Uhrzeit anzeigen
hat jemand ein Codebeispiel, wie man die Zeit anzeigen kann, ich meine eine bios-funktion, die ich in mein os einbinden könnte.also die zeit,die im bios eingestellt ist.Danke
hier was zum cmos auslesen:
/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File Name : cmos.h Purpose : Declarations for accessing CMOS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef __cmos_h__ #define __cmos_h__ typedef struct time_str_tag { int hour; int minute; int second; }time_stamp; typedef struct date_str_tag { int year; int month; int date; int day; }date_stamp; class Cmos { public: int read(unsigned char); int read_bcd(unsigned char address); void time(time_stamp &); void date(date_stamp &); private: bool busy(); int bcd2bin(unsigned char); }; #define CMOS_OUT_PORT 0x70 #define CMOS_IN_PORT 0x71 #define SECOND 0x00 #define MINUTE 0x02 #define HOUR 0x04 #define DAY 0x06 #define DATE 0x07 #define MONTH 0x08 #define YEAR 0x09 #define STATUS_A 0x0A #define STATUS_B 0x0B #define STATUS_C 0x0C #define STATUS_D 0x0D #endif
und nun die Cpp:
#include "cmos.h" int Cmos::read(unsigned char address) //reads a byte out of the cmos { while(busy()); outportb(CMOS_OUT_PORT, 0x80|address); //Use 0x80 coz we need to disable NMI return inportb(CMOS_IN_PORT); } int Cmos::read_bcd(unsigned char address) { return bcd2bin(read(address)); } bool Cmos::busy() //checks if the cmos is ready { outportb(CMOS_OUT_PORT, 0x80|STATUS_A); if(inportb(CMOS_IN_PORT) & 0x80) //Bit 7 is set in Status Register A if Clock is busy return true; else return false; } int Cmos::bcd2bin(unsigned char bcd) //binary coded decimal to binary converter { return((bcd & 0xF) + ((bcd >> 4) * 10)); } void Cmos::time(time_stamp &time) //gets the time from the cmos { time.second = read_bcd(SECOND); time.minute = read_bcd(MINUTE); time.hour = read_bcd(HOUR); } void Cmos::date(date_stamp &date) //gets the date from the cmos { date.year = (read_bcd(0x32) * 100) + read_bcd(YEAR); //0x32 is the century number in the cmos date.month = read_bcd(MONTH); date.date = read_bcd(DATE); date.day = read_bcd(DAY); }
Ich hoffe das reicht
danke, aber ich wollts in assembler-code (x86)
okay nur noch die paar Funktionen dann solltest du echt keine Probleme haben das auf x86 umzuschreiben
inline static unsigned char inportb(int port) { register unsigned char r; asm volatile ( "inb %%dx, %%al\n\t" : "=a" (r) : "d" (port) ); return (r); } inline static void outportb(int port, unsigned char data) { asm volatile ( "outb %%al, %%dx\n\t" : : "a" (data), "d" (port) ); } inline static unsigned short inportw(int port) { register unsigned short r; asm volatile ( "inw %%dx, %%ax\n\t" : "=a" (r) : "d" (port) ); return (r); } inline static void outportw(int port, unsigned short data) { asm volatile ( "outw %%ax, %%dx\n\t" : : "a" (data), "d" (port) ); }
Alles Assembler
funzt super unter GCC
du kannst das ganze auch über
BIOS-Interrupt 1Ah (Funktion 0x02) machen, solange dein OS im Real-Mode arbeitet (oder im Virtual86-Mode).