Hello everyone,
there are a number of innovative concepts out here to be brought into life in interactive social web.
Inspiration, aesthetics and fun are of their very essence.They are community-based portals with diverse themes, of varying scales from large to very large.
Some are very likely to be challenging as programming experiences.If you're an enthusiastic developer and a follower of today's global happenings on the net, and you're on the lookout for a killer idea to showcase your talent with the next best thing to come, you're more than welcome to introduce yourself.
The whole of projects is going to be launched within the body of a start-up company, and the payment for your work will be financed either through early investors or in the form of subsequent revenue-sharing. Hence for the beginning your confidence and excitement of a particular concept will have to be decisive.
Desired will be your programming/developing talent/experience with community portals and/or tools, peer-to-peer environments, creative applications also as mash-ups, Flash, PHP, very close and global observation of developments in contemporary web, passion for novelties.
Mobile programming skills would be an additional plus.
Your soonest availability would be very advantageous.
Ongoing future cooperation is highly possible.
Please feel free to contact via e-mail to
or phone on
contact this guy:
that 'know-it-all' will fit your needs
Wie drollig.
finix schrieb:
Wie drollig.
das 'd' sollte sicher ein 't' sein, ne