DirectShow VCam
Hallo zusammen,
oft hört man DxShow sei tot, doch genau das Gegenteil ist der Fall.
Das Interface ist nur noch mit alten SDK's kompilierbar.Ich muss nun bestehende Kamerahardware über DxShow zugänglich machen.
Dazu ist es erforderlich einen Filter herzustellen der als ComInterface DLL
einfach Registriert wird mit regsvr32 und dann in der Liste der DxShow Filter auch zu sehen ist (z.b mit dem DxShow tool DSFMgr.exe oder via graphedt.exeLeider bleibt mir verschlossen wie ich nun diesen Filter als Datenquelle
in einer Anwendung zu sehen bekomme, der Filter ist also nicht unbedingt auch eine Virtual Camera.. Es gibt da das VCam SDK aus China, leider haben die keine
Sourcen für ihre Filter..Weiß jemand wie ich meine Kameras in Direct Show integriere, Example would be nice, es nicht gerade einfach mit dem Stoff.
Vielen Dank für Hinweise
Hier der Auszug aus meinem compilierbaren Filterversuch der aber scheinbar kein Gerät "platziert" das man auswählen könnte..
der Filter heißt dann auch "FVision"
#include "stdafx.h" #include <initguid.h> using namespace std; #define TRY(hr, X) {hr = X; if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) throw hr;} // Setup data for filter registration const AMOVIESETUP_MEDIATYPE sudOpPinTypes = { &MEDIATYPE_Stream, &MEDIASUBTYPE_NULL }; const AMOVIESETUP_PIN sudOpPin = { L"Output", FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, &CLSID_NULL, 0, 1, &sudOpPinTypes }; const AMOVIESETUP_FILTER sudAsync = { &CLSID_ASFStreamSrc, L"FVision Source", MERIT_UNLIKELY, 1, &sudOpPin }; CFactoryTemplate g_Templates[1] = { { L"FVision Source", &CLSID_ASFStreamSrc, CEncSrc::CreateInstance, NULL, &sudAsync } }; int g_cTemplates = sizeof(g_Templates) / sizeof(g_Templates[0]); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Exported entry points //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// extern "C" BOOL WINAPI DllEntryPoint(HINSTANCE, ULONG, LPVOID); STDAPI DllRegisterServer() { return AMovieDllRegisterServer2(TRUE); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STDAPI DllUnregisterServer() { return AMovieDllRegisterServer2(FALSE); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HANDLE hModule, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved) { return DllEntryPoint((HINSTANCE)(hModule), dwReason, lpReserved); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CEncSrc ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constructor CEncSrc::CEncSrc(LPUNKNOWN pUnk, HRESULT *phr) : CSource(NAME("FVision File Source"), pUnk, CLSID_ASFStreamSrc), CSourceSeeking(NAME("Seek object"), pUnk, phr, &m_cStateLock), m_bActive(FALSE), m_bPaused(FALSE), m_bSeek(FALSE), m_bEOF(FALSE), m_Helper(this) { CAutoLock cAutoLock(&m_cStateLock); m_hAsyncEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, 0); // Create an event for handling asynchronous calls *phr = WMCreateReader(NULL, 0, &m_pReader); // Create WM reader } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Dtor CEncSrc::~CEncSrc() { Cleanup(); CloseHandle(m_hAsyncEvent); // Free the event } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IUnknown ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CUnknown* WINAPI CEncSrc::CreateInstance(LPUNKNOWN pUnk, HRESULT *phr) { ASSERT(phr); return (CUnknown*)(CSource*)(new CEncSrc(pUnk, phr)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STDMETHODIMP CEncSrc::NonDelegatingQueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppv) { CHECK_GET_INTERFACE(IFileSourceFilter); CHECK_GET_INTERFACE(IMediaSeeking); return CSource::NonDelegatingQueryInterface(riid, ppv); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //#include "propidl.h" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IFileSourceFilter ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STDMETHODIMP CEncSrc::Load(LPCOLESTR lpwszFileName, const AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt) { CAutoLock lck(&m_cStateLock); USES_CONVERSION; CheckPointer(lpwszFileName, E_POINTER); HRESULT hRet = S_OK; try { IWMReaderCallback* pWMCallback = (IWMReaderCallback*)&m_Helper; // Following code can be used to make the reader use an IStream rather than opening a file // CComQIPtr<IWMReaderAdvanced2> pAdv2(m_pReader); // Get the advanced reader interface // CComQIPtr<IStream> pStream(m_pPlugin); // Get the IStream of the decryptor plugin object // TRY(hRet, pAdv2->OpenStream(pStream, pWMCallback, 0)); // Set the reader to use the IStream m_pReader->Open(lpwszFileName, pWMCallback, 0); // Wait for 5 seconds at most to open if(WaitForSingleObject(m_hAsyncEvent, INFINITE) == WAIT_TIMEOUT) throw RPC_E_TIMEOUT; TRY(hRet, m_hrAsync); // Test for error GetWMStreamsAndMediaTypes(); // Get the media types for each stream CreateWMPins(); // Create a pin for each stream GetWMVDuration(lpwszFileName); // Get duration and store it m_File = lpwszFileName; } catch(HRESULT h) { hRet = h; } return hRet; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STDMETHODIMP CEncSrc::GetCurFile(LPOLESTR * ppszFileName, AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt) { CheckPointer(ppszFileName, E_POINTER); *ppszFileName = NULL; wstring wsName = m_File; if(!wsName.empty()) { DWORD n = sizeof(WCHAR)*(1 + wsName.size()); *ppszFileName = (LPOLESTR) CoTaskMemAlloc( n ); CopyMemory(*ppszFileName, wsName.c_str(), n); } // if(pmt) // CopyMediaType(&m_mt); return NOERROR; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //IMediaFilter ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STDMETHODIMP CEncSrc::Run(REFERENCE_TIME tStart) { CAutoLock lock(&m_cStateLock); if(m_bPaused) m_pReader->Resume(); // If we are running after a pause, resume the reader return CSource::Run(tStart); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STDMETHODIMP CEncSrc::Pause() { CAutoLock lock(&m_cStateLock); if(m_bActive) { m_pReader->Pause(); // If we are paused while running, pause the reader m_bPaused = TRUE; } return CSource::Pause(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IWMReaderCallback ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STDMETHODIMP CEncSrc::OnSample(DWORD dwOutputNum, QWORD qwSampleTime, QWORD qwSampleDuration, DWORD dwFlags, INSSBuffer *pSample, void *pvContext) { // Get the pin which is associated with this stream and queue the sample CEncWMVPin *pPin = (CEncWMVPin *)m_paStreams[dwOutputNum]; if(pPin->IsConnected()) { CAutoLock lock(&pPin->m_cLock); pSample->AddRef(); // Add a reference to the sample so its alive till we use it pPin->m_Samples.push(WMSample(dwFlags, pSample)); // Queue the sample } return S_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STDMETHODIMP CEncSrc::OnStatus(WMT_STATUS Status, HRESULT hr, WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE dwType, BYTE *pValue, void *pvContext) { // Flag to indicate whether we fire the event bool bFireEvent = false; switch(Status) { case WMT_CLOSED: // On open and close and stop , just fire the event case WMT_OPENED: case WMT_STOPPED: bFireEvent = true; break; case WMT_STARTED: // On start reset EOF flag m_bEOF = FALSE; break; case WMT_EOF: // On error or EOF fire the event if(!m_bEOF) m_bEOF = TRUE; bFireEvent = true; break; } if(bFireEvent) { m_hrAsync = hr; SetEvent(m_hAsyncEvent); } return S_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CSourceSeeking ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT CEncSrc::ChangeStart() { if(m_State == State_Paused) // If we are streaming { m_pReader->Pause(); // Pause the reader object m_bSeek = TRUE; // Signal that we are in a seek // Flush the pins ( as per CSourceseeking help in Dshow docs ) for(size_t i = 0; i < m_mtArray.size(); ++i) { CEncWMVPin* pPin = (CEncWMVPin*)m_paStreams[i]; if(pPin->ThreadExists()) { pPin->DeliverBeginFlush(); // Send flush request downstream pPin->Stop(); // Stop streaming pPin->DeliverEndFlush(); // Send flush stop request pPin->Run(); // Resume streaming } } m_pReader->Start(m_rtStart, 0, 1.0, 0); // Start the reader at the new position m_bSeek = FALSE; // Signal that we are done seeking } return S_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Delete the pins and free media types void CEncSrc::Cleanup() { for(size_t i = 0; i < m_mtArray.size(); ++i) CoTaskMemFree(m_mtArray[i]); // Free all the pin media types } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Wmv specific methods ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get file duration from meta data void CEncSrc::GetWMVDuration(LPCOLESTR pwszFileName) { HRESULT hr; CComQIPtr<IWMHeaderInfo3> pHdrInfo(m_pReader); // Get header info 3 interface WORD wStream = 0; // Get the duration WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE attrType = WMT_TYPE_QWORD; WORD wSize = sizeof(QWORD); TRY(hr, pHdrInfo->GetAttributeByName(&wStream, g_wszWMDuration, &attrType, (BYTE*)&m_rtDuration, &wSize)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get the WM media types for each stream void CEncSrc::GetWMStreamsAndMediaTypes() { CAutoLock cAutoLock(&m_cStateLock); CComQIPtr<IWMProfile> pProf(m_pReader); HRESULT hr; DWORD dwNumStreams; pProf->GetStreamCount(&dwNumStreams); // Get streams count for(size_t i = 0; i < dwNumStreams; ++i) // Iterate over each stream { CComPtr<IWMStreamConfig> pStreamConfig; // Get IWMStreamConfig interface pProf->GetStream(i, &pStreamConfig); CComPtr<IWMOutputMediaProps> pOutProps; // Save the media type m_pReader->GetOutputProps(i, &pOutProps); if(pOutProps) { WORD cbName; // Get the name of the stream and save it wstring wsName; TRY(hr, pStreamConfig->GetStreamName(NULL, &cbName)); wsName.resize(cbName); pStreamConfig->GetStreamName((WCHAR*), &cbName); m_PinNames.push_back(wsName); DWORD cbSize; AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt; TRY(hr, pOutProps->GetMediaType(NULL, &cbSize)); pmt = (AM_MEDIA_TYPE *)CoTaskMemAlloc(cbSize); TRY(hr, pOutProps->GetMediaType((WM_MEDIA_TYPE*)pmt, &cbSize)); m_mtArray.push_back(pmt); } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Create a pin for each stream void CEncSrc::CreateWMPins() { CAutoLock cAutoLock(&m_cStateLock); m_paStreams = (CSourceStream **) new CEncWMVPin*[m_mtArray.size()]; // Allocate pin array CComQIPtr<IWMReaderAdvanced> pAdv(m_pReader); for(size_t i = 0; i < m_mtArray.size(); ++i) { HRESULT hrDummy; // Create a pin, (its added automatically to the array) CEncWMVPin *pPin = new CEncWMVPin(&hrDummy, this, (LPCWSTR)m_PinNames[i].c_str(), m_mtArray[i], i == 0);; if(i == 0) m_pFirstPin = pPin; // Get the maximum possible sample size pAdv->GetMaxOutputSampleSize(i, &pPin->m_dwSampleSize); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CEncWMVPin ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CEncWMVPin::CEncWMVPin(HRESULT *phr, CEncSrc *pParent, LPCWSTR pPinName, AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt, BOOL bMaster) : CSourceStream(NAME("WMV Source pin"),phr, pParent, pPinName), m_bMaster(bMaster) { CAutoLock lock(&m_cLock); m_pParent = pParent; m_mt = *pmt; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Dtor CEncWMVPin::~CEncWMVPin() { CAutoLock lock(&m_cLock); while(!m_Samples.empty()) // Discard any samples left in the queue { WMSample s = m_Samples.front(); m_Samples.pop(); s.pINSSBuffer->Release(); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Pump the data HRESULT CEncWMVPin::FillBuffer(IMediaSample *pms) { // If there are no queued samples and the graph is running , then wait for them // unless its EOF or a seek while(m_Samples.empty() && m_pParent->m_bActive && !m_pParent->m_bSeek && !m_pParent->m_bEOF) Sleep(50); // If its a seek then exit if(m_pParent->m_bSeek) { pms->SetActualDataLength(0); pms->SetDiscontinuity(TRUE); return NOERROR; } // If graph is inactive stop cueing samples if(!m_pParent->m_bActive || m_pParent->m_bEOF) return S_FALSE; // Get the critical section WMSample s; { CAutoLock lock(&m_cLock); // Dequeue the sample s = m_Samples.front(); m_Samples.pop(); } DWORD dwLen; BYTE *pDataDest, *pDataSrc; // Get the buffer and size if(SUCCEEDED(s.pINSSBuffer->GetBufferAndLength(&pDataSrc, &dwLen))) { // Copy the sample pms->GetPointer(&pDataDest); memcpy(pDataDest, pDataSrc, dwLen); // Set length, flags and timestamp ( no timestamp works best!! ) pms->SetActualDataLength(dwLen); pms->SetDiscontinuity((s.dwFlags & WM_SF_DISCONTINUITY)); pms->SetSyncPoint(s.dwFlags & WM_SF_CLEANPOINT); pms->SetTime(NULL, NULL); } // Release the WM sample (we had AddRef'd it in OnSample()) s.pINSSBuffer->Release(); return NOERROR; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // See Directshow help topic for IAMStreamConfig for details on this method HRESULT CEncWMVPin::GetMediaType(int iPosition, CMediaType *pmt) { if(!iPosition) { *pmt = m_mt; return S_OK; } return VFW_S_NO_MORE_ITEMS; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This method is called to see if a given output format is supported HRESULT CEncWMVPin::CheckMediaType(const CMediaType *pmt) { if(*pmt == m_mt) // we accept the one and only media type return S_OK; else return S_FALSE; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This method is called after the pins are connected to allocate buffers to stream data HRESULT CEncWMVPin::DecideBufferSize(IMemAllocator *pAlloc, ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES *pProperties) { CAutoLock cAutoLock(m_pFilter->pStateLock()); HRESULT hr = NOERROR; pProperties->cBuffers = 5; pProperties->cbBuffer = m_dwSampleSize; ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES Actual; hr = pAlloc->SetProperties(pProperties,&Actual); if(FAILED(hr)) return hr; if(Actual.cbBuffer < pProperties->cbBuffer) return E_FAIL; return NOERROR; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT CEncWMVPin::Active() { CAutoLock lock(&m_cLock); // Grab the critical section m_pParent->m_bActive = TRUE; // Signal that we are active and streaming if(m_bMaster) // If we are the master pin then start the reader object m_pParent->m_pReader->Start(m_pParent->m_rtStart, 0, 1.0, 0); return CSourceStream::Active(); // Call the baseclass } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT CEncWMVPin::Inactive() { if(m_bMaster) // If we are the master pin then stop the reader m_pParent->m_pReader->Stop(); m_pParent->m_bActive = FALSE; // Signal that we are inactive return CSourceStream::Inactive(); // Call the baseclass } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Deliver a new segment after seek ( as explained in Dshow docs ) HRESULT CEncWMVPin::OnThreadStartPlay() { return DeliverNewSegment(m_pParent->m_rtStart, m_pParent->m_rtDuration, 1.0); }
Aus der kalten Hose heraus hätte ich gesagt, dass Du zumindest noch die Kategorie des Filters registrieren musst (CLSID_VideoInputDeviceCategory), siehe auch: How to Register DirectShow Filters. Mit dem, was Du hier zeigst, siehst Du Deinen Filter in GraphEdit ganz sicher noch nicht unter "Video Capture Sources".
Vielleicht solltest Du Dich aber erst einmal etwas mit DirectShow an sich beschäftigen, bevor Du Dich an die Erstellung eigener Filter wagst. Das wird sonst ein schwieriges Unterfangen...
Hallo lieber Mox,
erstmal danke für deinen Tip! Ich befasse mich seit dem es das gibt ganz gut damit (ein leid bleibt es dennoch.
Nun muss ein Filter her der sich als "eigens" neue Source anbiedert.
Du hast schon drauf hingewiesen, das noch ein weiteres Interface registriert werden muss.
Ich vermute auch das dieses Sample noch nicht den Anspruch genügt.
Aufgelistet wird es bereits, nun Danke für deinen Ratschlag denn der ist teuer bei DirectShow. Ich werde den Hinweis verfolgen .
Der Beitrag hat das ganze Problem sehr schön gelöst. Empfehlung :
Danke für die Mitwirkung