Bitte um Hilfe

  • Kann mir jemand erklären was diese Funktion macht? Trotz kommentaren versteh ich nicht wie sie arbeitet

    // Writes single record in configuration table
    //    *buf --> Points to buffer which receives HTML
    //    idx  --> Index of current record (starting with zero)
    // Returns
    //    Number of generated HTML bytes
    static int FS20_showrecord (UINT8 *buf, int idx)
       static char *input_radio_start = "<INPUT TYPE=RADIO";
       static char *input_text_start = "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT";
       static char *input_end = ">";
       static char *comment_start = "&nbsp;<!--";
       static char *comment_mark = "&#176<!--";
       static char *comment_learn = "<marquee>+</marquee><!--";
       static char *comment_end = " -->";
       // Dynamic
       char link[] = {0,0};
       char *name = FS20_ee_readname(idx);
       char type = FS20_ee_readtype(idx);
       int idx3 = idx * 3;
       link[0] = FS20_ee_readlink(idx) + '0';
       return sprintf
             "<TR ALIGN=CENTER>"
                   "%s NAME='%x' MAXLENGTH=20%s%s"
                   "%s NAME='%x' MAXLENGTH=1 SIZE=1 VALUE='-'%s%s"
                   "%s NAME='%x' VALUE='%x'%s"
                   "%s NAME='%x' VALUE='%x'%s"
                   "%s NAME='%x' VALUE='%x'%s"
             // Record number (1 is firts record)
             // Record name
             type == FS20_RT_EMPTY ? input_text_start : comment_start,
             type == FS20_RT_EMPTY ? input_end : comment_end,
             type == FS20_RT_EMPTY ? "" : name,
             // Link
             type == FS20_RT_EMPTY ? input_text_start : comment_start,
             type == FS20_RT_EMPTY ? input_end : comment_end,
             type == FS20_RT_EMPTY ? "" : (link[0] == '0' ? "--" : link),
             // Learn WLAN radio button
             type == FS20_RT_EMPTY ? input_radio_start : (type == FS20_RT_WLAN ? comment_mark : (type == FS20_RT_LEARN_WLAN ? comment_learn : comment_start)),
             WEB_FS20_RADIO + idx3,
             type == FS20_RT_EMPTY ? input_end : comment_end,
             // Learn RS232 radio button
             type == FS20_RT_EMPTY ? input_radio_start : (type == FS20_RT_RS232 ? comment_mark : (type == FS20_RT_LEARN_RS232 ? comment_learn : comment_start)),
             WEB_FS20_RADIO + idx3 + 1,
             type == FS20_RT_EMPTY ? input_end : comment_end,
             // Release button
             type != FS20_RT_EMPTY ? input_radio_start : comment_start,
             WEB_FS20_RADIO + idx3 + 2,
             type != FS20_RT_EMPTY ? input_end : comment_end

    Und diese Makros sind mir auch suspekt

    // Offset of field of FS20_RECORD
    #define FS20_FIELD_OFFSET(_field_) ((int)&(((FS20_RECORD *)0)->_field_))
    // Base of FS20_RECORD in EEPROM
    #define FS20_RECORD_BASE(_num_) ((_num_)*sizeof(FS20_RECORD))
    // Base of field of FS20_RECORD in EEPROM
    #define FS20_FIELD_BASE(_idx_,_name_) (EE_FS20RECORDS_BASE + FS20_RECORD_BASE(_idx_) + FS20_FIELD_OFFSET(_name_))

    Namen und Kommentare sind eindeutig, finde ich, aber ich verstehe die Arbeitsweise nicht.

    Danke im Voraus.

  • kannst du vielleicht den ganzen code mitliefern??
    was fehlt und was kann ich daraus lesen:

    / Writes single record in configuration table
    //    *buf --> Points to buffer which receives HTML
    //    idx  --> Index of current record (starting with zero)
    // Returns
    //    Number of generated HTML bytes
    static int FS20_showrecord (UINT8 *buf, int idx)/* was ist UINT8 soll das ein unsignet int mit 8 bit sein man müsste schon sehen wo typedef angewant wird woher wass ungefaer bekommt idx*/
       //ist klar hier werden dann die variablen die dann über x = y ? z : a
       //zugeordnet werden ausgegeben
       static char *input_radio_start = "<INPUT TYPE=RADIO";
       static char *input_text_start = "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT";
       static char *input_end = ">";
       static char *comment_start = "&nbsp;<!--";
       static char *comment_mark = "&#176<!--";
       static char *comment_learn = "<marquee>+</marquee><!--";
       static char *comment_end = " -->";
       // Dynamic
       char link[] = {0,0};
       char *name = FS20_ee_readname(idx); //wo was macht diese methode
       char type = FS20_ee_readtype(idx);//und diese???
       int idx3 = idx * 3;
       link[0] = FS20_ee_readlink(idx) + '0';//und diese???
       return sprintf
             buf,  //das folgende wird in buf gescrieben und der ganze block wird returned
             "<TR ALIGN=CENTER>"
                   "%s NAME='%x' MAXLENGTH=20%s%s"
                   "%s NAME='%x' MAXLENGTH=1 SIZE=1 VALUE='-'%s%s"
                   "%s NAME='%x' VALUE='%x'%s"
                   "%s NAME='%x' VALUE='%x'%s"
                   "%s NAME='%x' VALUE='%x'%s"
             // Record number (1 is firts record)
             FS20_LINKNUMBER(idx),//wo ist diese methode
             // Record name
             type == FS20_RT_EMPTY ? input_text_start : comment_start,//wieso ==??????
             type == FS20_RT_EMPTY ? input_end : comment_end,
             type == FS20_RT_EMPTY ? "" : name,
             // Link
             type == FS20_RT_EMPTY ? input_text_start : comment_start,
             type == FS20_RT_EMPTY ? input_end : comment_end,
             type == FS20_RT_EMPTY ? "" : (link[0] == '0' ? "--" : link),
             // Learn WLAN radio button
             type == FS20_RT_EMPTY ? input_radio_start : (type == FS20_RT_WLAN ? comment_mark : (type == FS20_RT_LEARN_WLAN ? comment_learn : comment_start)),
             WEB_FS20_RADIO + idx3,
             type == FS20_RT_EMPTY ? input_end : comment_end,
             // Learn RS232 radio button
             type == FS20_RT_EMPTY ? input_radio_start : (type == FS20_RT_RS232 ? comment_mark : (type == FS20_RT_LEARN_RS232 ? comment_learn : comment_start)),
             WEB_FS20_RADIO + idx3 + 1,
             type == FS20_RT_EMPTY ? input_end : comment_end,
             // Release button
             type != FS20_RT_EMPTY ? input_radio_start : comment_start,
             WEB_FS20_RADIO + idx3 + 2,
             type != FS20_RT_EMPTY ? input_end : comment_end

    du musst schon mehr informationen liefern sonst kann man nicht produktiv analysieren

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