Extrahieren von Bildern aus EPS - Problemmit ASCII85 und Bildanzeige

  • Hallo miteinander,

    ich habe ein gewaltiges Problem mit dem Extrahieren von Bildern aus einem EPS, welches in InDesign erstellt wurde.


    %ALDImageFileName: Speicher:kleinsbildirgendwieirgendwaswiedueshabenwillst.jpg
    %ALDImageDimensions: 30 30
    %ALDImageCropRect: 0 0 30 30
    %ALDImageCropFixed: 0 0 30 30
    %ALDImagePosition: 203.8677 344.8913 203.8677 359.2913 218.2677 359.2913 218.2677 344.8913
    %ALDImageType: 4 8
    %%BeginObject: image
    [14.4 0 0 14.4 203.868 344.891 ]ct
    Adobe_AGM_Image/AGMIMG_fl cf /ASCII85Decode fl /RunLengthDecode filter ddf
    /T 1
    /W 30
    /H 30
    /M[30 0 0 -30 0 30 ]
    /BC 8
    /D[0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 ]
    /DS [
    [AGMIMG_fl 30 string /rs cvx /pop cvx] cvx
    [AGMIMG_fl 30 string /rs cvx /pop cvx] cvx
    [AGMIMG_fl 30 string /rs cvx /pop cvx] cvx
    [AGMIMG_fl 30 string /rs cvx /pop cvx] cvx
    /O 3

    %%BeginBinary: 1
    p&G-p!<E*"!<<3"!!!&i!!30!Vl\`q!V-m!WW3&!r`0#!Wh]h!!20]!WW3qZqZ^!!!!&f!!30!WE!!WE!WE'! !WE'!<<#nc/[l!W<!#!WW3%h>dNVnGiXl!<<-)!!'"!<<2f!<!!<3)a!!!&t!!*-%kl:\\ar;Zm" !!2He#6G2G(D[>Z!<*#e!!WKUEK,/l!r`0"!V.!!Wi?'-t[mD-NjDN!!2Zk!!3#u"T]4OR%8!!!&h !!<6)*\\I@D!\\,8pq>g3h%KQP0';ta-rr2ho&-2b3mf3Y*Q/q,jk2D[9"76'h!=o#B!Y,22n,Nn!!!=Q! 0.ee,0/"XS!VHHl!!E<'!"[l]rrUsd!Ug!r&'a/!k3(mej38#8mJm8&'`/UF'`J.(!"8l.+"o,p/hSe- /M8.8!!<6%!i#Yn!<2rs!2Ao^NZFPk2tpjkND!jP3r;O%29TU'o-b%e'H-!=:8,0/"h-.kN>(.gkeH "T^(Js8W&srrE$$rr;gE!V-4"""*$ljlY^djQYmmi$\\'q!W9(p([Q1nc/dn!#@(:r[nC..kE8)/emgU
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    Orginal Bild Größe 553,9 KB

    Nach dem decode nur noch eine Größe von 1,8 KB

    Versuch 1.

    public class ASCII85Decode {

    private ByteBuffer buf;

    * initialize the decoder with byte buffer in ASCII85 format
    private ASCII85Decode(ByteBuffer buf) {
    this.buf = buf;

    * get the next character from the input.
    * @return the next character, or -1 if at end of stream
    private int nextChar() {
    // skip whitespace
    // returns next character, or -1 if end of stream
    while (buf.remaining() > 0) {
    char c = (char) buf.get();

    if (!isWhiteSpace(c)) {
    return c;

    // EOF reached
    return -1;

    public static boolean isWhiteSpace(int c) {
    return (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n'
    || c == 0 || c == 12);
    // 0=nul, 12=ff

    * decode the next five ASCII85 characters into up to four decoded
    * bytes. Return false when finished, or true otherwise.
    * @param baos the ByteArrayOutputStream to write output to, set to the
    * correct position
    * @return false when finished, or true otherwise.
    private boolean decode5(ByteArrayOutputStream baos)
    throws PDFParseException {
    // stream ends in ~>
    int[] five = new int[5];
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    five[i] = nextChar();
    if (five[i] == '~') {
    if (nextChar() == '>') {
    } else {
    throw new PDFParseException(
    "Bad character in ASCII85Decode: not ~>");
    } else if (five[i] >= '!' && five[i] <= 'u') {
    five[i] -= '!';
    } else if (five[i] == 'z') {
    if (i == 0) {
    five[i] = 0;
    i = 4;
    } else {
    throw new PDFParseException(
    "Inappropriate 'z' in ASCII85Decode");
    } else {
    throw new PDFParseException(
    "Bad character in ASCII85Decode: " + five[i]
    + " (" + (char) five[i] + ")");

    if (i > 0) {
    i -= 1;

    int value = five[0] * 85 * 85 * 85 * 85 + five[1] * 85 * 85
    * 85 + five[2] * 85 * 85 + five[3] * 85 + five[4];

    for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
    int shift = 8 * (3 - j);
    baos.write((byte) ((value >> shift) & 0xff));

    return (i == 4);

    * decode the bytes
    * @return the decoded bytes
    private ByteBuffer decode() throws PDFParseException {
    // start from the beginning of the data

    // allocate the output buffer
    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

    // decode the bytes
    while (decode5(baos)) {

    return ByteBuffer.wrap(baos.toByteArray());

    * decode an array of bytes in ASCII85 format.
    * <p>
    * In ASCII85 format, every 5 characters represents 4 decoded
    * bytes in base 85. The entire stream can contain whitespace,
    * and ends in the characters '~>'.
    * @param buf the encoded ASCII85 characters in a byte buffer
    * @param params parameters to the decoder (ignored)
    * @return the decoded bytes
    public static ByteBuffer decode(ByteBuffer buf)
    throws PDFParseException {
    ASCII85Decode me = new ASCII85Decode(buf);
    return me.decode();


    Versuch 2.

    public class Ascii85Decode {
    private final FileOutputStream fos;

    private Ascii85Decode() throws FileNotFoundException {
    File f = new File("/home/markus/1/test/bild.jpg");
    fos = new FileOutputStream(f);


    protected void finalize() throws Throwable {

    public static byte[] decode(byte[] in) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
    Ascii85Decode ascii85Decode = new Ascii85Decode();

    return null;
    static long pow85[] = {85 * 85 * 85 * 85, 85 * 85 * 85, 85 * 85, 85, 1};
    private byte[] in;

    private void setData(byte[] in) {
    this.in = in;

    void wput(long tuple, int bytes) throws IOException {
    switch (bytes) {
    case 4:
    putchar((int) (tuple >> 24));
    putchar((int) (tuple >> 16));
    putchar((int) (tuple >> 8));
    putchar((int) tuple);
    case 3:
    putchar((int) (tuple >> 24));
    putchar((int) (tuple >> 16));
    putchar((int) (tuple >> 8));
    case 2:
    putchar((int) (tuple >> 24));
    putchar((int) (tuple >> 16));
    case 1:
    putchar((int) (tuple >> 24));


    void decode85() throws IOException {
    long tuple = 0;
    int c, count = 0;
    int i=0;
    for (;;) {
    switch (c = in[i]) {
    if (c < '!' || c > 'u') {
    System.err.println("%s: bad character in ascii85 region: %#o\n");
    tuple += (c - '!') * pow85[count++];
    if (count == 5) {
    wput(tuple, 4);
    count = 0;
    tuple = 0;
    case 'z':

    if (count != 0) {
    System.err.println("%s: z inside ascii85 5-tuple\n");
    case '~':
    if (in[i+1] == '>') {
    if (count > 0) {
    tuple += pow85[count];
    wput(tuple, count);

    c = in[i+1];
    System.err.println("%s: ~ without > in ascii85 section\n");
    case '\n':
    case '\r':
    case '\t':
    case ' ':
    case '\0':
    case '\f':
    case '\b':
    case 0177:



    private void putchar(int l) throws IOException {

    Ich wäre sehr dankbar, wenn mir da jemand bei der Problembehebung helfen könnte!

    Gruß Ducky

  • Ähm... und was ist das Problem?

  • Crosspost, keine Code Tags und auch keine Frage. Du brauchst nicht erwarten, dass du so in irgendeinem der Foren in die du gepostet hast eine Antwort bekommst...

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