Tetris Clone zu Anfang als leichtes 2D-Projekt?
Wer kommt eigentlich immmer auf die Idee, Anfängern tetris als Einstiegsprojekt zu empfehlen? Das ist alles andere als einfach! Hier ein Irrlicht-Beispiel:
Das sieht doch alles andere als einfach aus, oder?
denke, dass das auch einfacher geht
denke, dass das auch einfacher geht
Dann gib mir bitte einen Link auf einen einfacheren Source.
EDIT: mit der Irrlicht Engine
Imho nicht zu vergleichen.
hab gerade waehrend mein backup lief (und ich eh nichts produktives machen konnte) auch mal nen clone gemacht
// Copyright (c) 2008, rapso (www.rapso.de) // All rights reserved. // // BSD license ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BSD_license ) // // constact at rapsoo@hotmail.com // or // http://www.c-plusplus.net/forum/viewforum-var-f-is-7.html /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include <assert.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <windows.h> #include <intrin.h> #pragma intrinsic(_rotl16) const unsigned int SIZE_X = 10+2; //orginal width + border const unsigned int SIZE_Y = 20+1; //orginal height + border const unsigned int GAME_SPEED = 250; //in ms const unsigned int ROW_SCORE = 10; //random number const unsigned int ROW_BORDER = 1|(1<<(SIZE_X-1)); //left and right border const unsigned int ROW_FILLED = (1<<SIZE_X)-1; //1<<8 == 0x100; //0x100-1 == 0xff; typedef unsigned short tdTetrad; enum EState { ES_START, ES_RESETGAME, ES_GAME, ES_LOSE, ES_END, ES_QUIT }; enum ETetrad { ET_INVALIDE = 0, ET_I = 0x0F00, ET_J = 0x0470, ET_L = 0x02e0, ET_O = 0x0660, ET_S = 0x06C0, ET_T = 0x04E0, ET_Z = 0x0C60, ET_COUNT = 7 }; unsigned int g_Score; tdTetrad g_Tetrad; unsigned int g_PosX; unsigned int g_PosY; unsigned short g_Field[SIZE_Y+3]; //too lazy to bound check in Valid(...) unsigned int g_LastPressedKey; void GotoPixel(unsigned int x,unsigned int y) { const HANDLE Out = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); const COORD Pos = {x,y}; SetConsoleCursorPosition(Out,Pos); } EState ProcessReset(const bool LogicStep) { GotoPixel(0,0); printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n");//clear screen :P printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"); printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"); for(unsigned int a=0;a<SIZE_Y-1;a++) g_Field[a] = ROW_BORDER; g_Field[SIZE_Y-1] = ~0;//floor g_Score = 0; g_Tetrad = ET_INVALIDE; g_LastPressedKey = 0; return ES_GAME; } EState ProcessStart(const bool LogicStep) { printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n");//clear screen :P GotoPixel(20,20); printf("TetriXTM"); GotoPixel(10,25); printf("Press SPACE to Start or ESCAPE to quit"); if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SPACE)) return ES_RESETGAME; return GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE)?ES_END:ES_START; } bool Valid(const unsigned int PosX,const unsigned int PosY,tdTetrad Tetrad) { const unsigned int Mask = (_rotl16((Tetrad&0xf000)>>12,PosX)&g_Field[PosY+0])| (_rotl16((Tetrad&0x0f00)>> 8,PosX)&g_Field[PosY+1])| (_rotl16((Tetrad&0x00f0)>> 4,PosX)&g_Field[PosY+2])| (_rotl16((Tetrad&0x000f)>> 0,PosX)&g_Field[PosY+3]); return Mask==0; } tdTetrad Rotate(const tdTetrad Tetrad) { tdTetrad Ret = 0; for(unsigned int y=0;y<4;y++) for(unsigned int x=0;x<4;x++) Ret |= (Tetrad>>y+x*4&1)<<3-x+y*4; return Ret; } void Merge(unsigned short* pField,const unsigned int PosX,const unsigned int PosY,const tdTetrad Tetrad) { for(unsigned int y=0;y<SIZE_Y;y++) pField[y] = g_Field[y]; pField[PosY+0] = g_Field[PosY+0] | (((Tetrad&0xf000)>>12)<<PosX); if(PosY+1<SIZE_Y) pField[PosY+1] = g_Field[PosY+1] | (((Tetrad&0x0f00)>> 8)<<PosX); if(PosY+2<SIZE_Y) pField[PosY+2] = g_Field[PosY+2] | (((Tetrad&0x00f0)>> 4)<<PosX); if(PosY+3<SIZE_Y) pField[PosY+3] = g_Field[PosY+3] | (((Tetrad&0x000f)>> 0)<<PosX); } void CheckScore() { //start one row above the floor //topmost row is not taken into account for(unsigned int y=SIZE_Y-2;y>0;y--) { if(g_Field[y]==ROW_FILLED) { g_Score += ROW_SCORE; //collaps stack for(unsigned int y2=y;y2>0;y2--) g_Field[y2] = g_Field[y2-1]; g_Field[0] = ROW_BORDER; y++; //push by one to compensate the loop y-- } } } EState ProcessGame(const bool LogicStep) { if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE)) return ES_LOSE; //spawn logic if(g_Tetrad==ET_INVALIDE) { switch(rand()%ET_COUNT) { case 0:g_Tetrad = ET_I;break; case 1:g_Tetrad = ET_J;break; case 2:g_Tetrad = ET_L;break; case 3:g_Tetrad = ET_O;break; case 4:g_Tetrad = ET_S;break; case 5:g_Tetrad = ET_T;break; case 6:g_Tetrad = ET_Z;break; } g_PosX = SIZE_X/2-2; //half is center of screen, sub 2 for half Tetrad width g_PosY = 0; if(!Valid(g_PosX,g_PosY,g_Tetrad)) return ES_LOSE; } //logic time step if(LogicStep) { if(Valid(g_PosX,g_PosY+1,g_Tetrad)) g_PosY++; else { Merge(g_Field,g_PosX,g_PosY,g_Tetrad); CheckScore(); g_Tetrad=ET_INVALIDE; } } else { //avoid same action while key still pressed if(!g_LastPressedKey || !GetAsyncKeyState(g_LastPressedKey)) { g_LastPressedKey = 0; if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LEFT) && Valid(g_PosX-1,g_PosY,g_Tetrad)) { g_PosX--; g_LastPressedKey = VK_LEFT; } if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RIGHT) && Valid(g_PosX+1,g_PosY,g_Tetrad)) { g_PosX++; g_LastPressedKey = VK_RIGHT; } if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_UP) && Valid(g_PosX,g_PosY,Rotate(g_Tetrad))) { g_Tetrad = Rotate(g_Tetrad); g_LastPressedKey = VK_UP; } if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_DOWN)) { while(Valid(g_PosX,g_PosY+1,g_Tetrad)) g_PosY++; CheckScore(); g_LastPressedKey = VK_DOWN; } } } //display { unsigned short DrawField[SIZE_Y]; Merge(DrawField,g_PosX,g_PosY,g_Tetrad); for(unsigned int y=0;y<SIZE_Y;y++) { GotoPixel(20,y); for(unsigned int x=0;x<SIZE_X;x++) printf(DrawField[y]&(1<<x)?"ÌÌ":" "); } } GotoPixel(0,2); printf("Score is:\n%8d",g_Score); return ES_GAME; } EState ProcessLose(const bool LogicStep) { printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n");//clear screen :P GotoPixel(20,20); printf("Game Over"); GotoPixel(20,21); printf("your highscore was:",g_Score); GotoPixel(10,40); printf("Press SPACE to Start or ESCAPE to quit"); if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SPACE)) return ES_RESETGAME; return GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE)?ES_END:ES_LOSE; } EState ProcessEnd(const bool LogicStep) { printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n");//clear screen :P GotoPixel(20,20); printf("Thx for playing TetriXTM"); GotoPixel(15,40); Sleep(2500); return ES_QUIT; } int main(int argc,char* argv[]) { const unsigned int StartTime = GetTickCount(); unsigned int LastTick = 0; EState State = ES_START; while(State!=ES_QUIT) { const unsigned int CurrentTick = (GetTickCount()-StartTime)/GAME_SPEED; const bool LogicTick = LastTick!=CurrentTick; LastTick = CurrentTick; switch(State) { case ES_START: State = ProcessStart(LogicTick); break; case ES_RESETGAME: State = ProcessReset(LogicTick); break; case ES_GAME: State = ProcessGame(LogicTick); break; case ES_LOSE: State = ProcessLose(LogicTick); break; case ES_END: State = ProcessEnd(LogicTick); break; } Sleep(20);//to reduce flickering } return 0; }
so, n8
ich bin beeindruckt. Habe noch nie ein Konsolenbasiertes Tetris gesehen. Sind aber noch bug drinne
Tetris hat als Konsolen-Programm begonnen:
rapso kommt also ca. 20 Jahre zu spät.
Schafft einer dieses Programm zum Laufen zu bekommen?