Eigenes OS?
@+fricky: Danke für den Link!
Momentan interessiert mich dies hier am meisten, da ich davon bisher nur einen Bruchteil habe, und mir genau der Rest fehlt:
PrettyOS muss aber nicht wirklich performant sein, sondern vor allem verständlich, eben als Experimentier-Plattform geeignet. Ich bin mir noch nicht sicher, ob mir das gelingt, hängt davon ab, inwieweit mir geeignete Visualisierungs-Funktionen für die einzelnen Module und Exceptions gelingen.Gibt es eine Übersicht, wie man weitere Infos aus Registern erhält, um Exceptions möglichst vollständig zu analysieren? Dann könnte man diese Funktion, die bisher nur Page Faults genauer unter die Lupe nimmt, weiter ausbauen:
r->err_code und das Register cr2 dürften wohl der Schlüssel dazu sein. Wenn man beim "Spielen" mit dem Code in ckernel.c auf eine Exception trifft, sollte man heraus finden können, was man eigentlich falsch gemacht hat. Das ist momentan noch nicht ausreichend gegeben. Das ist aus meiner Sicht noch das Hauptproblem.
English, my German is not very well.
Try to create some code for installing fault handlers, so each fault handler does have its own function. Check if a custom handler is installed, and execute it. If not, write down a message on the screen and halt CPU (cli, hlt, for(;;);)
Keeping them apart this way like, is very handy for dynamically installing and removing handlers. Also, when having a Virtual86Mode implemented, you will need #GP (general protection fault) very often, and write some big routines for it.for the Debug and Break exception you can write some nice simple handler. Just dump all registers given as argument in function call.
The Page Fault handler:
Receive the CR3 AND CR2. CR2 contains faulting address. CR3 the PHYSICAL address of the page directory. Then, split the faulting address in some parts.
PageDirectoryIndex (cr2 >> 22, when using 4kb pages on a 32-bit system)
PageTableIndex ((cr2 >> 12) & 0x3ff)
PageOffset ((cr2 & 0xfff), not necessary for now)Then, when page was not present, check the PDE for present bit, then the existence of the PageTable (PDE->frame << 12 and then to virtual), then present of PTE, and then existence of the page mapped to the PTE. (PTE->frame != 0x0)
Solve any of these things, but keep patience: be sure caller should be able to write or read something at the address in cr2.
When having r/w (read/write) page fault and is present, kill the process. It is trying to access kernel space. Same way with u/s (user/supervisor).
When looking at the Intel Manual, we see that there is NO ID bit in the error code of a #PF (page fault).
Reserved, if problems with that, kill process. (or maybe just continuing is fine too)greetings, and success.
// PHPnerd
@PHPnerd: thank you very much.
Keine Probleme.
I will look at this topic often to help here
I am busy with kmalloc.The memory management part is the most boring, tricky and frustrating part of OS development.Don't quit
Also: be sure you always print out messages of exceptions, especially at the page fault exception. There shouldn't be ANY exceptions occur when programming kernel itself.
// PHPnerd
PHPnerd schrieb:
There shouldn't be ANY exceptions occur when programming kernel itself.
even if the kernel is 100% bug free, third-party modules (device drivers and similar stuff running in kernel space) can crash the system. erhard should implement an exception handling mechanism, so that common errors (like wild pointers, divison by zero, etc.) are handled properly.
Yeah, but kernel itself (main routine, setting up paging) should
Writing div by zero handler. I think that should be setting return value to zero.
int a = 5/0;
a will be zero, instead of killing process.// PHPnerd
PHPnerd schrieb:
int a = 5/0;
a will be zero, instead of killing process.no, that keeps the error. the error creeps forward and will cause weird behaviour of the whole thing. instead, exceptions should be 'handled' in a controlled manner (like this):
... begin_guarded_section(); { ... int a = x/0; ... } if (get_exception_code() == DIV_BY_ZERO) // enter exception handler { // deal with division by 0 } end_guarded_section(); // stop guarding ... // process will be killed at this point, if another exceptions occur
^^all can be done using c-functions. there's no need for a modfied compiler (like that is the case with structured exception handling under m$-windoofs).
So, no kernelmode div by zero handler?
Erhard: do not forget to invalidate the TLB. use INVLPG (see Intel manuals) or read CR3, and write it to it again.
// PHPnerd
PHPnerd schrieb:
So, no kernelmode div by zero handler?
of course, kernel must handle that, but must not terminate the application if an exception occurs inside guarded code. after that, the application should ask the kernel for exception code and (if there is one), retry the operation, notify the user, abort the program or something like that.
All right, understand. But that is something for later on to me
// PHPnerd
Yes, exception handling has to be fine-tuned in PrettyOS. Currently, there is only a message and a big stop sign. Page faults are already analyzed deeper.
I worked on the VFS and the RAM disk, because it is very important to bring data, specialized kernel modules or user code into the memory of the OS. The way how it works now is as follows:
- produce a binary image from various files (with "make_initrd.exe", source code: "make_initrd.c"). I renamed the resulting image to "file_data.dat". This is the target for incbin in process.asm.
2a) include it in process.asm with incbin, global addresses:
; data for ramdisk global _file_data_start global _file_data_end _file_data_start: incbin "file_data.dat" _file_data_end:
2b) Linker transfers it to the memory at &file_data_start
- The source code line
k_memcpy((void*)ramdisk_start, &file_data_start, (ULONG)&file_data_end - (ULONG)&file_data_start);
in ckernel.c transfers the data with the files to the RAM disk (this is the way we exchange data with PrettyOS at the time being)
- The Virtual File System (VFS) with individual file headers helps to access the files in the RAM disk
Enjoy it!
PrettyOS: http://www.henkessoft.de/OS_Dev/Downloads/36.zip
Screenshot: http://www.henkessoft.de/OS_Dev/Downloads/ramdisk_test.pngCurrently the framework for booting, loading asm kernel, switch to PM and C-kernel, interrupts, write/read key queue, set system timer frequency (I use 100 Hz), paging, heap, virtual file system, RAM disk, multitasking, syscalls now basically work.
Erhard Henkes schrieb:
Hier ein prinzipielles Beispiel mit Erzeugung mehrerer Tasks und Taskswitch:...
Aha, jetzt wird's interessanter und praxisbezogener...
Aha, jetzt wird's interessanter und praxisbezogener...
Die letzten beiden Wochen habe ich mich - zumindest grundlegend - um die komplexen Themen Memory-, Task- und File-Management (VFS, RAM Disk) sowie Syscalls gekümmert, um zu sehen, wie man dies am besten aufbauen und darstellen könnte. Manchmal sucht man auch nur "ewig" nach einem Fehler im Sourcecode. Hierbei behebt man dann zunächst noch alle möglichen anderen Baustellen, die man bei genauerem Hinsehen als nicht korrekt aufspürt. Bei mir liegen die "üblen" Fehler immer im Zeiger-Bereich. Kleines Beispiel:
Diese Zeile hatte ich schnell "hingehauen":
k_memcpy((void*)ramdisk_start, &file_data_start, &file_data_end - &file_data_start);
Mit k_memshow(...) sah ich zufrieden, dass die "eingelinkten" Daten gefunden und sauber an den Anfang der RAM Disk kopiert wurden.
Das Schlimme ist, dass durch die Pointer-Arithmetik zu wenige Daten kopiert wurden. Über die Blödsinnigkeit dieses Fehlers (es gibt nur wenige geniale Fehler) möchte ich hier nicht reden, so etwas passiert eben ab und zu, wenn man den cast auf die Schnelle vergisst. Dieses Wechselspiel zwischen Speicheradresse und Darstellung als unsigned long integer (ULONG) ist eine der Schwächen des Systems. Zwei kleine Casts nach ULONG, und schon funktionierte es perfekt:k_memcpy((void*)ramdisk_start, &file_data_start, (ULONG)&file_data_end - (ULONG)&file_data_start);
Das Schlimme ist, dass man den Fehler an völlig anderer Stelle - nämlich den neu eingebauten Mechanismen - sucht. Auslöser ist, dass man große Speicherbereiche nicht auf einfache Weise wie bei einem Hex-Editor durchscrollen kann. Mir ist der Fehler erst aufgefallen, als ich mich mit k_memshow(...) auf die konkrete Stelle im Speicher gesetzt und dort nur Nullen gefunden habe.
Solche Erfahrungen sind in einem Tutorial wichtig und sollten auch dargestellt werden, damit andere an solche Trivialitäten denken, wenn Sie Fehler suchen. Denn das "Aufgeben" kommt oft daher, dass man Fehler nicht findet, keine geeigneten Vorbilder hat und/oder in einem Forum (http://forum.osdev.org/ ist ein Musterbeispiel) arrogant behandelt wird.Momentan schreibe ich an dem Tutorial noch nicht weiter, weil die grundlegenden Mechanismen zwar funktionieren, ich aber mit der Visualisierung noch nicht zufrieden bin.
Erste zaghafte Beispiele für Visualisierung sind:
void k_memshow(void* start, size_t count) { const UCHAR* end = (const UCHAR*)(start+count); for(; count != 0; count--) printformat("%x ",*(end-count)); }
und die Paging-Analyse-Funktionen
ULONG show_physical_address(ULONG virtual_address) { page_t* page = get_page(virtual_address, 0, kernel_directory); return( (page->frame_addr)*PAGESIZE + (virtual_address&0xFFF) ); } void analyze_physical_addresses() { int i,j,k, k_old; for(i=0;i<(PHYSICAL_MEMORY/0x18000+1);++i) { for(j=i*0x18000; j<i*0x18000+0x18000; j+=0x1000) { if(show_physical_address(j)==0) { settextcolor(4,0); k_old=k; k=1; } else { if(show_physical_address(j)-j) { settextcolor(3,0); k_old=k; k=2; } else { settextcolor(2,0); k_old=k; k=3; } } if(k!=k_old) printformat("%x %x\n", j, show_physical_address(j)); } } }
Im Tasking-Bereich ist mir bisher nur die Darstellung der PID als Farbe beim "Tippen" (Schreiben/Lesen KeyQueue) eingefallen.
Vor dem Heap-Gebäude stehe ich noch etwas zögerlich bezüglich Darstellung der "blocks and holes". Man hat im Textmode mit 80*25 mit wenigen brauchbaren Farben auch nicht allzu viele Möglichkeiten.Didaktische Ideen sind daher immer willkommen.
Well done!
I am still busy with kmalloc, almost finished it.
How advanced is your multitasker now?
And did you make your filesystem manager usable for programmers, who want to make a filesystem driver like Ext2, Ext3, FAT etc?
// PHPnerd
How advanced is your multitasker now?
There is the function task_switch of PrettyOS: 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> ... -> N -> 1 ->...
This could be triggered by the system timer according to allowed timeslices, but not done until now. I tried it out, but got General Protection Fault. You can't switch at each time. Thus, the question is how to avoid and switch on the right time?
..As mentioned above, I don't have a time-based scheduler. Here I found some easy code, which might be interesting: ..
What do you think about it?
How to prohibit general protection faults by the task switch?And did you make your filesystem manager usable for programmers, who want to make a filesystem driver like Ext2, Ext3, FAT etc?
Not yet, but it should be possible by the VFS.
..I was very glad, when it worked.
Looking at the path forward, I think the next milestones could be:
- loading executables (file format?)
- kernel modules
- shellHow do you / will you load executables? (one of the text files in the RAM disk of the last example could have been an executable file (elf, com, exe, ...) ). What's the best way to start it?
Try to use cli(); at start of the handler.
I did, but the GPF didn't leave. In between I was told that C might be not perfect for the task switch.
The above presented function for task_switch does not save all registers. That might be the real problem in some situations.
Another point in the whole source code is the mixing of physical and virtual memory management in paging.h/paging.c. That has to be separated.
Sure it has to be separate, i do, the PMM, VMM and kmalloc, all apart.
What is o_0:
the double && looks very bad to me
I checked task switch code with my old, its the same (diff is what I added, like threads and states). I put a cli() just after very first statement. (if(!task)).
And where exactly (line) does the #GP trigger? (just try putting chars like ! on as much as lines as possible, and count numbeer of printed when running)
// PHPnerd
just try putting chars like ! on as much as lines as possible, and count numbeer of printed when running
Interesting trick. This I try at once:
!!!!#!!!!#!!!!#General Protection Fault >>> Exception. System Halted! <<<
Hence, I know that the GPF happens in the asm-code:
because the last ! did not show up.
You really do? Dont be so sure. What does the ASM do? Yes, it switches task, it chnages page directory, and the instrcution pointer after that code, we continue the task, and not the code of the scheduler.
Or am i wrong, and is the ! showed at the other switchs?
// PHP