JTextPane Drucken
Ich suche etwas zum ausdrucken eine JTextPane und zwar RTF. Habe dann auch eine Klasse gefunden die das macht und auch die Seitenumbrüche sauber macht. ( Keinen Seitenumbruch während einer Zeile. Jetzt ist es aber so das ich in der JTextPane ein JComponent darstellen will. Das funkt auch aber wird nicht ausgedruckt. Kann mir da jemand helfen ? Im Netzt fand ich immer die selben Probleme aber nie lösungen.Hier der Code der Drucker Klasse die ich zum Rendern der Seite benutzte :
package com.sk.util; /* Copyright 2002 Kei G. Gauthier Suite 301 77 Winsor Street Ludlow, MA 01056 */ import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.Shape; import java.awt.print.PageFormat; import java.awt.print.Printable; import java.awt.print.PrinterException; import java.awt.print.PrinterJob; import javax.swing.JEditorPane; import javax.swing.text.Document; import javax.swing.text.PlainDocument; import javax.swing.text.View; import javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument; public class DocumentRenderer implements Printable { /* DocumentRenderer prints objects of type Document. Text attributes, including fonts, color, and small icons, will be rendered to a printed page. DocumentRenderer computes line breaks, paginates, and performs other formatting. An HTMLDocument is printed by sending it as an argument to the print(HTMLDocument) method. A PlainDocument is printed the same way. Other types of documents must be sent in a JEditorPane as an argument to the print(JEditorPane) method. Printing Documents in this way will automatically display a print dialog. As objects which implement the Printable Interface, instances of the DocumentRenderer class can also be used as the argument in the setPrintable method of the PrinterJob class. Instead of using the print() methods detailed above, a programmer may gain access to the formatting capabilities of this class without using its print dialog by creating an instance of DocumentRenderer and setting the document to be printed with the setDocument() or setJEditorPane(). The Document may then be printed by setting the instance of DocumentRenderer in any PrinterJob. */ protected int currentPage = -1; //Used to keep track of when //the page to print changes. protected JEditorPane jeditorPane; //Container to hold the //Document. This object will //be used to lay out the //Document for printing. protected double pageEndY = 0; //Location of the current page //end. protected double pageStartY = 0; //Location of the current page //start. protected boolean scaleWidthToFit = true; //boolean to allow control over //whether pages too wide to fit //on a page will be scaled. /* The DocumentRenderer class uses pFormat and pJob in its methods. Note that pFormat is not the variable name used by the print method of the DocumentRenderer. Although it would always be expected to reference the pFormat object, the print method gets its PageFormat as an argument. */ protected PageFormat pFormat; protected PrinterJob pJob; /* The constructor initializes the pFormat and PJob variables. */ public DocumentRenderer() { pFormat = new PageFormat(); pJob = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob(); } /* Method to get the current Document */ public Document getDocument() { if (jeditorPane != null) return jeditorPane.getDocument(); else return null; } /* Method to get the current choice the width scaling option. */ public boolean getScaleWidthToFit() { return scaleWidthToFit; } /* pageDialog() displays a page setup dialog. */ public void pageDialog() { pFormat = pJob.pageDialog(pFormat); } /* The print method implements the Printable interface. Although Printables may be called to render a page more than once, each page is painted in order. We may, therefore, keep track of changes in the page being rendered by setting the currentPage variable to equal the pageIndex, and then comparing these variables on subsequent calls to this method. When the two variables match, it means that the page is being rendered for the second or third time. When the currentPage differs from the pageIndex, a new page is being requested. The highlights of the process used print a page are as follows: I. The Graphics object is cast to a Graphics2D object to allow for scaling. II. The JEditorPane is laid out using the width of a printable page. This will handle line breaks. If the JEditorPane cannot be sized at the width of the graphics clip, scaling will be allowed. III. The root view of the JEditorPane is obtained. By examining this root view and all of its children, printView will be able to determine the location of each printable element of the document. IV. If the scaleWidthToFit option is chosen, a scaling ratio is determined, and the graphics2D object is scaled. V. The Graphics2D object is clipped to the size of the printable page. VI. currentPage is checked to see if this is a new page to render. If so, pageStartY and pageEndY are reset. VII. To match the coordinates of the printable clip of graphics2D and the allocation rectangle which will be used to lay out the views, graphics2D is translated to begin at the printable X and Y coordinates of the graphics clip. VIII. An allocation Rectangle is created to represent the layout of the Views. The Printable Interface always prints the area indexed by reference to the Graphics object. For instance, with a standard 8.5 x 11 inch page with 1 inch margins the rectangle X = 72, Y = 72, Width = 468, and Height = 648, the area 72, 72, 468, 648 will be painted regardless of which page is actually being printed. To align the allocation Rectangle with the graphics2D object two things are done. The first step is to translate the X and Y coordinates of the graphics2D object to begin at the X and Y coordinates of the printable clip, see step VII. Next, when printing other than the first page, the allocation rectangle must start laying out in coordinates represented by negative numbers. After page one, the beginning of the allocation is started at minus the page end of the prior page. This moves the part which has already been rendered to before the printable clip of the graphics2D object. X. The printView method is called to paint the page. Its return value will indicate if a page has been rendered. Although public, print should not ordinarily be called by programs other than PrinterJob. */ public int print(Graphics graphics, PageFormat pageFormat, int pageIndex) { double scale = 1.0; Graphics2D graphics2D; View rootView; //I graphics2D = (Graphics2D) graphics; //II jeditorPane.setSize((int) pageFormat.getImageableWidth(),Integer.MAX_VALUE); jeditorPane.validate(); //III rootView = jeditorPane.getUI().getRootView(jeditorPane); //IV if ((scaleWidthToFit) && (jeditorPane.getMinimumSize().getWidth() > pageFormat.getImageableWidth())) { scale = pageFormat.getImageableWidth()/ jeditorPane.getMinimumSize().getWidth(); graphics2D.scale(scale,scale); } //V graphics2D.setClip((int) (pageFormat.getImageableX()/scale), (int) (pageFormat.getImageableY()/scale), (int) (pageFormat.getImageableWidth()/scale), (int) (pageFormat.getImageableHeight()/scale)); //VI if (pageIndex > currentPage) { currentPage = pageIndex; pageStartY += pageEndY; pageEndY = graphics2D.getClipBounds().getHeight(); } //VII graphics2D.translate(graphics2D.getClipBounds().getX(), graphics2D.getClipBounds().getY()); //VIII Rectangle allocation = new Rectangle(0, (int) -pageStartY, (int) (jeditorPane.getMinimumSize().getWidth()), (int) (jeditorPane.getPreferredSize().getHeight())); //X if (printView(graphics2D,allocation,rootView)) { return Printable.PAGE_EXISTS; } else { pageStartY = 0; pageEndY = 0; currentPage = -1; return Printable.NO_SUCH_PAGE; } } /* print(HTMLDocument) is called to set an HTMLDocument for printing. */ public void print(HTMLDocument htmlDocument) { setDocument(htmlDocument); printDialog(); } /* print(JEditorPane) prints a Document contained within a JEDitorPane. */ public void print(JEditorPane jedPane) { setDocument(jedPane); printDialog(); } /* print(PlainDocument) is called to set a PlainDocument for printing. */ public void print(PlainDocument plainDocument) { setDocument(plainDocument); printDialog(); } /* A protected method, printDialog(), displays the print dialog and initiates printing in response to user input. */ protected void printDialog() { if (pJob.printDialog()) { pJob.setPrintable(this,pFormat); try { pJob.print(); } catch (PrinterException printerException) { pageStartY = 0; pageEndY = 0; currentPage = -1; System.out.println("Error Printing Document"); } } } /* printView is a recursive method which iterates through the tree structure of the view sent to it. If the view sent to printView is a branch view, that is one with children, the method calls itself on each of these children. If the view is a leaf view, that is a view without children which represents an actual piece of text to be painted, printView attempts to render the view to the Graphics2D object. I. When any view starts after the beginning of the current printable page, this means that there are pages to print and the method sets pageExists to true. II. When a leaf view is taller than the printable area of a page, it cannot, of course, be broken down to fit a single page. Such a View will be printed whenever it intersects with the Graphics2D clip. III. If a leaf view intersects the printable area of the graphics clip and fits vertically within the printable area, it will be rendered. IV. If a leaf view does not exceed the printable area of a page but does not fit vertically within the Graphics2D clip of the current page, the method records that this page should end at the start of the view. This information is stored in pageEndY. */ protected boolean printView(Graphics2D graphics2D, Shape allocation, View view) { boolean pageExists = false; Rectangle clipRectangle = graphics2D.getClipBounds(); Shape childAllocation; View childView; if (view.getViewCount() > 0 && !view.getElement().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("td")) { for (int i = 0; i < view.getViewCount(); i++) { childAllocation = view.getChildAllocation(i,allocation); if (childAllocation != null) { childView = view.getView(i); if (printView(graphics2D,childAllocation,childView)) { pageExists = true; } } } } else { //I if (allocation.getBounds().getMaxY() >= clipRectangle.getY()) { pageExists = true; //II if ((allocation.getBounds().getHeight() > clipRectangle.getHeight()) && (allocation.intersects(clipRectangle))) { view.paint(graphics2D,allocation); } else { //III if (allocation.getBounds().getY() >= clipRectangle.getY()) { if (allocation.getBounds().getMaxY() <= clipRectangle.getMaxY()) { view.paint(graphics2D,allocation); } else { //IV if (allocation.getBounds().getY() < pageEndY) { pageEndY = allocation.getBounds().getY(); } } } } } } return pageExists; } /* Method to set the content type the JEditorPane. */ protected void setContentType(String type) { jeditorPane.setContentType(type); } /* Method to set an HTMLDocument as the Document to print. */ public void setDocument(HTMLDocument htmlDocument) { jeditorPane = new JEditorPane(); setDocument("text/html",htmlDocument); } /* Method to set the Document to print as the one contained in a JEditorPane. This method is useful when Java does not provide direct access to a particular Document type, such as a Rich Text Format document. With this method such a document can be sent to the DocumentRenderer class enclosed in a JEditorPane. */ public void setDocument(JEditorPane jedPane) { jeditorPane = new JEditorPane(); setDocument("text/rtf",jedPane.getDocument()); System.out.println(jedPane.getContentType()); } /* Method to set a PlainDocument as the Document to print. */ public void setDocument(PlainDocument plainDocument) { jeditorPane = new JEditorPane(); setDocument("text/plain",plainDocument); } /* Method to set the content type and document of the JEditorPane. */ protected void setDocument(String type, Document document) { setContentType(type); jeditorPane.setDocument(document); } /* Method to set the current choice of the width scaling option. */ public void setScaleWidthToFit(boolean scaleWidth) { scaleWidthToFit = scaleWidth; } }