X File in DirectX laden ?

  • Hi,

    ich wollte fragen ob einer weis wie man in DX 8 ein X Modell laden kann. 😕
    THX im voraus. 😉

  • Bei DirectX 9 so: Aus der SDK Doc:

    Loading an X File


    Use the following procedure to load an .x file.

    Use the DirectXFileCreate function to create an IDirectXFile object.
    If templates are present in the Microsoft® DirectX® file that you will load, use the IDirectXFile::RegisterTemplates method to register those templates.
    Use the IDirectXFile::CreateEnumObject method to create an IDirectXFileEnumObject enumerator object.
    Loop through the objects in the file. For each object, perform the following steps.
    Use the IDirectXFileEnumObject::GetNextDataObject method to retrieve each IDirectXFileData object.
    Use the IDirectXFileData::GetType method to retrieve the data's type.
    Load the data using the IDirectXFileData::GetData method.
    If the object has optional members, retrieve the optional members by calling the IDirectXFileData::GetNextObject method.
    Release the IDirectXFileData object.
    Release the IDirectXFileEnumObject object.
    Release the IDirectXFile object.

  • Jo Danke aber ich brauch DX 8, und wenns geht den Quellcode, dann muss ich nur noch ein paar Sachen abändern. :p

  • http://www.andypike.com/tutorials/directx8/010.asp

    is zwar englisch, aber wirklich sehr gut verständlich

  • Jo, geht schon. Danke ! 😃

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