(C++) operator[] überladung

  • ich habe den operator[] für eine klasse überladen. nun kommt folgender fehler, den ich nicht versteht.
    hat jemand eine erklärung? bitte, es wäre dringend.

    start.cpp: In function void start()': start.cpp:26: choosingtype& array<type>::operator[](long unsigned int) [with
    type = long unsigned int]' over operator[]' start.cpp:26: because worst conversion for the former is better than worst conversion for the latter start.cpp:26: choosingtype& array<type>::operator[](long unsigned int) [with
    type = long unsigned int]' over `operator[]'
    start.cpp:26: because worst conversion for the former is better than worst
    conversion for the latter


  • diese schei* smilies. braucht man so was wirklich?

    tart.cpp: In function void start()': start.cpp:26: choosingtype& array<type>::operator[](long unsigned int) [with
    type = long unsigned int]' over operator[]' start.cpp:26: because worst conversion for the former is better than worst conversion for the latter start.cpp:26: choosingtype& array<type>::operator[](long unsigned int) [with
    type = long unsigned int]' over `operator[]'
    start.cpp:26: because worst conversion for the former is better than worst
    conversion for the latter

    compiler ist g++

  • zeig uns mal die signatur des operator[] und wie du ih aufrufst (+ deklaration der variablen)

  • template<class type> class array /* : public interface::array */ {
          type* _pointer;
          unsigned long _size;
          inline array(void) {
            _pointer = (type*)0;
            _size = 0;
          inline array(register type* pointer, register const unsigned long size) {
            _pointer = pointer;
            _size = size;
          inline virtual void init(register type* pointer, register const unsigned long size) {
            _pointer = pointer;
            _size = size;
          inline virtual const type& operator[](register const unsigned long index) const { return _pointer[index]; }
          inline virtual type& operator[](register const unsigned long index) { return _pointer[index]; }
          inline virtual const type* address(void) const { return _pointer; }
          inline virtual type* address(void) { return _pointer; }
          inline virtual const unsigned long size(void) const { return _size; }
          inline virtual array& operator=(register const array<type>& a) {
            if(_size < a._size) { return *this; }
            for(unsigned long i = 0; i < _size; i++) { _pointer[i] = a._pointer[i]; }
            return *this; 
          inline virtual operator type*(void) { return _pointer; }
          inline virtual operator const type*(void) const { return _pointer; }

    aufruf und deklaration:

    array<unsigned long> blabla;
      blabla[0] = 100;

  • Hi,

    die Frage scheint wenig mit dem Compiler selbst zu tun zu haben -> verschoben nach "C++".

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