Graphik drehen oder vorgedreht speichern?
Mit "per Hand drehen" meinte ich dass du alles vorher in Photoshop/PSP drehst.
Wenn dir das zu umständlich ist, google mal nach Tyler !
Man kann die Sachen aber auch drehen, indem du von jedem dest Pixel mit Hilfe von sin/cos guckst, welcher source-pixel dazugehören würde...
... und darauf warten, dass der Bildschirm aufgebaut wird..
naja, man kann natürlich auch die aufgebauten Pixel mitzählen *gg*
Ich würde die sache mit den mehreren texturen vorziehen.. ist schneller.
Original erstellt von DocJunioR:
... und darauf warten, dass der Bildschirm aufgebaut wird..
naja, man kann natürlich auch die aufgebauten Pixel mitzählen *gg*Nein, die so gedrehten Bilder kannst Du ja auch wieder in ein Surface verfrachten, dann gibts überhaupt kein Problem mit der Geschwindigkeit, höchstens mit der VRAM-Auslastung...
IMHO gabs das Thema doch schon mehrmals.
Das Thema hab ich zumindest in der FAQ nicht gefunden.
Ich wills ja nicht während des Spiels drehen, sondern beim Laden des Spiels ein paar vorgefertigte Positionen drehen, auch wenns nicht viel ausmacht, aber es spart ein wenig platz, und ich wollts auch nur mal ausprobieren. Kann mir vielleicht jemand ein paar ansätze zur Sin/Cos Lösung geben?
ich kopier mir die Antworten von älteren Threads und antworte hier unter mehreren Nicks. Damit man denkt hier ist viel los
//tell TASM we can use .386 op-codes #pragma inline asm .486 asm .487 //there is no 487 FPU but it makes TASM happy :) #pragma option -wasm- //yes, i know there are op-codes the built-in assembler //doesn't understand. shut up about it. //this tells the compiler to use the FPU. If you are using a processor //without a FPU then comment this out and recompile. //#pragma OPTION -f287 //large memory model //#pragma option -ml //8k stack extern unsigned _stklen = 8192U; //.h prototypes //unsigned long farcoreleft(void); #include <malloc.h> #include <alloc.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <conio.h> #include <time.h> #include <dos.h> #include <math.h> #define FALSE (1==0) #define TRUE (1==1) #define WIDTH 320 #define HEIGHT 200 #define SCREENSIZE WIDTH*HEIGHT #define FAILURE 0 #define SUCCESS 1 #ifdef __cplusplus #define __CPPARGS ... #else #define __CPPARGS #endif typedef unsigned char byte; typedef unsigned int word; typedef unsigned long dword; //.h prototypes //size_t stackavail(void); //prototypes void change_timer(void); void restore_timer(void); void mode_graphics(void); void mode_text(void); int LoadTestImage(char *name); void setup_fps(void); void print_fps(long fps); void bilinear(void); void trilinear(void); void hyperlinear(void); void copycomposite(void); void clearcomposite(void); int lines(void); //TIMER #define TIMERINTR 8 #define PIT_FREQ 0x1234DDL #define frequency 100 #define counter PIT_FREQ/frequency long BIOS_ticks; int second_ticks; int second_flag=FALSE; void interrupt far (*BIOStimerhandler)(__CPPARGS); void interrupt far timerhandler(__CPPARGS) { BIOS_ticks+=counter; second_ticks++; if(BIOS_ticks>=0x10000L) { BIOS_ticks=0L; // asm pushf // call BIOStimerhandler //// (*BIOStimerhandler)(__CPPARGS); } if(second_ticks>=100) { second_flag=TRUE; second_ticks=0; } outportb(0x20,0x20); } void change_timer() { //initialize the tick counter to 0 BIOS_ticks=0L; second_ticks=0; //swap out the BIOS handler for our own.... BIOStimerhandler=getvect(TIMERINTR); setvect(TIMERINTR,timerhandler); //change the clock frequency to 100 per second outportb(0x43,0x34); outportb(0x40,(byte)(counter%256)); outportb(0x40,(byte)(counter/256)); } void restore_timer() { //restore 18.2 frequency of PIT 0 outportb(0x43,0x34); outportb(0x40,0); outportb(0x40,0); //restore the BIOS tick handler setvect(TIMERINTR,BIOStimerhandler); } //GRAPHICS #define PI 3.14159265359 //char far *base_screen=(char far *)MK_FP(0xA000,0); char far *texture; int far *y320; char far *composite; void mode_graphics(void) { asm mov ax,0x13 //to mode 13h asm int 0x10 outportb(0x3c2,0xe3); //put it in square mode } void mode_text(void) { asm mov ax,0x03 //back to text asm int 0x10; } //load in a grayscale 320x200 BMP int LoadTestImage(char *name) { FILE *bmp; int n,x,y; word psi; word source=(HEIGHT-1)*WIDTH; word destination=0; byte far *palette; byte far *thrash; bmp=fopen(name,"rb"); if(bmp==NULL) return FAILURE; fseek(bmp,54,0); //from b-g-r-unused dword format to proper RGB 3byte. palette=(byte *)farmalloc(1024L+16L); if(palette==NULL) { mode_text(); // printf("Not enough memory (%lu) for palette.\n",farcoreleft()); exit(FAILURE); } fread(palette,1024,1,bmp); outportb(0x3c6,0xff); outportb(0x3c8,0); for(psi=0,n=0;n<=255;n++,psi+=4) { outportb(0x3c9,palette[psi+2]>>2); outportb(0x3c9,palette[psi+1]>>2); outportb(0x3c9,palette[psi]>>2); } farfree(palette); // thrash the dumb MS format... thrash=(byte far *)farmalloc(320L*200L); if(thrash==NULL) { mode_text(); // printf("Not enough memory (%lu) for temporary bitmap thrashing area.\n",farcoreleft()); exit(FAILURE); } fread(thrash,320U*200U,1,bmp); for(y=0;y<HEIGHT;y++) { for(x=0;x<WIDTH;x++) { texture[destination+x]=thrash[source+x]; } source-=WIDTH; destination+=WIDTH; } farfree(thrash); fclose(bmp); return SUCCESS; } // byte fpsset[8][24]={ " ###### ###### #### ", " # # # # # ", " # # # # ", " ##### ###### #### ", " # # # ", " # # # ", " # # # # ", " # # #### " }; byte charset[10][8][8]={ //0 {" ##### ", " # #", " # #", " # #", " # #", " # #", " ##### ", " "}, //1 {" ## ", " # ", " # ", " # ", " # ", " # ", " ###", " "}, //2 {" #### ", " # #", " #", " ### ", " # ", " # #", " ##### ", " "}, //3 {" ##### ", " # #", " #", " #### ", " #", " # #", " ##### ", " "}, //4 {" ## ", " # # ", " # # ", " ###### ", " # ", " # ", " ### ", " "}, //5 {" #######", " # ", " # ", " ###### ", " #", " # #", " ##### ", " "}, //6 {" ##### ", " # ", " # ", " ###### ", " # #", " # #", " ##### ", " "}, //7 {" ######", " # #", " # ", " # ", " # ", " # ", " # ", " "}, //8 {" ##### ", " # #", " # #", " ##### ", " # #", " # #", " ##### ", " "}, //9 {" ##### ", " # #", " # #", " ######", " #", " # ", " #### ", " "} }; //setup the fps counter... void setup_fps() { int c,x,y; byte far *vid=((byte far *)composite)+(8*320); //change the 0 to 9 charset from spaces and pound-signs //into 0 and 255 (ie, black and white). for(c=0;c<=9;c++) for(y=0;y<=7;y++) for(x=0;x<=7;x++) if(charset[c][y][x]=='#') charset[c][y][x]=255; else charset[c][y][x]=0; //draw a "FPS" right below where the fps will be. //yes, it's slow C code, but here that's ok. for(y=0;y<=7;y++) for(x=0;x<=23;x++) if(fpsset[y][x]=='#') vid[y*320+x]=255; else vid[y*320+x]=0; } //draw a counter number at the top left of the graphics screen void print_fps(long fps) { char s[10]; char *src; word x_offset=0; int c; sprintf(s,"%ld",fps); src=s; while((*src)!=NULL) { c=(*src)-'0'; asm { les di,composite add di,x_offset push ds mov ax,c mov si,offset charset mov dx,seg charset mov ds,dx mov dx,(8*8) mul dx add si,ax mov cx,8 } yloop: asm { push di movsw movsw movsw movsw pop di add di,320 sub cx,1 jnz yloop pop ds } x_offset+=8; src++; } //ok. we wrote out the digits. now cleanup anything left over from the //last time on the right. we assume no more than 6 digits MAX. asm { cld mov bx,8*6 sub bx,x_offset shr bx,1 les di,composite add di,x_offset sub ax,ax mov cx,8 } cloop: asm { push cx push di mov cx,bx rep stosw pop di pop cx add di,WIDTH sub cx,1 jnz cloop } } //this is the fixed-point version of the scaling/rotation routine. //since we want maximum speed while still remaining in C parts of this //may be hard to read compared to the general rotate/scale routine. //It is similiar to the mathematical version except it uses 16.16 //fixed-point and computes an initial texture vector then does something //similiar to a two-level line drawing routine, ok? //frankly, it's still slow as hell when compared to the full asm version. //hmm. Is it just C or Borland that is the problem? :) void FastRotateScale(float scale, float angle) { long sinas=sin(-angle)*65536L*scale; long cosas=cos(-angle)*65536L*scale; //x' = cos(-angle)+sin(-angle) //y' = cos(-angle)-sin(-angle) long xc=160L*65536L - (100L*(cosas+sinas)); long yc=100L*65536L - (100L*(cosas-sinas)); char far *screen=(char far *)composite; int x,y; register int tempx,tempy; for (y=0;y<HEIGHT;y++) //normally from 0 to 199 { long xlong=xc,ylong=yc; //init x/ylong to topleft of square for (x=60;x<60+HEIGHT;x++) //normally from 0 to 319 { tempx=(int)(xlong>>16); tempy=(int)(ylong>>16); if( (tempx<0) || //clip (tempx>=WIDTH) || (tempy<0) || (tempy>=HEIGHT) ) screen[x]=0; //clip to black else screen[x]=texture[tempx+y320[tempy]]; //draw texel //this also happens to be horrible mangled by borland //and produces some very fat slow code. xlong+=cosas;ylong-=sinas; } screen+=WIDTH; xc+=sinas;yc+=cosas; } } //this is the revised floating-point version of the scaling/rotation routine. //now that I finally have a cpu that actually supports FPU op-code //(from a 486sx25 to a 486dx4-100) thought I'd try them out. //note that unlike the pure mathematical version, we compute the vector //of rotation just once at the beginning of the function. void RotateScale(float scale, //the scaling factor float angle) //the rotation angle { #define x_offset 60 #define y_offset 0 #define x_window 200 #define y_window 200 #define x_center WIDTH/2 #define y_center HEIGHT/2 float sinas=sin(-angle)*scale; float cosas=cos(-angle)*scale; //x' = cos(-angle)+sin(-angle) //y' = cos(-angle)-sin(-angle) float xc=x_center - ((x_window>>1)*(cosas+sinas)); float yc=y_center - ((y_window>>1)*(cosas-sinas)); float tx, ty; int x,y; //actually to composite buffer and not to screen... //but it can be changed easily. char far *screen=composite+x_offset+y_offset*WIDTH; for (y=0;y<y_window;y++) { tx=xc; ty=yc; for (x=0;x<x_window;x++) { if( (tx<0.0) || (tx>=(float)WIDTH) || (ty<0.0) || (ty>=(float)HEIGHT) ) screen[x]=0; else screen[x]=texture[(int)(tx)+y320[(int)(ty)]]; tx+=cosas; ty-=sinas; } screen+=WIDTH; xc+=sinas; yc+=cosas; } } //This is the pure mathematical version of rotation and scaling. //It is naturally slow since it has not be optimized to take advantage //of the way computers currently operate. Nevertheless it can help //some of you understand what is going on in the other routines. // //"How slow can we go?" void MathematicalRotateScale(float scale, float angle) { #define x_LEFT 0 #define x_RIGHT 200 #define y_TOP 0 #define y_BOTTOM 200 #define x_offset 60 #define y_offset 0 //precompute the cosine and sine values used to speed things up float cosas=cos(angle)*scale; float sinas=sin(angle)*scale; float xc, yc; float tx, ty; int x,y; char far *screen; for (y=y_TOP;y<y_BOTTOM;y++) { for (x=x_LEFT;x<x_RIGHT;x++) { //compute the center of the texture bitmap xc=(float)(x-100); yc=(float)(y-100); //compute the translation of x and y into texture map //x' = x*cos(angle) - y*sin(angle) //y' = x*sin(angle) + y*cos(angle) tx=( (xc * cosas) - (yc * sinas) ) + 160.0; ty=( (xc * sinas) + (yc * cosas) ) + 100.0; //compute the pixel on the composite screen buffer to draw to screen=composite+((x+x_offset)+(y+y_offset)*WIDTH); //clip to black any texels that fall off of our 320x200 map if( (tx<0.0) || (tx>=(float)WIDTH) || (ty<0.0) || (ty>=(float)HEIGHT) ) *screen=0; //clipped to black else *screen=texture[ (int)(tx) + ( (int)(ty)*320) ]; //texel } } } //16-bit, sucks. You knew that already didn't you? //good. //Anyway, even with the added overhead of the protection mechanisms this would //be faster in protected mode. //ES:DI always points to the composite buffer, while FS:BX points to the texture #pragma option -wasm- long fixedconst=65536L; void TASMFixedRotateScale(float scale, float angle) { #define x_offset 60 #define y_offset 0 long sinas, cosas; long xc, yc; long xlong, ylong; int y; asm { //ok. these are precalculates requiring an FPU. An integrated 387 FPU //in fact. The results will be... unfortunate on anything earlier. // sinas=sin(angle)*scale; fld dword ptr [angle] //st(0) fchs //-angle fsin //st(0) fmul dword ptr [scale] //st(0)=st(1)*st(0) ;pop; fimul dword ptr [fixedconst] //st(0)= dword 65536 * st(0) fistp dword ptr [sinas] //sinas=(long)st(0); pop; // cosas=cos(angle)*scale; fld dword ptr [angle] fchs fcos fmul dword ptr [scale] fimul dword ptr [fixedconst] fistp dword ptr [cosas] // xc=160*65536 - (100*(cosas+sinas)); mov ecx,160*65536 mov eax,cosas mov edx,100 add eax,sinas mul edx sub ecx,eax mov [xc],ecx //opt me // yc=100*65536 - (100*(cosas-sinas)); mov ecx,100*65536 mov eax,cosas mov edx,100 sub eax,sinas mul edx sub ecx,eax mov [yc],ecx //opt me //INITs les di, composite lfs bx, texture add di, x_offset // for (y=0;y<HEIGHT;y++) //normally from 0 to 199 mov word ptr [y],0 } yloop: asm { // xlong=xc,ylong=yc; //init x/ylong to topleft of square mov eax,[xc] mov edx,[yc] mov [xlong],eax mov [ylong],edx //////////////////START OF X LOOP mov cx,WIDTH-x_offset*2 //width of 200 pixels } xloop: asm { mov dx, word ptr [ylong+2] //tempy=ylong>>16 mov si, word ptr [xlong+2] //tempx=xlong>>16 mov ax,dx //pipeline for the src=x+y*320 below. good on pentium? //CLIPPING SECTION or si,si //tempx<0? jl short clip cmp si,WIDTH //tempx>=320? jge short clip or dx,dx //tempy<0? jl short clip cmp dx,HEIGHT //tempy>=200? jl short noclip } clip: asm { mov byte ptr es:[di],0 jmp short doneclipping } noclip: asm { //compute x,y position into texture. si = x_offset + x + y*320 //mov ax,dx //pipelined away shl dx,8 //2c shl ax,6 //2c add si,dx //1c add si,ax //1c mov al,byte ptr fs:[si+bx] //1c+1c get texel mov byte ptr es:[di],al //draw texel } doneclipping: asm { //xlong+=yscale; ylong-=sinas mov edx, [sinas] mov eax, [cosas] sub [ylong],edx add [xlong],eax inc di //screen++; sub cx,1 //reversed x++ jnz short xloop //loop x? //////////////// //xc+=sinas; yc+=cosas mov eax,[sinas] mov edx,[cosas] add [xc],eax add [yc],edx inc word ptr [y] //y++ add di,x_offset*2 //add to get next y line //loop y? cmp word ptr [y],HEIGHT jge short endall jmp yloop } endall: asm { } return; }
//................ ignore. under construction. float widthconst=160.0; float heightconst=100.0; void TASMFloatingRotateScale(float scale, float angle) { #define x_LEFT 0 #define x_RIGHT 200 #define y_TOP 0 #define y_BOTTOM 200 #define x_offset 60 #define y_offset 0 float cosas; //cos(angle)*scale; float sinas; //sin(angle)*scale; int y; int tx,ty; int xc,yc; asm { //ok. these are precalculates requiring an FPU. An integrated 387 FPU //in fact. The results will be... unfortunate on anything earlier. // sinas=sin(angle)*scale; fld dword ptr [angle] //st(0) fsin //st(0) fmul dword ptr [scale] //st(0)=st(1)*st(0) ;pop; fstp dword ptr [sinas] //sinas=(long)st(0); pop; // cosas=cos(angle)*scale; fld dword ptr [angle] fcos fmul dword ptr [scale] fstp dword ptr [cosas] } asm { //INITs les di, composite add di, x_offset lfs bx, texture // mov word ptr [yc],y_TOP-100 //yc=(float)(y-100); mov word ptr [xc],x_LEFT-100 //xc=(float)(x-100); //center of the texture bitmap, y fild word ptr [yc] //st(1) fild word ptr [xc] //st(0) mov word ptr [y],y_TOP //start of y loop } yloop: asm { //center of the texture bitmap, x ffree st(0) fincstp fild word ptr [xc] //st(0) mov cx,WIDTH-x_offset*2 //start of x loop } xloop: asm { //compute the translation of x and y into texture map //x' = x*cos(angle) - y*sin(angle) //y' = x*sin(angle) + y*cos(angle) //tx=( (xc * cosas) - (yc * sinas) ) + 160.0; fld dword ptr [cosas] fmul st,st(1) //xc*cosas fld dword ptr [sinas] fmul st,st(3) //yc*sinas fsubp st(1),st fadd dword ptr [widthconst] fistp word ptr [tx] fwait mov si,[tx] //pick up tx. //ty=( (xc * sinas) + (yc * cosas) ) + 100.0; fld dword ptr [cosas] fmul st,st(2) //yc*cosas fld dword ptr [sinas] fmul st,st(2) //xc*sinas faddp st(1),st fadd dword ptr [heightconst] fistp word ptr [ty] //CLIPPING SECTION or si,si //tempx<0? jl short clip fwait mov dx,[ty] //get ty. hope it's ready by now.... cmp si,WIDTH //tempx>=320? mov ax,dx //pipelined code snuck into if branch.... jge short clip or dx,dx //tempy<0? jl short clip cmp dx,HEIGHT //tempy>=200? jl short noclip } clip: asm { mov byte ptr es:[di],0 jmp short doneclipping } noclip: asm { //compute x,y position into texture. si = x_offset + x + y*320 //mov ax,dx //pipelined away shl dx,8 //2c shl ax,6 //2c add si,dx //1c add si,ax //1c mov al,byte ptr fs:[si+bx] //1c+1c get texel mov byte ptr es:[di],al //draw texel } doneclipping: asm { inc di //screen++ fld1 //inc xc faddp st(1),st sub cx,1 jnz short xloop fld1 //inc yc faddp st(2),st add di,x_offset*2 //screen+=60*2 inc word ptr [y] //y++ cmp word ptr [y],y_BOTTOM //loop y? jge short endall jmp yloop } endall: asm { // ffree st(1) ffree st(0) } return; } //post bilinear antialiasing void bilinear() { asm { push ds lds di,composite add di,(WIDTH+1)+60 mov cx, (HEIGHT-2) } yloop: asm { push cx push di mov cx, (WIDTH-2) - 60*2 } xloop: asm { sub ax,ax sub bx,bx mov al,[di-1] add bx,ax mov al,[di+1] add bx,ax mov al,[di-WIDTH] add bx,ax mov al,[di+WIDTH] add bx,ax shr bx,2 mov al,[di] add bx,ax shr bx,1 mov [di],bl inc di sub cx,1 jnz xloop pop di pop cx add di,WIDTH sub cx,1 jnz yloop pop ds } } //post trilinear antialiasing void trilinear() { asm { push ds lds di,composite add di,(WIDTH+1) + 60 mov cx, (HEIGHT-2) } yloop: asm { push cx push di mov cx, (WIDTH-2) - 60*2 } xloop: asm { sub ax,ax sub bx,bx mov al,[di-1] add bx,ax mov al,[di+1] add bx,ax mov al,[di-WIDTH] add bx,ax mov al,[di+WIDTH] add bx,ax mov al,[di-(WIDTH+1)] add bx,ax mov al,[di-(WIDTH-1)] add bx,ax mov al,[di+(WIDTH+1)] add bx,ax mov al,[di+(WIDTH-1)] add bx,ax shr bx,3 mov al,[di] add bx,ax shr bx,1 mov [di],bl inc di sub cx,1 jnz xloop pop di pop cx add di,WIDTH sub cx,1 jnz yloop pop ds } } //post hyperlinear? antialiasing. This is just an experiment. void hyperlinear() { mloop: asm { push ds lds di,composite add di,(WIDTH+1)+60 mov cx,(HEIGHT-2) } yloop: asm { push cx push di mov cx, (WIDTH-2) - 60*2 } xloop: asm { sub ax,ax sub dx,dx mov al,[di-1] add dx,ax mov al,[di+1] add dx,ax mov al,[di-WIDTH] add dx,ax mov al,[di+WIDTH] add dx,ax mov al,[di-(WIDTH+1)] add dx,ax mov al,[di-(WIDTH-1)] add dx,ax mov al,[di+(WIDTH+1)] add dx,ax mov al,[di+(WIDTH-1)] add dx,ax shr dx,3 mov al,[di] add dx,ax shr dx,1 mov [di-(WIDTH+1)],dl mov [di+(WIDTH+1)],dl mov [di-(WIDTH-1)],dl mov [di+(WIDTH-1)],dl inc di sub cx,1 jnz xloop pop di pop cx add di,WIDTH sub cx,1 jnz yloop pop ds } } void copycomposite() { asm { mov ax,0xa000 mov es,ax sub di,di push ds lds si,composite mov cx,SCREENSIZE/2 cld rep movsw pop ds } } void clearcomposite() { asm { les di,composite mov cx,SCREENSIZE/2 sub ax,ax cld rep stosw } } /* void test() { int m1=7; int m2=3; float m3=2.5; int r1=0; float r2=0.0; float r3=0.0; asm { fild word ptr m1 fimul word ptr m2 fist word ptr r1 fld m3 fmul fst dword ptr r2 fstp qword ptr r3 } printf("r1: %i\n",r1); printf("r2: %f\n",r2); printf("r3: %lf\n",r3); getch(); } */ int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { float angle=PI/256.0; float angle_v=-PI/128.0; float scale=1.05; int n; int alias=0; int fpu=0; int key='~',key2=0; //so as not to trip up the arrow keys below long frames=0L; //inpho clrscr(); printf("Scaling/Rotation/Antialiasing Prototyper by Minimalist 1995-1996.\n"); printf("Last compiled %s %s. %d lines of C code.\n",__DATE__,__TIME__,lines()); #ifdef __TURBOC__ printf("Compiler: Borland C++ version %x.%x. ", (__TURBOC__)/256,(__TURBOC__%256)); #endif // printf("Memory:%lu. Stack:%u. ",farcoreleft(),stackavail()); if(_8087) printf("FPU:%d87.",_8087); else printf("No FPU."); printf("\n\n"); //you did specify a filename didn't you? if(argc!=2) { printf("Use: ALIASC 'filename.bmp'\n"); printf("Such as ALIASC MISSCATG.BMP\n"); return(FAILURE); } //the propaganda printf("This program requires at least a 486 with an integrated 387 grade FPU.\n"); printf("The BMP must be 320x200 256 grayscale.\n\n"); printf("You may use any of the following keys:\n"); printf(" ESC will exit the program.\n"); printf("Scaling and Rotation:\n"); printf(" N No floating-point, use fixed-point\n"); printf(" F Use floating-point\n"); printf(" M Use pure floating-point mathematical routine\n"); printf(" X Use TASM pipelined fixed-point\n"); printf(" A Use TASM pipelined floating-point\n"); printf("Antialiasing:\n"); printf(" 1 No antialiasing\n"); printf(" 2 Post Bilinear antialiasing\n"); printf(" 3 Post Trilinear antialiasing\n"); printf(" 4 Post um.... post ghosting/antialiasing? :-)\n"); printf("Use left/right arrows to change rotation.\n"); printf("Zoom with the - + [ and ] keys. Use BACKSPACE to stop.\n\n"); // test(); //wait for windows to quit thrashing the hard drive... printf("Press any key to start..."); while (!kbhit()); getch(); //initialize our table of n*320 y320=(int far *)farmalloc(2L*200L); if(y320==NULL) { mode_text(); // printf("Not enough memory (%lu) for y320 table.\n",farcoreleft()); exit(FAILURE); } for(n=0;n<HEIGHT;n++) y320[n]=n*WIDTH; //load our texture map texture=(char far *)farmalloc(320L*200L); if(texture==NULL) { mode_text(); // printf("Not enough memory (%lu) for texture map.\n",farcoreleft()); exit(FAILURE); } //switch to graphic mode 320x200 256 colors mode_graphics(); if(LoadTestImage(argv[1])==FAILURE) { mode_text(); printf("The file %s does not exist.\n",argv[1]); return(FAILURE); } //create a composite buffer (off-screen double buffer) composite=(char far *)farmalloc(320L*200L); if(composite==NULL) { mode_text(); // printf("Not enough memory (%lu) for composite buffer.\n",farcoreleft()); exit(FAILURE); } //set things up clearcomposite(); setup_fps(); change_timer(); //the main loop while (key!=27) { if(kbhit()) { key=getch(); switch (key) { //internal testing frame for yazzie :) case 'y': case 'Y': angle=PI/2.0; angle_v=0.0; scale=1.0; break; //and susy honey case 'h': case 'H': angle+=PI/4.0; angle_v=0.0; break; //and sissy case 's': case 'S': angle-=PI/4.0; angle_v=0.0; break; //and prissy case 'z': case 'Z': scale=0.5; angle=PI/2.0; angle_v=-0.1; break; case 'n': case 'N': fpu=0; break; case 'f': case 'F': fpu=1; break; case 'm': case 'M': fpu=2; break; case 'a': case 'A': fpu=3; break; case 'x': case 'X': fpu=4; break; case '1': alias=1; break; case '2': alias=2; break; case '3': alias=3; break; case '4': alias=4; break; case '-': scale-=0.05; break; case '=': scale+=0.05; break; case '[': scale-=0.5; break; case ']': scale+=0.5; break; case 0: key2=getch(); switch (key2) { case 75: angle_v+=PI/128.0; break; //left arrow case 77: angle_v-=PI/128.0; break; //right arrow } break; } } switch (fpu) { case 0: FastRotateScale(scale,angle); break; case 1: RotateScale(scale,angle); break; case 2: MathematicalRotateScale(scale,angle); break; case 3: TASMFixedRotateScale(scale,angle); break; case 4: TASMFloatingRotateScale(scale,angle); break; } switch (alias) { //case 1: do nothing.... case 2: bilinear(); break; case 3: trilinear(); break; case 4: hyperlinear(); break; } copycomposite(); //show us the composite buffer! angle+=angle_v; if(angle>2*PI) angle-=2*PI; //bound our angle... if(angle<-2*PI) angle+=2*PI; //do the FPS calcing frames++; if(second_flag) { //been a second yet? second_flag=FALSE; print_fps(frames); //yes, so see how many frames we've done in that time. frames=0L; //and the frames } } //restore things to normal restore_timer(); farfree(composite); farfree(texture); farfree(y320); //parting words.... mode_text(); printf("By Minimalist (Lewis A. Sellers) 1995-96. Part of the C/Pascal/Asm package.\n"); printf("To contact, email: (shortly to be\n"); printf("or drop by, site of Grail Operating System Project.\n\n"); printf("#coders home page: [url=\n\n");]\n\n");[/url] printf("Psst. Testing out the original code or modification you did to it? Then press\n"); printf("Z to set a standard scale and rotation factor. On a 486dx4 100mhz 256kb cache\n"); printf("60ns DRAM, and an awful PCI Trio32 S3 graphics card, compiled with "); #ifdef __TURBOC__ printf("Borland\nC++ version %x.%x.", (__TURBOC__)/256,(__TURBOC__%256)); #endif printf("\n"); printf(" M=~4.5fps F=~6fps X=~12fps N=~22fps A=~34fps\n\n"); printf(" 'It was men like me that built the bomb.' --paraphrased, T2\n\n"); return(SUCCESS); } //cute trick of mine for single file programs int lines() { return __LINE__+1; }
Ich hab den Code glaube ich auf her. Musst halt suchen. Gibts sicherlich mehr davon.
Ich vermute aber mal, das ist nicht genau das, was er sucht, denn 95% des Codes ist überflüssig....
Aber google doch einfach mal nach sin+cos..
Ich glaub ich habs schon raus, ein kleiner Blick ins Mathebuch von der 10. Klasse.. Heißen Gegenfunktionen arccos und arcsin? Müssten die sein, oder?