Netzwerk - Computer Pingen
Kann mir jemand sagen, wie ich in C einen Computer pingen kann. Aber natürlich nicht
system ("Ping") ;
Hm, da geistert eine Lösung durch's Netz, die sich auf der leider veralteten ICMP.dll abstützt... ist eine Klasse für C++, aber sollte kein Problem in C sein.
#ifndef CPING_H #define CPING_H typedef struct tagIPINFO { u_char Ttl; // Time To Live u_char Tos; // Type Of Service u_char IPFlags; // IP flags u_char OptSize; // Size of options data u_char FAR *Options; // Options data buffer }IPINFO; typedef IPINFO* PIPINFO; typedef struct tagICMPECHO { u_long Source; // Source address u_long Status; // IP status u_long RTTime; // Round trip time in milliseconds u_short DataSize; // Reply data size u_short Reserved; // Unknown void FAR *pData; // Reply data buffer IPINFO ipInfo; // Reply options }ICMPECHO; typedef ICMPECHO* PICMPECHO; class CPing { public: CPing(); ~CPing(); BOOL Ping(char* strHost); private: // ICMP.DLL Export Function Pointers HANDLE (WINAPI *pIcmpCreateFile)(VOID); BOOL (WINAPI *pIcmpCloseHandle)(HANDLE); DWORD (WINAPI *pIcmpSendEcho) (HANDLE,DWORD,LPVOID,WORD,PIPINFO,LPVOID,DWORD,DWORD); HANDLE hndlIcmp; // LoadLibrary() handle to ICMP.DLL BOOL bValid; // if it doesn't construct properly, it won't be valid }; #endif und dann die Implementation: Code: #include "CPing.h" CPing::CPing() { bValid = FALSE; WSADATA wsaData; // WSADATA int nRet; // General use return code // Dynamically load the ICMP.DLL hndlIcmp = LoadLibrary("ICMP.DLL"); if (hndlIcmp == NULL) { ::MessageBox(NULL, "Could not load ICMP.DLL", "Error:", MB_OK); return; } // Retrieve ICMP function pointers pIcmpCreateFile = (HANDLE (WINAPI *)(void)) GetProcAddress((HMODULE)hndlIcmp,"IcmpCreateFile"); pIcmpCloseHandle = (BOOL (WINAPI *)(HANDLE)) GetProcAddress((HMODULE)hndlIcmp,"IcmpCloseHandle"); pIcmpSendEcho = (DWORD (WINAPI *) (HANDLE,DWORD,LPVOID,WORD,PIPINFO,LPVOID,DWORD,DWORD)) GetProcAddress((HMODULE)hndlIcmp,"IcmpSendEcho"); // Check all the function pointers if (pIcmpCreateFile == NULL | | pIcmpCloseHandle == NULL | | pIcmpSendEcho == NULL) { ::MessageBox(NULL, "Error loading ICMP.DLL", "Error:", MB_OK); FreeLibrary((HMODULE)hndlIcmp); return; } // Init WinSock nRet = WSAStartup(0x0101, &wsaData ); if (nRet) { ::MessageBox(NULL, "WSAStartup() error:", "Error:", MB_OK); WSACleanup(); FreeLibrary((HMODULE)hndlIcmp); return; } // Check WinSock version if (0x0101 != wsaData.wVersion) { ::MessageBox(NULL, "No WinSock version 1.1 support found", "Error:", MB_OK); WSACleanup(); FreeLibrary((HMODULE)hndlIcmp); return; } bValid = TRUE; } CPing::~CPing() { WSACleanup(); FreeLibrary((HMODULE)hndlIcmp); } int CPing::Ping(char* strHost) { struct in_addr iaDest; // Internet address structure LPHOSTENT pHost; // Pointer to host entry structure DWORD *dwAddress; // IP Address IPINFO ipInfo; // IP Options structure ICMPECHO icmpEcho; // ICMP Echo reply buffer HANDLE hndlFile; // Handle for IcmpCreateFile() if(!bValid) { return FALSE; } // Lookup destination // Use inet_addr() to determine if we're dealing with a name // or an address iaDest.s_addr = inet_addr(strHost); if (iaDest.s_addr == INADDR_NONE) pHost = gethostbyname(strHost); else pHost = gethostbyaddr((const char *)&iaDest, sizeof(struct in_addr), AF_INET); if (pHost == NULL) { return FALSE; } // Copy the IP address dwAddress = (DWORD *)(*pHost->h_addr_list); // Get an ICMP echo request handle hndlFile = pIcmpCreateFile(); // Set some reasonable default values ipInfo.Ttl = 255; ipInfo.Tos = 0; ipInfo.IPFlags = 0; ipInfo.OptSize = 0; ipInfo.Options = NULL; icmpEcho.Status = 0; // Reqest an ICMP echo pIcmpSendEcho( hndlFile, // Handle from IcmpCreateFile() *dwAddress, // Destination IP address NULL, // Pointer to buffer to send 0, // Size of buffer in bytes &ipInfo, // Request options &icmpEcho, // Reply buffer sizeof(struct tagICMPECHO), 1000); // Time to wait in milliseconds // Print the results iaDest.s_addr = icmpEcho.Source; if (icmpEcho.Status) { return FALSE; } // Close the echo request file handle pIcmpCloseHandle(hndlFile); return TRUE; }
CPing Ping; int nTime; nTime = Ping.Ping(""); nTime = Ping.Ping("");
liefert dann die Zeit in Millisekunden.
Für modernere Lösungen via Winsock2 mußt Du mal bei suchen.
[ 09.07.2001: Beitrag editiert von: class CMarcus ]