Problem mit Visual Studio, Code inside
Ich bin grad dabei, einen genetischen Algorithmus in eine DLL zu packen; das Problem ist: ich krieg den ganzen Vormittag über dieselben Fehlermeldungen, und deshalb dachte ich mir, dass Ihr mir sicher helfen wollt:
/* This is a Multi-Objective GA program. ********************************************************************** * This program is the implementation of the NSGA-2 proposed by * * * * Prof. Kalyanmoy Deb and his students . * * * * copyright Kalyanmoy Deb ********************************************************************** 18.08.2003: The keepaliven.h file is modified to have normalized crowding distance calculation. The previous version of the code did not have this feature. This way, maintaining a good distribution of solutions in problems having quite a different range of objective functions were difficult. Hopefully, with this modification, such difficulties will not appear. -- K. Deb 18.08.2003: Also the dfit.h file is deleted. It was not needed any way. The user have to give the input manualy or through a data file. The user needs to enter objective functions in func-con.h The code can also take care of the constraints. Enter the constraints in the space provided in the func-con.h file. Constraints must be of the following type: g(x) >= 0.0 Also normalize all constraints (see the example problem in func-con.h) If your program asks you to increase the values of some parameters in the program come to main program and accordingly changed the values which are defined against #define ... The program generates few output files. These are described as 1.output.out * This file has the detailed record for all the variables, * the fitness values, constraint values, overall constraint violation (penalty) and their ranks for all the members * of old population in the left hand side of the |**| * and of new population in the right hand side. 2.all_fitness.out * This file prints the record of all the fitness values for * different individual of new popultion created at all * generations. 3.g_rank_record.out * This file maintains the record of individuals in global pop- * -ulation at different ranks for all the generations. 4.ranks.out * This file prints the number of individual at different ranks * in old and new population and finds rank ratios 5.final_fitness.out * This file has the fitness value of all feasible and non-dominated individuals at the final generation 6.final_var.out * This file has the all the variables of the feasible and non-dominated individuals at the final generation. The i-th solutions here corresponds to the i-th solution in the final_fitness.out file. 7.plot.out This file contains gnuplot-based file for plotting the non-dominated feasible solutions obtained by the code. ************************************************************************* * This is recommended to delete or rename all the *.out files * obtained from the previous runs as some files are opened in * append mode so they give false resemblence of data if the * user is not careful Compilation procedure: gcc nsga2.c -lm Run ./a.out with or without an input file Input data files: Three files are included, but at one time one is needed depending on the type of variables used: inp-r (template file input-real) : All variables are real-coded inp-b (template file input-binary): All variables are binary-coded inp-rb(template file input-rl+bin): Some variables are real and some are binary */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include "stdafx.h" #include <string.h> #define square(x) ((x)*(x)) #define maxpop 500 /*Max population */ #define maxchrom 200 /*Max chromosome length*/ #define maxvar 20 /*Max no. of variables*/ #define maxfun 10 /*Max no. of functions */ #define maxcons 20 /*Max no. of Constraints*/ int gener, /*No of generations*/ nvar,nchrom, /*No of variables*/ ncons, /*No of Constraints*/ vlen[maxvar], /*Array to store no of bits for each variable*/ nmut, /* No of Mutations */ ncross, /*No of crossovers*/ ans; int count, count2; float seed, /*Random Seed*/ pcross, /*Cross-over Probability*/ pmut_b, pmut_r, /*Mutation Probability*/ lim_b[maxvar][2], lim_r[maxvar][2];/*Limits of variable in array*/ float di, /*Distribution Index for the Cross-over*/ dim, /*Distribution Index for the Mutation*/ delta_fit, /* variables required forfitness for fitness sharing */ min_fit, front_ratio; float* chromosom_ptr; int optype, /*Cross-over type*/ nfunc, /*No of functions*/ sharespace; /*Sharing space (either parameter or fitness)*/ double coef[maxvar]; /*Variable used for decoding*/ static int popsize, /*Population Size*/ chrom; /*Chromosome size*/ char* name_ptr; typedef struct /*individual properties*/ { int genes[maxchrom], /*bianry chromosome*/ rank, /*Rank of the individual*/ flag; /*Flag for ranking*/ float xreal[maxvar], /*list of real variables*/ xbin[maxvar]; /*list of decoded value of the chromosome */ float fitness[maxfun],/*Fitness values */ constr[maxcons], /*Constraints values*/ cub_len, /*crowding distance of the individual*/ error; /* overall constraint violation for the individual*/ }individual; /*Structure defining individual*/ typedef struct { int maxrank; /*Maximum rank present in the population*/ float rankrat[maxpop]; /*Rank Ratio*/ int rankno[maxpop]; /*Individual at different ranks*/ individual ind[maxpop], /*Different Individuals*/ *ind_ptr; }population; /*Popuation Structure*/ #include "random.h" /*Random Number Generator*/ #include "realinit.h" /*Random Initialization of the populaiton*/ #include "init.h" /*Random Initialization of the population*/ #include "decode.h" /*File decoding the binary dtrings*/ #include "ranking.h" /*File Creating the Pareto Fronts*/ #include "rancon.h" /*File Creating the Pareto Fronts when Constraints are specified*/ #include "func-con.h" /*File Having the Function*/ #include "select.h" /*File for Tournament Selection*/ #include "crossover.h" /*Binary Cross-over*/ #include "uniformxr.h" /*Uniform Cross-over*/ #include "realcross2.h" /*Real Cross-over*/ #include "mut.h" /*Binary Mutation*/ #include "realmut1.h" /*Real Mutation*/ #include "keepaliven.h" /*File For Elitism and Sharing Scheme*/ population oldpop, newpop, matepop, *old_pop_ptr, *new_pop_ptr, *mate_pop_ptr; /*Defining the population Structures*/ // __declspec(dllexport)__cdecl void nsga( int nvar_i, int nchrom_i, int nfunc_i, int ncons_i, int popsize_i, int gener_i, float pcross_i, float pmut_r_i, float di_i, float dim_i, float* lim_r_i, int* vlen_i, float* lim_b_i , *GetFitness(void* placement, void* pDoc), char* namensliste) void nsga(int nvar_i, int nchrom_i, int nfunc_i, int ncons_i, int popsize_i, int gener_i, float pcross_i, float pmut_r_i, float di_i, float dim_i, float* lim_r_i, int* vlen_i, float* lim_b_i, *GetFitness(void* placement, void* pDoc) , char* namensliste) { /*Some Local variables to this Problem (Counters And some other pointers*/ int i,j,l,f,maxrank1; float *ptr,tot; int randnr1, randnr2; nvar=nvar_i; nchrom=nchrom_i; nfunc=nfunc_i; ncons=ncons_i; popsize=popsize_i; gener=gener_i; pcross=pcross_i; pmut_r=pmut_r_i; di=di_i; dim=dim_i; for(i=0; i<nchrom; i++) { vlen[i]=*vlen_i++; } for(i=0; i<2; i++) { for(j=0; j<nvar; j++) { lim_r[j][i]=*lim_r_i++; } } ans=1; optype=2; for(i=0; i<2; i++) { for(j=0; j<nchrom; j++) { lim_b[j][i]=*lim_b_i++; } } pmut_b=1.0/(1.7*(chrom+2)); randnr1=rand(); randnr2=rand(); (float)randnr1, (float) randnr2; if(randnr1>randnr2) { seed=randnr2/randnr1; } else seed=randnr1/randnr2; old_pop_ptr = &(oldpop); nmut = 0; ncross = 0; /*Initialize the random no generator*/ warmup_random(seed); /*Binary Initializaton*/ if (nchrom > 0) init(old_pop_ptr); if (nvar > 0) realinit(old_pop_ptr); old_pop_ptr = &(oldpop); // decode binary strings decode(old_pop_ptr); old_pop_ptr = &(oldpop); new_pop_ptr = &(newpop); for(j = 0;j < popsize;j++) { /*Initializing the Rank array having different individuals at a particular rank to zero*/ old_pop_ptr->rankno[j] = 0; new_pop_ptr->rankno[j] = 0; } old_pop_ptr = &(oldpop); func(old_pop_ptr); /*Function Calculaiton*/ /********************************************************************/ /*----------------------GENERATION STARTS HERE----------------------*/ for (i = 0;i < gener;i++) { old_pop_ptr = &(oldpop); mate_pop_ptr = &(matepop); /*--------SELECT----------------*/ nselect(old_pop_ptr ,mate_pop_ptr ); new_pop_ptr = &(newpop); mate_pop_ptr = &(matepop); /*CROSSOVER----------------------------*/ if (nchrom > 0) { if(optype == 1) { crossover(new_pop_ptr ,mate_pop_ptr ); /*Binary Cross-over*/ } if(optype == 2) { unicross(new_pop_ptr ,mate_pop_ptr ); /*Binary Uniform Cross-over*/ } } if (nvar > 0) realcross(new_pop_ptr ,mate_pop_ptr ); /*Real Cross-over*/ /*------MUTATION-------------------*/ new_pop_ptr = &(newpop); if (nchrom > 0) mutate(new_pop_ptr ); /*Binary Mutation */ if (nvar > 0) real_mutate(new_pop_ptr ); /*Real Mutation*/ new_pop_ptr = &(newpop); /*-------DECODING----------*/ if(nchrom > 0) decode(new_pop_ptr ); /*Decoding for binary strings*/ /*----------FUNCTION EVALUATION-----------*/ new_pop_ptr = &(newpop); func(new_pop_ptr ); /*-------------------SELECTION KEEPING FRONTS ALIVE--------------*/ old_pop_ptr = &(oldpop); new_pop_ptr = &(newpop); mate_pop_ptr = &(matepop); /*Elitism And Sharing Implemented*/ keepalive(old_pop_ptr ,new_pop_ptr ,mate_pop_ptr,i+1); mate_pop_ptr = &(matepop); if(nchrom > 0) decode(mate_pop_ptr ); mate_pop_ptr = &(matepop); /*------------------REPORT PRINTING--------------------------------*/ /*==================================================================*/ /*----------------Rank Ratio Calculation------------------------*/ new_pop_ptr = &(matepop); old_pop_ptr = &(oldpop); /*Finding the greater maxrank among the two populations*/ if(old_pop_ptr->maxrank > new_pop_ptr->maxrank) maxrank1 = old_pop_ptr->maxrank; else maxrank1 = new_pop_ptr->maxrank; for(j = 0;j < maxrank1 ; j++) { /*Sum of the no of individuals at any rank in old population and the new populaion*/ tot = (old_pop_ptr->rankno[j])+ (new_pop_ptr->rankno[j]); /*Finding the rank ratio for new population at this rank*/ new_pop_ptr->rankrat[j] = (new_pop_ptr->rankno[j])/tot; /*Printing this rank ratio to a file called ranks.dat*/ } /*=======Copying the new population to old population======*/ old_pop_ptr = &(oldpop); new_pop_ptr = &(matepop); for(j = 0;j < popsize;j++) { old_pop_ptr->ind_ptr = &(old_pop_ptr->ind[j]); new_pop_ptr->ind_ptr = &(new_pop_ptr->ind[j]); if(nchrom > 0) { /*For Binary GA copying of the chromosome*/ for(l = 0;l < chrom;l++) old_pop_ptr->ind_ptr->genes[l]=new_pop_ptr->ind_ptr->genes[l]; for(l = 0;l < nchrom;l++) old_pop_ptr->ind_ptr->xbin[l] = new_pop_ptr->ind_ptr->xbin[l]; } if(nvar > 0) { /*For Real Coded GA copying of the chromosomes*/ for(l = 0;l < nvar;l++) old_pop_ptr->ind_ptr->xreal[l] = new_pop_ptr->ind_ptr->xreal[l]; } /*Copying the fitness vector */ for(l = 0 ; l < nfunc ;l++) old_pop_ptr->ind_ptr->fitness[l] = new_pop_ptr->ind_ptr->fitness[l]; /*Copying the dummy fitness*/ old_pop_ptr->ind_ptr->cub_len = new_pop_ptr->ind_ptr->cub_len; /*Copying the rank of the individuals*/ old_pop_ptr->ind_ptr->rank = new_pop_ptr->ind_ptr->rank; /*Copying the error and constraints of the individual*/ old_pop_ptr->ind_ptr->error = new_pop_ptr->ind_ptr->error; for(l = 0;l < ncons;l++) { old_pop_ptr->ind_ptr->constr[l] = new_pop_ptr->ind_ptr->constr[l]; } /*Copying the flag of the individuals*/ old_pop_ptr->ind_ptr->flag = new_pop_ptr->ind_ptr->flag; } // end of j maxrank1 = new_pop_ptr->maxrank ; /*Copying the array having the record of the individual at different ranks */ for(l = 0;l < popsize;l++) { old_pop_ptr->rankno[l] = new_pop_ptr->rankno[l]; } /*Copying the maxrank */ old_pop_ptr->maxrank = new_pop_ptr->maxrank; /*Printing the fitness record for last generation in a file last*/ if(i == gener-1) { FILE* file; file=fopen("D:\\nsga2-output.csv", "a+");// for the last generation old_pop_ptr = &(matepop); name_ptr=namensliste; for(f = 0;f < popsize ; f++) // for printing { old_pop_ptr->ind_ptr = &(old_pop_ptr->ind[f]); if ((old_pop_ptr->ind_ptr->error <= 0.0) && (old_pop_ptr->ind_ptr->rank == 1)) // for all feasible solutions and non-dominated solutions { for(count=0; count<nfunc; count++) { fprintf(file, "%d;", old_pop_ptr->ind_ptr->fitness[count]); } chromosom_ptr=&(old_pop_ptr->ind_ptr->xbin[0]); for(count=0; count<nchrom; count++) { if(*chromosom_ptr==1) { char name[20]; for(count2=0; count2<19; count2++) { if(strcmp(*name_ptr, "\0")==0) { fprintf(file, "%s;", name); count2=20; } else { name[count2]=*name_ptr++; } } } else { for(count2=0; count2<19; count2++) { name_ptr++; } } } } fprintf(file, "\n"); // feasibility check } // end of f (printing) fclose(file); } // for the last generation } // end of i /* Generation Loop Ends */ /************************************************************************/ }
Das Problem ist: in Zeile 195
__declspec(dllexport)__cdecl void nsga( int nvar_i, int nchrom_i, int nfunc_i, int ncons_i, int popsize_i, int gener_i, float pcross_i, float pmut_r_i, float di_i, float dim_i, float* lim_r_i, int* vlen_i, float* lim_b_i , *GetFitness(void* placement, void* pDoc), char* namensliste)
gibt mir Visual Studio die Fehlermeldung 2059: Syntaxfehler, Typ.
Natürlich hab ich schon google befragt, aber ich komm nicht weiter... any hints?
Am Ende der Zeile __declspec(dllexport)__cdecl void nsga(... fehlt ein Seikolon.
Warm hast Du überhauptnoch mal eine Delaration drin?
Schmeiß die Zeile ganz raus und setze vor die nächste Zeile nur das __declspec(dllexport) __cdeclDas müsste auch gehen.
hallo und danke für Deine Hilfe.
Leider bringen Deine Vorschläge nichts... sowohl der ";" als auch das Streichen der von Dir monierten Zeile vergrößern nur die Probleme.
Vielleicht sollte ich noch bemerken, dass das Prog in C geschrieben wurde.
korrigiere in der Parameterliste mal
"*GetFitness(void* placement, void* pDoc)" den return-Typ für die benannte Funktion, also mindestens mal "void *GetFitness..."