Auf andre Anwendunegn zugreifen

  • Hi hab mal ne mehr allgemeine Frage und hoffe sie mit den MFC zu lösen.
    Und zwar will ich wissen wie man auf andre Anwendungen zur Laufzeit zugreift. z.B wie man winamp bedienen kann ( stop,play ,prev ,...)

    oder auch seinen ICQ status ändern kann wie das diverse game joiner machen ( gamespy etc..)

    hoffe mir kann einer helfen :)...

    mfG Leseratte

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  • du musst dir einen Handel auf das Programm holen...
    Wie genau das funzt weiss ich jetzt nicht, glaub aber das ich was in den FAQ gesehen habe...

  • hab leider nix gefunden hab MFC FAQ durchwühlt....

  • Also wie das mit dem fenster handle geht weiss ich aber damit kann ich ja nur das fenster verändern .... bitte helft mir ....

  • .... kann mir keiner was dazu sagen 😕 😞 .....

  • Du sollt5es bei winamp schauen. Da gibt es IMHO eine API oder ähnliches um es extern zu steuern.
    Wenn du den fensterhandle hast kannst du dem Programm Messages senden die es verarbeiten muss.

    [ Dieser Beitrag wurde am 01.08.2002 um 10:12 Uhr von Unix-Tom editiert. ]

  • Aber die Messages die ich da schicken kann sind doch nur so Sachen wie neuzeichenn, bewegen , oder und so aber doch ned für die ganzen Funtionen die das Prog hat ?

  • Drtum sagte ich ja. Schau bei Winamp nach da die es IMHO implementiert haben das man von extern zugreifen kann.

  • Original erstellt von Unix-Tom:
    Drtum sagte ich ja. Schau bei Winamp nach da die es IMHO implementiert haben das man von extern zugreifen kann.

    hm kann damit ned so viel anfangen was meinst du mit IMHO, nach was soll ich inner winapi suchen ?

  • Auf der Winamp-Page bzw. im Winamp-Ornder sollst du nach einer API suchen. Mit dieser API kannst du dann auf Winamp zugreifen.

    MfG SideWinder

  • THX 🙂

    ich denke das sieht gut aus

    #ifndef _WAFE_H_
    #define _WAFE_H_
    ** Winamp frontend/plug-in control API documentation v1.1.
    ** By Justin Frankel. Updates by Christophe Thibault.
    ** Copyright (C) 1997-2000, Nullsoft Inc.
    ** Last updated: JUL.12.2000.
    ** Introduction
    ** -----------------------
    ** This file describes a means to easily communicate to Winamp
    ** via the classic Win32 Message API. 
    ** These definitions/code assume C/C++. Porting to VB/Delphi shouldn't
    ** be too hard.
    ** First, you find the HWND of the Winamp main window. From a plug-in
    ** you can easily extract this from the plug-in structure (hMainWindow,
    ** hwndParent, whatever). For external apps, use:
    ** HWND hwnd_winamp = FindWindow("Winamp v1.x",NULL);
    ** (note: I know, we're in Winamp 2.x, but it's 1.x for compatibility)
    ** Once you have the hwnd_winamp, it's a good idea to check the version 
    ** number. To do this, you send a WM_WA_IPC message to hwnd_winamp.
    ** Note that WM_WA_IPC is defined as Win32's WM_USER.
    ** Note that sometimes you might want to use PostMessage instead of
    ** SendMessage.
    #define WM_WA_IPC WM_USER
    #define IPC_GETVERSION 0
    ** int version = SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,0,IPC_GETVERSION);
    ** Version will be 0x20yx for winamp 2.yx. versions previous to Winamp 2.0
    ** typically (but not always) use 0x1zyx for 1.zx versions. Weird, I know.
    ** The basic format for sending messages to Winamp is:
    ** int result=SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,command_data,command);
    ** (for the version check, command_data is 0).
    #define IPC_DELETE 101
    ** SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,0,IPC_DELETE);
    ** You can use IPC_DELETE to clear Winamp's internal playlist.
    #define IPC_STARTPLAY 102
    ** SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,0,IPC_STARTPLAY);
    ** Using IPC_STARTPLAY is like hitting 'Play' in Winamp, mostly.
    #define IPC_ISPLAYING 104
    ** int res = SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,0,IPC_ISPLAYING);
    ** IPC_ISPLAYING returns the status of playback.
    ** If it returns 1, it is playing. if it returns 3, it is paused, 
    ** if it returns 0, it is not playing.
    #define IPC_GETOUTPUTTIME 105
    ** int res = SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,mode,IPC_GETOUTPUTTIME);
    ** IPC_GETOUTPUTTIME returns the position in milliseconds of the 
    ** current song (mode = 0), or the song length, in seconds (mode = 1).
    ** Returns -1 if not playing or error.
    #define IPC_JUMPTOTIME 106
    /* (requires Winamp 1.60+)
    ** SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,ms,IPC_JUMPTOTIME);
    ** IPC_JUMPTOTIME sets the position in milliseconds of the 
    ** current song (approximately).
    ** Returns -1 if not playing, 1 on eof, or 0 if successful
    #define IPC_WRITEPLAYLIST 120
    /* (requires Winamp 1.666+)
    ** SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,0,IPC_WRITEPLAYLIST);
    ** IPC_WRITEPLAYLIST writes the current playlist to <winampdir>\\Winamp.m3u,
    ** and returns the current playlist position.
    ** Kinda obsoleted by some of the 2.x new stuff, but still good for when
    ** using a front-end (instead of a plug-in)
    #define IPC_SETPLAYLISTPOS 121
    /* (requires Winamp 2.0+)
    ** SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,position,IPC_SETPLAYLISTPOS)
    ** IPC_SETPLAYLISTPOS sets the playlsit position to 'position'.
    #define IPC_SETVOLUME 122
    /* (requires Winamp 2.0+)
    ** SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,volume,IPC_SETVOLUME);
    ** IPC_SETVOLUME sets the volume of Winamp (from 0-255).
    #define IPC_SETPANNING 123
    /* (requires Winamp 2.0+)
    ** SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,panning,IPC_SETPANNING);
    ** IPC_SETPANNING sets the panning of Winamp (from 0 (left) to 255 (right)).
    #define IPC_GETLISTLENGTH 124
    /* (requires Winamp 2.0+)
    ** int length = SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,0,IPC_GETLISTLENGTH);
    ** IPC_GETLISTLENGTH returns the length of the current playlist, in
    ** tracks.
    #define IPC_SETSKIN 200
    /* (requires Winamp 2.04+, only usable from plug-ins (not external apps))
    ** SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,(WPARAM)"skinname",IPC_SETSKIN);
    ** IPC_SETSKIN sets the current skin to "skinname". Note that skinname 
    ** can be the name of a skin, a skin .zip file, with or without path. 
    ** If path isn't specified, the default search path is the winamp skins 
    ** directory.
    #define IPC_GETSKIN 201
    /* (requires Winamp 2.04+, only usable from plug-ins (not external apps))
    ** SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,(WPARAM)skinname_buffer,IPC_GETSKIN);
    ** IPC_GETSKIN puts the directory where skin bitmaps can be found 
    ** into  skinname_buffer.
    ** skinname_buffer must be MAX_PATH characters in length.
    ** When using a .zip'd skin file, it'll return a temporary directory
    ** where the ZIP was decompressed.
    #define IPC_EXECPLUG 202
    /* (requires Winamp 2.04+, only usable from plug-ins (not external apps))
    ** SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,(WPARAM)"vis_file.dll",IPC_EXECPLUG);
    ** IPC_EXECPLUG executes a visualization plug-in pointed to by WPARAM.
    ** the format of this string can be:
    ** "vis_whatever.dll"
    ** "vis_whatever.dll,0" // (first mod, file in winamp plug-in dir)
    ** "C:\\dir\\vis_whatever.dll,1" 
    /* (requires Winamp 2.04+, only usable from plug-ins (not external apps))
    ** char *name=SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,index,IPC_GETPLAYLISTFILE);
    ** IPC_GETPLAYLISTFILE gets the filename of the playlist entry [index].
    ** returns a pointer to it. returns NULL on error.
    /* (requires Winamp 2.04+, only usable from plug-ins (not external apps))
    ** char *name=SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,index,IPC_GETPLAYLISTTITLE);
    ** IPC_GETPLAYLISTTITLE gets the title of the playlist entry [index].
    ** returns a pointer to it. returns NULL on error.
    #define IPC_GETLISTPOS 125
    /* (requires Winamp 2.05+)
    ** int pos=SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,0,IPC_GETLISTPOS);
    ** IPC_GETLISTPOS returns the playlist position. A lot like IPC_WRITEPLAYLIST
    ** only faster since it doesn't have to write out the list. Heh, silly me.
    #define IPC_GETINFO 126 
    /* (requires Winamp 2.05+)
    ** int inf=SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,mode,IPC_GETINFO);
    ** IPC_GETINFO returns info about the current playing song. The value
    ** it returns depends on the value of 'mode'.
    ** Mode      Meaning
    ** ------------------
    ** 0         Samplerate (i.e. 44100)
    ** 1         Bitrate  (i.e. 128)
    ** 2         Channels (i.e. 2)
    #define IPC_GETEQDATA 127 
    /* (requires Winamp 2.05+)
    ** int data=SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,pos,IPC_GETEQDATA);
    ** IPC_GETEQDATA queries the status of the EQ. 
    ** The value returned depends on what 'pos' is set to:
    ** Value      Meaning
    ** ------------------
    ** 0-9        The 10 bands of EQ data. 0-63 (+20db - -20db)
    ** 10         The preamp value. 0-63 (+20db - -20db)
    ** 11         Enabled. zero if disabled, nonzero if enabled.
    ** 12         Autoload. zero if disabled, nonzero if enabled.
    #define IPC_SETEQDATA 128
    /* (requires Winamp 2.05+)
    ** SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,pos,IPC_GETEQDATA);
    ** SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,value,IPC_SETEQDATA);
    ** IPC_SETEQDATA sets the value of the last position retrieved
    ** by IPC_GETEQDATA.
    #define IPC_ADDBOOKMARK 129
    /* (requires Winamp 2.4+)
    ** SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,(WPARAM)file,IPC_ADDBOOKMARK);
    ** IPC_ADDBOOKMARK will add the specified file to the Winamp bookmark list.
    #define IPC_RESTARTWINAMP 135
    /* (requires Winamp 2.2+)
    ** SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,0,IPC_RESTARTWINAMP);
    ** IPC_RESTARTWINAMP will restart Winamp (isn't that obvious ? :)
    #define IPC_MBOPEN 241
    /* (requires Winamp 2.05+)
    ** SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,0,IPC_MBOPEN);
    ** SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,(WPARAM)url,IPC_MBOPEN);
    ** IPC_MBOPEN will open a new URL in the minibrowser. if url is NULL, it will open the Minibrowser window.
    #define IPC_INETAVAILABLE 242
    /* (requires Winamp 2.05+)
    ** val=SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,0,IPC_INETAVAILABLE);
    ** IPC_INETAVAILABLE will return 1 if the Internet connection is available for Winamp.
    #define IPC_UPDTITLE 243
    /* (requires Winamp 2.2+)
    ** SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,0,IPC_UPDTITLE);
    ** IPC_UPDTITLE will ask Winamp to update the informations about the current title.
    /* (requires Winamp 2.05+)
    ** SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,(WPARAM)file,IPC_CHANGECURRENTFILE);
    ** IPC_CHANGECURRENTFILE will set the current playlist item.
    #define IPC_GETMBURL 246
    /* (requires Winamp 2.2+)
    ** char buffer[4096]; // Urls can be VERY long
    ** SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,(WPARAM)buffer,IPC_GETMBURL);
    ** IPC_GETMBURL will retrieve the current Minibrowser URL into buffer.
    #define IPC_REFRESHPLCACHE 247
    /* (requires Winamp 2.2+)
    ** SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,0,IPC_REFRESHPLCACHE);
    ** IPC_REFRESHPLCACHE will flush the playlist cache buffer.
    #define IPC_MBBLOCK 248
    /* (requires Winamp 2.4+)
    ** SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,value,IPC_MBBLOCK);
    ** IPC_MBBLOCK will block the Minibrowser from updates if value is set to 1
    #define IPC_MBOPENREAL 249
    /* (requires Winamp 2.4+)
    ** SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,(WPARAM)url,IPC_MBOPENREAL);
    ** IPC_MBOPENREAL works the same as IPC_MBOPEN except that it will works even if 
    ** IPC_MBBLOCK has been set to 1
    #define IPC_GET_SHUFFLE 250
    /* (requires Winamp 2.4+)
    ** val=SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,0,IPC_GET_SHUFFLE);
    ** IPC_GET_SHUFFLE returns the status of the Shuffle option (1 if set)
    #define IPC_GET_REPEAT 251
    /* (requires Winamp 2.4+)
    ** val=SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,0,IPC_GET_REPEAT);
    ** IPC_GET_REPEAT returns the status of the Repeat option (1 if set)
    #define IPC_SET_SHUFFLE 252
    /* (requires Winamp 2.4+)
    ** SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,value,IPC_SET_SHUFFLE);
    ** IPC_SET_SHUFFLE sets the status of the Shuffle option (1 to turn it on)
    #define IPC_SET_REPEAT 253
    /* (requires Winamp 2.4+)
    ** SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,value,IPC_SET_REPEAT);
    ** IPC_SET_REPEAT sets the status of the Repeat option (1 to turn it on)
    ** Some API calls tend to require that you send data via WM_COPYDATA
    ** instead of WM_USER. Such as IPC_PLAYFILE:
    #define IPC_PLAYFILE 100
    ** cds.dwData = IPC_PLAYFILE;
    ** cds.lpData = (void *) "file.mp3";
    ** cds.cbData = strlen((char *) cds.lpData)+1; // include space for null char
    ** SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_COPYDATA,(WPARAM)NULL,(LPARAM)&cds);
    ** This will play the file "file.mp3".
    #define IPC_CHDIR 103
    ** cds.dwData = IPC_CHDIR;
    ** cds.lpData = (void *) "c:\\download";
    ** cds.cbData = strlen((char *) cds.lpData)+1; // include space for null char
    ** SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_COPYDATA,(WPARAM)NULL,(LPARAM)&cds);
    ** This will make Winamp change to the directory C:\\download
    ** Finally there are some WM_COMMAND messages that you can use to send 
    ** Winamp misc commands.
    ** To send these, use:
    ** SendMessage(hwnd_winamp, WM_COMMAND,command_name,0);
    #define WINAMP_OPTIONS_EQ               40036 // toggles the EQ window
    #define WINAMP_OPTIONS_PLEDIT           40040 // toggles the playlist window
    #define WINAMP_VOLUMEUP                 40058 // turns the volume up a little
    #define WINAMP_VOLUMEDOWN               40059 // turns the volume down a little
    #define WINAMP_FFWD5S                   40060 // fast forwards 5 seconds
    #define WINAMP_REW5S                    40061 // rewinds 5 seconds
    // the following are the five main control buttons, with optionally shift 
    // or control pressed
    // (for the exact functions of each, just try it out)
    #define WINAMP_BUTTON1                  40044
    #define WINAMP_BUTTON2                  40045
    #define WINAMP_BUTTON3                  40046
    #define WINAMP_BUTTON4                  40047
    #define WINAMP_BUTTON5                  40048
    #define WINAMP_BUTTON1_SHIFT            40144
    #define WINAMP_BUTTON2_SHIFT            40145
    #define WINAMP_BUTTON3_SHIFT            40146
    #define WINAMP_BUTTON4_SHIFT            40147
    #define WINAMP_BUTTON5_SHIFT            40148
    #define WINAMP_BUTTON1_CTRL             40154
    #define WINAMP_BUTTON2_CTRL             40155
    #define WINAMP_BUTTON3_CTRL             40156
    #define WINAMP_BUTTON4_CTRL             40157
    #define WINAMP_BUTTON5_CTRL             40158
    #define WINAMP_FILE_PLAY                40029 // pops up the load file(s) box
    #define WINAMP_OPTIONS_PREFS            40012 // pops up the preferences
    #define WINAMP_OPTIONS_AOT              40019 // toggles always on top
    #define WINAMP_HELP_ABOUT               40041 // pops up the about box :)
    ** EOF.. Enjoy.

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