH flag is often used with the FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING flag as a replacement for calling the FlushFileBuffers function after each write, which can cause unnecessary performance penalties. Using these flags together avoids those penalties. For general information about the caching of files and metadata, see File Caching. When FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING is combined with FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, the flags give maximum asynchronous performance, because the I/O does not rely on the synchronous operations of the memory manager. However, some I/O operations take more time, because data is not being held in the cache. Also, the file metadata may still be cached (for example, when creating an empty file). To ensure that the metadata is flushed to disk, use the FlushFileBuffers function. Specifying the FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY attribute causes file systems to avoid writing data back to mass storage if sufficient cache memory is available, because an application deletes a temporary file after a handle is closed. In that case, the system can entirely avoid writing the data. Although it does not directly control data caching in the same way as the previously mentioned flags, the FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY attribute does tell the system to hold as much as possible in the system cache without writing and therefore may be of concern for certain applications. Files If you rename or delete a file and then restore it shortly afterward, the system searches the cache for file information to restore. Cached information includes its short/long name pair and creation time. If you call CreateFile on a file that is pending deletion as a result of a previous call to DeleteFile, the function fails. The operating system delays file deletion until all handles to the file are closed. GetLastError returns ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED. The dwDesiredAccess parameter can be zero, allowing the application to query file attributes without accessing the file if the application is running with adequate security settings. This is useful to test for the existence of a file without opening it for read and/or write access, or to obtain other statistics about the file or directory. See Obtaining and Setting File Information and GetFileInformationByHandle. If CREATE_ALWAYS and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL are specified, CreateFile fails and sets the last error to ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED if the file exists and has the FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN or FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM attribute. To avoid the error, specify the same attributes as the existing file. When an application creates a file across a network, it is better to use GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE for dwDesiredAccess than to use GENERIC_WRITE alone. The resulting code is faster, because the redirector can use the cache manager and send fewer SMBs with more data. This combination also avoids an issue where writing to a file across a network can occasionally return ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED. For more information, see Creating and Opening Files. Synchronous and Asynchronous I/O Handles CreateFile provides for creating a file or device handle that is either synchronous or asynchronous. A synchronous handle behaves such that I/O function calls using that handle are blocked until they complete, while an asynchronous file handle makes it possible for the system to return immediately from I/O function calls, whether they completed the I/O operation or not. As stated previously, this synchronous versus asynchronous behavior is determined by specifying FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED within the dwFlagsAndAttributes parameter. There are several complexities and potential pitfalls when using asynchronous I/O; for more information, see Synchronous and Asynchronous I/O. File Streams On NTFS file systems, you can use CreateFile to create separate streams within a file. For more information, see File Streams. Directories An application cannot create a directory by using CreateFile, therefore only the OPEN_EXISTING value is valid for dwCreationDisposition for this use case. To create a directory, the application must call CreateDirectory or CreateDirectoryEx. To open a directory using CreateFile, specify the FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS flag as part of dwFlagsAndAttributes. Appropriate security checks still apply when this flag is used without SE_BACKUP_NAME and SE_RESTORE_NAME privileges. When using CreateFile to open a directory during defragmentation of a FAT or FAT32 file system volume, do not specify the MAXIMUM_ALLOWED access right. Access to the directory is denied if this is done. Specify the GENERIC_READ access right instead. For more information, see About Directory Management. Physical Disks and Volumes Direct access to the disk or to a volume is restricted. For more information, see "Changes to the file system and to the storage stack to restrict direct disk access and direct volume access in Windows Vista and in Windows Server 2008" in the Help and Support Knowledge Base at Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP: Direct access to the disk or to a volume is not restricted in this manner. You can use the CreateFile function to open a physical disk drive or a volume, which returns a direct access storage device (DASD) handle that can be used with the DeviceIoControl function. This enables you to access the disk or volume directly, for example such disk metadata as the partition table. However, this type of access also exposes the disk drive or volume to potential data loss, because an incorrect write to a disk using this mechanism could make its contents inaccessible to the operating system. To ensure data integrity, be sure to become familiar with DeviceIoControl and how other APIs behave ifferently with a direct access handle as opposed to a file system handle. The following requirements must be met for such a call to succeed: The caller must have administrative privileges. For more information, see Running with Special Privileges. The dwCreationDisposition parameter must have the OPEN_EXISTINGflag. When opening a volume or floppy disk, the dwShareMode parameter must have the FILE_SHARE_WRITEflag. Note The dwDesiredAccess parameter can be zero, allowing the application to query device attributes without accessing a device. This is useful for an application to determine the size of a floppy disk drive and the formats it supports without requiring a floppy disk in a drive, for instance. It can also be used for reading statistics without requiring higher-level data read/write permission. When opening a physical drive x:, the lpFileName string should be the following form: "\\.\PhysicalDriveX". Hard disk numbers start at zero. The following table shows some examples of physical drive strings. String Meaning "\\.\PhysicalDrive0" Opens the first physical drive. "\\.\PhysicalDrive2" Opens the third physical drive. To obtain the physical drive identifier for a volume, open a handle to the volume and call the DeviceIoControl function with IOCTL_VOLUME_GET_VOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS. This control code returns the disk number and offset for each of the volume's one or more extents; a volume can span multiple physical disks. For an example of opening a physical drive, see Calling DeviceIoControl. When opening a volume or removable media drive (for example, a floppy disk drive or flash memory thumb drive), the lpFileName string should be the following form: "\\.\X:". Do not use a trailing backslash (\), which indicates the root directory of a drive. The following table shows some examples of drive strings. String Meaning "\\.\A:" Opens floppy disk drive A. "\\.\C:" Opens the C: volume. "\\.\C:\" Opens the file system of the C: volume. You can also open a volume by referring to its volume name. For more information, see Naming a Volume. A volume contains one or more mounted file systems. Volume handles can be opened as noncached at the discretion of the particular file system, even when the noncached option is not specified in CreateFile. You should assume that all Microsoft file systems open volume handles as noncached. The restrictions on noncached I/O for files also apply to volumes. A file system may or may not require buffer alignment even though the data is noncached. However, if the noncached option is specified when opening a volume, buffer alignment is enforced regardless of the file system on the volume. It is recommended on all file systems that you open volume handles as noncached, and follow the noncached I/O restrictions. Note To read or write to the last few sectors of the volume, you must call DeviceIoControl and specify FSCTL_ALLOW_EXTENDED_DASD_IO. This signals the file system driver not to perform any I/O boundary checks on partition read or write calls. Instead, boundary checks are performed by the device driver. Changer Device The IOCTL_CHANGER_* control codes for DeviceIoControl accept a handle to a changer device. To open a changer device, use a file name of the following form: "\\.\Changerx" where x is a number that indicates which device to open, starting with zero. To open changer device zero in an application that is written in C or C++, use the following file name: "\\\\.\\Changer0". Tape Drives You can open tape drives by using a file name of the following form: "\\.\TAPEx" where x is a number that indicates which drive to open, starting with tape drive zero. To open tape drive zero in an application that is written in C or C++, use the following file name: "\\\\.\\TAPE0". For more information, see Backup. Communications Resources The CreateFile function can create a handle to a communications resource, such as the serial port COM1. For communications resources, the dwCreationDisposition parameter must be OPEN_EXISTING, the dwShareMode parameter must be zero (exclusive access), and the hTemplateFile parameter must be NULL. Read, write, or read/write access can be specified, and the handle can be opened for overlapped I/O. To specify a COM port number greater than 9, use the following syntax: "\\.\COM10". This syntax works for all port numbers and hardware that allows COM port numbers to be specified. For more information about communications, see Communications. Consoles The CreateFile function can create a handle to console input (CONIN$). If the process has an open handle to it as a result of inheritance or duplication, it can also create a handle to the active screen buffer (CONOUT$). The calling process must be attached to an inherited console or one allocated by the AllocConsole function. For console handles, set the CreateFile parameters as follows. Parameters Value lpFileName Use the CONIN$ value to specify console input. Use the CONOUT$ value to specify console output. CONIN$ gets a handle to the console input buffer, even if the SetStdHandle function redirects the standard input handle. To get the standard input handle, use the GetStdHandlefunction. CONOUT$ gets a handle to the active screen buffer, even if SetStdHandleredirects the standard output handle. To get the standard output handle, use GetStdHandle. dwDesiredAccess GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE is preferred, but either one can limit access. dwShareMode When opening CONIN$, specify FILE_SHARE_READ. When opening CONOUT$, specify FILE_SHARE_WRITE. If the calling process inherits the console, or if a child process should be able to access the console, this parameter must be FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE. lpSecurityAttributes If you want the console to be inherited, the bInheritHandle member of the SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure must be TRUE. dwCreationDisposition You should specify OPEN_EXISTING when using CreateFile to open the console. dwFlagsAndAttributes Ignored. hTemplateFile Ignored. The following table shows various settings of dwDesiredAccess and lpFileName. lpFileName dwDesiredAccess Result "CON" GENERIC_READ Opens console for input. "CON" GENERIC_WRITE Opens console for output. "CON" GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE Causes CreateFile to fail; GetLastError returns ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND. Mailslots If CreateFileopens the client end of a mailslot, the function returns INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if the mailslot client attempts to open a local mailslot before the mailslot server has created it with the CreateMailSlot function. For more information, see Mailslots. Pipes If CreateFile opens the client end of a named pipe, the function uses any instance of the named pipe that is in the listening state. The opening process can duplicate the handle as many times as required, but after it is opened, the named pipe instance cannot be opened by another client. The access that is specified when a pipe is opened must be compatible with the access that is specified in the dwOpenModeparameter of the CreateNamedPipe function. If the CreateNamedPipe function was not successfully called on the server prior to this operation, a pipe will not exist and CreateFile will fail with ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND. If there is at least one active pipe instance but there are no available listener pipes on the server, which means all pipe instances are currently connected, CreateFile fails with ERROR_PIPE_BUSY. For more information, see Pipes.
und dieses Beispiel ist längsr nicht das härteste, was man im kommeziellen Umfeld kekkenlernen darf.
„Eine Funktion, sie zu knechten, sie alle zu finden, ins Dunkel zu treiben und ewig zu binden.“
Ach so ein Schmarrn!
ist definitiv keine problematische Schnittstelle.Die vermeintliche Komplexität ergibt sich nur daraus dass
eine Factory-Funktion für viele verschiedenste "Klassen" ist, die sich halt alle ein wenig unterschiedlich verhalten. Was aber gut und notwendig ist.Was man hier in Frage stellen kann ist die Doku. Also ob es schlau ist das alles auf einer Seite zu dokumentieren, statt es in eine Seite pro Objekt-"Klasse" zu splitten. Wobei ich die Variante mit einer Seite nichtmal schlecht finde, hat auch Vorteile.
hustbaer schrieb:
Ach so ein Schmarrn!
ist definitiv keine problematische Schnittstelle.Die vermeintliche Komplexität ergibt sich nur daraus dass
eine Factory-Funktion für viele verschiedenste "Klassen" ist, die sich halt alle ein wenig unterschiedlich verhalten. Was aber gut und notwendig ist.Ach, so ein Schmarrn!
Das hätten ruhig verschiedene Funktionen werden dürfen.
volkard schrieb:
Das hätten ruhig verschiedene Funktionen werden dürfen.
Was den Aufruf von
umständlich macht, ist aber eher die Vielzahl der Parameter und nicht der Umstand, daß die Funktion neben Dateien auch Pipes, Laufwerke und Tape-Backups öffnen kann. Und die meisten Parameter braucht man halt. So schlimm finde ich die Funktion jetzt auch nicht, wenn der durchschnittliche Aufruf so aussieht:hFile = CreateFileW (path, GENERIC_READ | (writeFlag ? GENERIC_WRITE : 0), FILE_SHARE_READ | (writeFlag ? FILE_SHARE_WRITE : 0), &sa, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL);
Einzig die Sache mit der Template-Datei hätte man besser in eine andere Funktion verschieben können, weil das einen Parameter (
) unnötig macht und nur irgendeine Zusatzfunktionalität ist, die man zu 99% nicht braucht.Oder meinst du das anders mit dem Aufteilen auf mehrere Funktionen?
hustbaer schrieb:
Die vermeintliche Komplexität ergibt sich nur daraus dass
eine Factory-Funktion für viele verschiedenste "Klassen" ist, die sich halt alle ein wenig unterschiedlich verhalten. Was aber gut und notwendig ist.Man braucht eh schon für die verschiedenen "Klassen" z.B. verschiedene write-Funktionen, da kann man das uniform-Ding gleich lassen und mehrere Funktionen machen.
Linux API ist da wesentlich besser - und irgendwie schaffen die es ja auch mit 3 (?) Parametern.
Nathan schrieb:
Linux API ist da wesentlich besser - und irgendwie schaffen die es ja auch mit 3 (?) Parametern.
Welche Funktion meinst du
vararg schrieb:
Nathan schrieb:
Linux API ist da wesentlich besser - und irgendwie schaffen die es ja auch mit 3 (?) Parametern.
Welche Funktion meinst du
Na, open.
Eine schöne klare Funktion, wenn man "mal eben" eine Datei öffnen muss, muss man nicht lang irgendwelche tausenden Parameter verstehen.
Die haben die Funktionen um an Filedescriptoren zu kommen schön aufgeteilt, je nachdem, was man öffen will.
Nathan schrieb:
Man braucht eh schon für die verschiedenen "Klassen" z.B. verschiedene write-Funktionen (...)
schreibst du auf
* lokale files
* volumes
* disks
* remote files
* serielle ports
* usb ports
* drucker (raw)
* konsolen
* tapes
Und allgemein beliebige treiber dieIRP_MJ_WRITE
hat einfach nur den falschen Namen. Besser wäre etwas wie z.B.CreateDriverHandle
.Nathan schrieb:
da kann man das uniform-Ding gleich lassen und mehrere Funktionen machen.
Kann man. Kannst du unter Windows auch.
Ich sehe aber keinen besonders grossen Sinn dahinter solche Commodity-Funktionen in der Kernel API (!) anzusiedeln.
Ich meine... wir reden hier über einen Einzeiler.BTW: Wie macht man unter Linux ein Kommunikationshandle zu nem Treiber bzw. Kernel-Modul auf?
hustbaer schrieb:
Nathan schrieb:
Man braucht eh schon für die verschiedenen "Klassen" z.B. verschiedene write-Funktionen (...)
schreibst du auf
* lokale files
* volumes
* disks
* remote files
* serielle ports
* usb ports
* drucker (raw)
* konsolen
* tapes
Und allgemein beliebige treiber dieIRP_MJ_WRITE
hat einfach nur den falschen Namen. Besser wäre etwas wie z.B.CreateDriverHandle
.Irgendwie hab ich lieber WriteConsole benutzt, weil's mehr kann.
volkard schrieb:
Ich fürchte, Du hast noch nie gegen eine ver{FehlendesWort}e Schnittstelle programmiert.
hmm, naja, eigentlich ist das mittlerweile meine hauptaufgabe, ich wrapper ugly schnittstellen auf sauberen, simplen
Ich nenne mal als Beispiel
und dieses Beispiel ist längsr nicht das härteste, was man im kommeziellen Umfeld kekkenlernen darf.
das problem im design ist kein pattern problem. das problem ist legacy code und ein anderes pattern was besagt, dass man ein interface moeglichst minimal halten sollte statt es zu ueberladen. (ich spreche nicht von funktionsueberladung sondern "interface bloat")
statt also CreateFile, CreatePipe, CreatePrinter, CreateLowLevelHDDFile,... gibt es halt nur eines. Das befolgte pattern dabei ist also eigentlich positiv. dass dich die docu erschlaegt ist dabei ein anderes problem. wie Nathan sagte, hast du das auch bei simplen funktionen wie 'open' auf linux das dir jedes erdenkliche device oeffnen kann. ich denke die meisten programmierer haben auch diese doku nicht komplett gelesen aufgrund ihres umfangs.
wenn ich es wrappen wuerde, waere es vermutlichHANDLE Create(GenericDescriptor& );
und von generic descriptor waere alles noetige abgeleitet sodass du nur noch
...=Create(FileReadDescriptor(name)); ...=Create(FileReadAsyncDescriptor(name,timeout)); ...=Create(TCPSocketDescriptor(name,port)); ...=Create(DirectorySecureDescriptor(name,ACCESSFLAGS_RW_ADMIN));
deswegen denke ich bestaetigt dein Beispiel nur dass die realisierung ein wenig schlecht ist, die grundidee einer funktion die dinge erstellt statt 20 leicht abgeaenderte finde ich gut.
Stell dir vor du moechtest logging oder einen andere art von error handling oder performance istrumentation oder... einbauen, 20mal dasselbe verbauen zu muessen sollte dann spaetestens jedem programmierer als 'falsch' aufgehen.