Lib mit DJGPP erstellen ?

  • Hi wie kann ich einen lib erstellen mit dem djgpp compiler :

    gcc test.c -otest.lib ???

    danke ..

  • Was meinst du mit Libs? Ich geh mal davon aus, dass du keine dynamischen meinst. Schau dir mal die Optione -c an

  • Once you have the object files ready, use the ar ("Archiver") utility to create a library, let's say we'll call it libacme.a, like this:

    ar rvs libacme.a file1.o file2.o file3.o ...

    The rvs flags tell ar to put named files in to the library, replacing any previous versions of these files if necessary, print the names of object files as it puts them into the library, and add an object-file index to the library, which makes it link faster.

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