Resident Evil Twilight Current Jobs

  • Hi guys,

    for those of you not knowing me, i am e-freak, 2d-artist (skinning, texturing, concepting) of a mod called "Resident Evil Twilight".

    Our Team is made of really good people all over the world (mostly germany ), but we still need help. as we are aiming to produce a game on resident evil quality (and with it's tag and license by capcom) we really need as mass people outwhere as possible.

    some of you i know have been working on resident evil coldblood and similar projects. maybe this is where you can bring in all of your knowledge. some of you might be resident evil fans, this might be the point to give the series a lil bit back of the fun it gave to you. and finally some of you might just know resident evil from the name but never played it yourself. no problem, we have a very large story document, which declares everything if needed.

    at the moment we need people on every end cause we want to bring our internal alpha to the next stadium with good working enemie ai and some complete levels.

    so we need skinners for the weapons and enemies and the propmodels, we need modellers for the mass of different zombies and enemies which come up in raccoon city, we need prop modellers for our map department, we need animators for touching more models the life, we need a few mappers for the multiplayer parts and such, we need texture artists which give this maps the real atmosphere, we need coders bringing the models ingame and coding the stuff that is needed and so on.

    you see, your talent, your personal strenght is needed. everyone with a bit talent in some part of modding can help.

    More contact details you can get by pm me or have a look at our team site.

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