Schreibzugriff auf DAtenbank mittels OLEDB
Ich habe mir folgendes Beispiel vorgenommen: funktioniert auch das ganze. Ich habe dann die Daten aus der Access-Datei auf meinen MS SQL-Server 2005 Express transferiert und die Accessor-Klasse wie folgt angepasst:
// Books.H : Declaration of the CBooks class #ifndef __BOOKS_H_ #define __BOOKS_H_ class CBooksAccessor { public: TCHAR m_AuthorFirstName[51]; TCHAR m_AuthorLastName[51]; TCHAR m_Category[51]; LONG m_ID; TCHAR m_price[51]; TCHAR m_Title[51]; BEGIN_ACCESSOR_MAP(CBooksAccessor, 3) BEGIN_ACCESSOR(0, true) /// accessor is the default auto accessor COLUMN_ENTRY(1, m_ID) COLUMN_ENTRY(2, m_Title) COLUMN_ENTRY(3, m_AuthorFirstName) COLUMN_ENTRY(4, m_AuthorLastName) COLUMN_ENTRY(5, m_Category) COLUMN_ENTRY(6, m_price) END_ACCESSOR() BEGIN_ACCESSOR(1, false) COLUMN_ENTRY(1, m_AuthorFirstName) COLUMN_ENTRY(2, m_AuthorLastName) END_ACCESSOR() BEGIN_ACCESSOR(2, false) COLUMN_ENTRY(1, m_Category) END_ACCESSOR() END_ACCESSOR_MAP() // You may wish to call this function if you are inserting a record and wish to // initialize all the fields, if you are not going to explicitly set all of them. void ClearRecord() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); } }; class CBooks : public CTable<CAccessor<CBooksAccessor> > { public: HRESULT Open() { HRESULT hr; hr = OpenDataSource(); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; return OpenRowset(); } HRESULT OpenDataSource() { HRESULT hr; CDataSource db; CDBPropSet dbinit(DBPROPSET_DBINIT); dbinit.AddProperty(DBPROP_AUTH_CACHE_AUTHINFO, true); dbinit.AddProperty(DBPROP_AUTH_ENCRYPT_PASSWORD, false); dbinit.AddProperty(DBPROP_AUTH_MASK_PASSWORD, false); dbinit.AddProperty(DBPROP_AUTH_PASSWORD, OLESTR("blabla")); dbinit.AddProperty(DBPROP_AUTH_USERID, OLESTR("sa")); //dbinit.AddProperty(DBPROP_INIT_DATASOURCE, OLESTR("testbooks.mdb")); dbinit.AddProperty(DBPROP_INIT_DATASOURCE, OLESTR("MYSERVER\\MYDB")); dbinit.AddProperty(DBPROP_INIT_CATALOG, OLESTR("Test_OLEDB")); dbinit.AddProperty(DBPROP_INIT_MODE, (long)19); dbinit.AddProperty(DBPROP_INIT_PROMPT, (short)4); dbinit.AddProperty(DBPROP_INIT_PROVIDERSTRING, OLESTR("")); dbinit.AddProperty(DBPROP_INIT_LCID, (long)1033); hr = db.Open(_T("SQLOLEDB.1"), &dbinit); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; return m_session.Open(db); } HRESULT OpenRowset() { // Set properties for open CDBPropSet propset(DBPROPSET_ROWSET); propset.AddProperty(DBPROP_IRowsetChange, true); propset.AddProperty(DBPROP_UPDATABILITY, DBPROPVAL_UP_CHANGE | DBPROPVAL_UP_INSERT | DBPROPVAL_UP_DELETE); return CTable<CAccessor<CBooksAccessor> >::Open(m_session, _T("Books"), &propset); } CSession m_session; }; #endif // __BOOKS_H_
Das Problem dabei ist, dass ich nur die Daten lesen kann. Beim Versuch ein Delete, Insert oder Update liefert mir hResult in der entsprechenden Zugriffsmethode DB_E_ERRORSOCCURRED. Ich bin da schon auf einige KB-Artikel gestoßen, aber meist trafen die Annahmen auf meinen Fall nicht zu.
Hat jemand eine Idee, wo ich suchen muss?
Hast Du auch den Rowset geöffnet? Hast Du auf einen Datensatz navigiert?
Zeige mal etwas mehr Code als diese Definition...
Martin Richter schrieb:
Hast Du auch den Rowset geöffnet? Hast Du auf einen Datensatz navigiert?
Zeige mal etwas mehr Code als diese Definition...
Also das Basisbeispiel griff auf eine Access-Datei zu. Ich habe nur den Accessor umgeschrieben, damit ich auf die SQL-Express-Instanz zugreifen kann. Deshabl denke ich, dass es nur damit was zu tun hat. Hier nochmal die Zugriffsmethoden:
void COLEDBConsumer2Dlg::MoveNext() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here if( m_bCommand == true ) { CommandMoveNext(); return; } HRESULT hResult = m_Books.MoveNext(); if( FAILED( hResult ) ) { AfxMessageBox( _T( "Unable to move any further forwards" ) ); } CopyData(); } void COLEDBConsumer2Dlg::MovePrev() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here if( m_bCommand == true ) { CommandMovePrev(); return; } HRESULT hResult = m_Books.MovePrev(); if( FAILED( hResult ) ) { if( hResult = -2147217879 ) /// rowset cannot scroll backwards { AfxMessageBox( _T( "This rowset cannopt scroll backwards" ) ); } else { AfxMessageBox( _T( "Unable to move any further backwards" ) ); } } CopyData(); } void COLEDBConsumer2Dlg::Update() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here if( m_bCommand == true ) { CommandUpdate(); return; } UpdateData( TRUE ); SaveData(); HRESULT hResult = m_Books.SetData(); if( FAILED( hResult ) ) { AfxMessageBox( _T( "Unable to save the rowset" ) ); } } void COLEDBConsumer2Dlg::Delete() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here if( m_bCommand == true ) { CommandDelete(); return; } HRESULT hResult = m_Books.Delete(); if( FAILED( hResult ) ) { AfxMessageBox( _T( "Unable to delete the record" ) ); } else { hResult = m_Books.MoveNext(); if( hResult != S_OK ) { m_Books.MoveFirst(); } CopyData(); } } void COLEDBConsumer2Dlg::CopyData() { char szBuffer[ 25 ]; if( m_bCommand == true ) { CommandCopyData(); return; } m_strAuthorFirstName = m_Books.m_AuthorFirstName; m_strAuthorLastName = m_Books.m_AuthorLastName; m_strCategory = m_Books.m_Category; m_strID = ltoa( m_Books.m_ID, szBuffer, 10 ); m_strPrice = m_Books.m_price; m_strTitle = m_Books.m_Title; UpdateData( FALSE ); } void COLEDBConsumer2Dlg::SaveData() { if( m_bCommand == true ) { CommandSaveData(); return; } _tcscpy( m_Books.m_AuthorFirstName, m_strAuthorFirstName ); _tcscpy( m_Books.m_AuthorLastName, m_strAuthorLastName ); _tcscpy( m_Books.m_Category, m_strCategory ); m_Books.m_ID = atol( m_strID.GetBuffer( 0 ) ); _tcscpy( m_Books.m_price, m_strPrice ); _tcscpy( m_Books.m_Title, m_strTitle ); } /// First example of using more than one accessor to access the data in a table void COLEDBConsumer2Dlg::ViewAuthors() { if( m_bCommand == true ) { CommandViewAuthors(); return; } CAccessorDlg dlg; dlg.m_strHeaderOne = _T( "Authors First Name" ); dlg.m_strHeaderTwo = _T( "Authors Last Name" ); /// GET THE AUTHOR INFORMATION FROM THE ACCESSOR m_Books.GetData( 1 ); m_Books.MoveFirst(); /// Although this is scrolling through the m_Books /// table the call to get data selects the second /// accessor in the table do { CData *pData = new CData(); pData->m_strFieldOne = m_Books.m_AuthorFirstName; pData->m_strFieldTwo = m_Books.m_AuthorLastName; dlg.m_DataList.AddTail( pData ); } while( m_Books.MoveNext() == S_OK ); dlg.DoModal(); /// retrieve the original data /// we've gone past the end of the rowset so a call to GetData /// here will fail so reset the position first m_Books.MoveFirst(); m_Books.GetData( 0 ); /// change the current accessor m_Books.MoveFirst(); } /// Second example of using custom accessors in a table /// see ViewAuthors for notes void COLEDBConsumer2Dlg::ViewCategories() { if( m_bCommand == true ) { CommandViewCategories(); return; } CAccessorDlg dlg; dlg.m_strHeaderOne = _T( "Categories" ); m_Books.GetData( 2 ); m_Books.MoveFirst(); do { CData *pData = new CData(); pData->m_strFieldOne = m_Books.m_Category; dlg.m_DataList.AddTail( pData ); } while( m_Books.MoveNext() == S_OK ); dlg.DoModal(); m_Books.MoveFirst(); m_Books.GetData( 0 ); m_Books.MoveFirst(); } /// Insert a new item into the database void COLEDBConsumer2Dlg::Insert() { if( m_bCommand == true ) { CommandInsert(); return; } UpdateData( TRUE ); /// Note that the id is an incremental count therefore, /// if we try to insert with a value that already exists in the id /// it will error m_Books.MoveLast(); int nCount = m_Books.m_ID; nCount++; SaveData(); m_Books.m_ID = nCount; HRESULT hResult = m_Books.Insert(); /// specify the insert accessor if( FAILED( hResult ) ) { AfxMessageBox( _T( "Error inserting the current record" ) ); return; } m_Books.GetData( 0 ); m_Books.MoveFirst(); CopyData(); } /// Switch between a command accessor and a table accessor void COLEDBConsumer2Dlg::OnCommandcheck() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here if( m_bCommand == true ) { m_bCommand = false; m_Books.MoveFirst(); CopyData(); } else { m_bCommand = true; m_CommandBooks.MoveFirst(); CommandCopyData(); } } /// Copy data for the command accessor void COLEDBConsumer2Dlg::CommandCopyData() { char szBuffer[ 25 ]; m_strAuthorFirstName = m_CommandBooks.m_AuthorFirstName; m_strAuthorLastName = m_CommandBooks.m_AuthorLastName; m_strCategory = m_CommandBooks.m_Category; m_strID = ltoa( m_CommandBooks.m_ID, szBuffer, 10 ); m_strPrice = m_CommandBooks.m_price; m_strTitle = m_CommandBooks.m_Title; UpdateData( FALSE ); } /// save data for the command accessor void COLEDBConsumer2Dlg::CommandSaveData() { _tcscpy( m_CommandBooks.m_AuthorFirstName, m_strAuthorFirstName ); _tcscpy( m_CommandBooks.m_AuthorLastName, m_strAuthorLastName ); _tcscpy( m_CommandBooks.m_Category, m_strCategory ); m_CommandBooks.m_ID = atol( m_strID.GetBuffer( 0 ) ); _tcscpy( m_CommandBooks.m_price, m_strPrice ); _tcscpy( m_CommandBooks.m_Title, m_strTitle ); } /// move next for the command accessor void COLEDBConsumer2Dlg::CommandMoveNext() { HRESULT hResult = m_CommandBooks.MoveNext(); if( FAILED( hResult ) ) { AfxMessageBox( _T( "The command accessor has reached the end of the rowset" ) ); return; } CommandCopyData(); } /// move prev for the command accessor void COLEDBConsumer2Dlg::CommandMovePrev() { HRESULT hResult = m_CommandBooks.MovePrev(); if( FAILED( hResult ) ) { AfxMessageBox( _T( "The command accessor cannot move any further back" ) ); return; } CommandCopyData(); } /// Update for the command accessor void COLEDBConsumer2Dlg::CommandUpdate() { UpdateData( TRUE ); CommandSaveData(); HRESULT hResult = m_CommandBooks.SetData(); if( FAILED( hResult ) ) { AfxMessageBox( _T( "Unable to save the rowset" ) ); } } /// delete for the command accessor void COLEDBConsumer2Dlg::CommandDelete() { HRESULT hResult = m_CommandBooks.Delete(); if( FAILED( hResult ) ) { AfxMessageBox( _T( "Unable to delete the record" ) ); } else { hResult = m_CommandBooks.MoveNext(); if( hResult != S_OK ) { m_CommandBooks.MoveFirst(); } CommandCopyData(); } } /// insert for the command accessor void COLEDBConsumer2Dlg::CommandInsert() { UpdateData( TRUE ); /// Note that the id is an incremental count therefore, /// if we try to insert with a value that already exists in the id /// it will error m_CommandBooks.MoveLast(); int nCount = m_CommandBooks.m_ID; nCount++; CommandSaveData(); m_CommandBooks.m_ID = nCount; HRESULT hResult = m_CommandBooks.Insert(); /// specify the insert accessor if( FAILED( hResult ) ) { AfxMessageBox( _T( "Error inserting the current record" ) ); return; } m_CommandBooks.GetData( 0 ); m_CommandBooks.MoveFirst(); CopyData(); } /// viewcatergories for the command accessor void COLEDBConsumer2Dlg::CommandViewCategories() { CAccessorDlg dlg; dlg.m_strHeaderOne = _T( "Categories" ); CComBSTR bstrQuery( _T( "SELECT distinct Category FROM Books" ) ); HRESULT hResult = m_CommandBooks.Query( bstrQuery.m_str ); if( FAILED( hResult ) ) { AfxMessageBox( _T( "Error running the query" ) ); return; } CComBSTR bstrTemp; do { CData *pData = new CData(); bstrTemp = static_cast< BSTR >( m_CommandBooks.m_QueryCommand.GetValue( 1 ) ); pData->m_strFieldOne = bstrTemp.m_str; dlg.m_DataList.AddTail( pData ); } while( m_CommandBooks.m_QueryCommand.MoveNext() == S_OK ); dlg.DoModal(); m_CommandBooks.m_QueryCommand.Close(); m_CommandBooks.GetData( 0 ); m_CommandBooks.MoveFirst(); } /// view authors for the command accessor void COLEDBConsumer2Dlg::CommandViewAuthors() { CAccessorDlg dlg; dlg.m_strHeaderOne = _T( "Author's First Name" ); dlg.m_strHeaderTwo = _T( "Author's Last Name" ); CComBSTR bstrQuery( _T( "SELECT distinct Books.[Author Last Name], Books.[Author First Name] FROM BOOKS" ) ); HRESULT hResult = m_CommandBooks.Query( bstrQuery.m_str ); if( FAILED( hResult ) ) { AfxMessageBox( _T( "Error querying for the authors names" ) ); return; } CComBSTR bstrTemp; do { CData *pData = new CData(); bstrTemp = static_cast< BSTR >( m_CommandBooks.m_QueryCommand.GetValue( 2 ) ); pData->m_strFieldOne = bstrTemp.m_str; bstrTemp = static_cast< BSTR >( m_CommandBooks.m_QueryCommand.GetValue( 1 ) ); pData->m_strFieldTwo = bstrTemp.m_str; dlg.m_DataList.AddTail( pData ); } while( m_CommandBooks.m_QueryCommand.MoveNext() == S_OK ); dlg.DoModal(); m_CommandBooks.m_QueryCommand.Close(); m_CommandBooks.GetData(); m_CommandBooks.MoveFirst(); }