E-Texteditor unter Ubuntu 10.10 X86_64

  • Hallo liebe Community,

    ich hoffe, ich poste hier nicht im falschen Bereich.

    Ich habe den E-Texteditor unter Ubuntu 10.10 X86_64 kompiliert. Es läuft auch fast alles, nur wenn ich die Webpreview 2mal verwende, erhalte ich diese Fehlermeldung und E stürzt ab:
    ASSERTION FAILED: vptr() == JSGlobalData::jsArrayVPtr
    (../JavaScriptCore/runtime/JSArray.cpp:242 virtual JSC::JSArray::~JSArray()) Speicherzugriffsfehler

    Der code zu JSArray.cpp lautet:

    #include "config.h"
    #include "JSArray.h"
    #include "ArrayPrototype.h"
    #include "CachedCall.h"
    #include "Error.h"
    #include "Executable.h"
    #include "PropertyNameArray.h"
    #include <wtf/AVLTree.h>
    #include <wtf/Assertions.h>
    #include <wtf/OwnPtr.h>
    #include <Operations.h>
    using namespace std;
    using namespace WTF;
    namespace JSC {
    // Overview of JSArray
    // Properties of JSArray objects may be stored in one of three locations:
    //   * The regular JSObject property map.
    //   * A storage vector.
    //   * A sparse map of array entries.
    // Properties with non-numeric identifiers, with identifiers that are not representable
    // as an unsigned integer, or where the value is greater than  MAX_ARRAY_INDEX
    // (specifically, this is only one property - the value 0xFFFFFFFFU as an unsigned 32-bit
    // integer) are not considered array indices and will be stored in the JSObject property map.
    // All properties with a numeric identifer, representable as an unsigned integer i,
    // where (i <= MAX_ARRAY_INDEX), are an array index and will be stored in either the
    // storage vector or the sparse map.  An array index i will be handled in the following
    // fashion:
    //   * Where (i < MIN_SPARSE_ARRAY_INDEX) the value will be stored in the storage vector.
    //   * Where (MIN_SPARSE_ARRAY_INDEX <= i <= MAX_STORAGE_VECTOR_INDEX) the value will either
    //     be stored in the storage vector or in the sparse array, depending on the density of
    //     data that would be stored in the vector (a vector being used where at least
    //     (1 / minDensityMultiplier) of the entries would be populated).
    //   * Where (MAX_STORAGE_VECTOR_INDEX < i <= MAX_ARRAY_INDEX) the value will always be stored
    //     in the sparse array.
    // The definition of MAX_STORAGE_VECTOR_LENGTH is dependant on the definition storageSize
    // function below - the MAX_STORAGE_VECTOR_LENGTH limit is defined such that the storage
    // size calculation cannot overflow.  (sizeof(ArrayStorage) - sizeof(JSValue)) +
    // (vectorLength * sizeof(JSValue)) must be <= 0xFFFFFFFFU (which is maximum value of size_t).
    #define MAX_STORAGE_VECTOR_LENGTH static_cast<unsigned>((0xFFFFFFFFU - (sizeof(ArrayStorage) - sizeof(JSValue))) / sizeof(JSValue))
    // These values have to be macros to be used in max() and min() without introducing
    // a PIC branch in Mach-O binaries, see <rdar://problem/5971391>.
    #define MIN_SPARSE_ARRAY_INDEX 10000U
    // 0xFFFFFFFF is a bit weird -- is not an array index even though it's an integer.
    // The value BASE_VECTOR_LEN is the maximum number of vector elements we'll allocate
    // for an array that was created with a sepcified length (e.g. a = new Array(123))
    #define BASE_VECTOR_LEN 4U
    // The upper bound to the size we'll grow a zero length array when the first element
    // is added.
    #define FIRST_VECTOR_GROW 4U
    // Our policy for when to use a vector and when to use a sparse map.
    // For all array indices under MIN_SPARSE_ARRAY_INDEX, we always use a vector.
    // When indices greater than MIN_SPARSE_ARRAY_INDEX are involved, we use a vector
    // as long as it is 1/8 full. If more sparse than that, we use a map.
    static const unsigned minDensityMultiplier = 8;
    const ClassInfo JSArray::info = {"Array", 0, 0, 0};
    // We keep track of the size of the last array after it was grown.  We use this
    // as a simple heuristic for as the value to grow the next array from size 0.
    // This value is capped by the constant FIRST_VECTOR_GROW defined above.
    static unsigned lastArraySize = 0;
    static inline size_t storageSize(unsigned vectorLength)
        ASSERT(vectorLength <= MAX_STORAGE_VECTOR_LENGTH);
        // MAX_STORAGE_VECTOR_LENGTH is defined such that provided (vectorLength <= MAX_STORAGE_VECTOR_LENGTH)
        // - as asserted above - the following calculation cannot overflow.
        size_t size = (sizeof(ArrayStorage) - sizeof(JSValue)) + (vectorLength * sizeof(JSValue));
        // Assertion to detect integer overflow in previous calculation (should not be possible, provided that
        // MAX_STORAGE_VECTOR_LENGTH is correctly defined).
        ASSERT(((size - (sizeof(ArrayStorage) - sizeof(JSValue))) / sizeof(JSValue) == vectorLength) && (size >= (sizeof(ArrayStorage) - sizeof(JSValue))));
        return size;
    static inline bool isDenseEnoughForVector(unsigned length, unsigned numValues)
        return length / minDensityMultiplier <= numValues;
    inline void JSArray::checkConsistency(ConsistencyCheckType)
        : JSObject(createStructure(jsNull()))
        unsigned initialCapacity = 0;
        m_storage = static_cast<ArrayStorage*>(fastZeroedMalloc(storageSize(initialCapacity)));
        m_storage->m_allocBase = m_storage;
        m_indexBias = 0;
        m_vectorLength = initialCapacity;
        // It's not safe to call Heap::heap(this) in order to report extra memory
        // cost here, because the VPtrStealingHackType JSArray is not allocated on
        // the heap. For the same reason, it's OK not to report extra cost.
    JSArray::JSArray(NonNullPassRefPtr<Structure> structure)
        : JSObject(structure)
        unsigned initialCapacity = 0;
        m_storage = static_cast<ArrayStorage*>(fastZeroedMalloc(storageSize(initialCapacity)));
        m_storage->m_allocBase = m_storage;
        m_indexBias = 0;
        m_vectorLength = initialCapacity;
    JSArray::JSArray(NonNullPassRefPtr<Structure> structure, unsigned initialLength, ArrayCreationMode creationMode)
        : JSObject(structure)
        unsigned initialCapacity;
        if (creationMode == CreateCompact)
            initialCapacity = initialLength;
            initialCapacity = min(BASE_VECTOR_LEN, MIN_SPARSE_ARRAY_INDEX);
        m_storage = static_cast<ArrayStorage*>(fastMalloc(storageSize(initialCapacity)));
        m_storage->m_allocBase = m_storage;
        m_storage->m_length = initialLength;
        m_indexBias = 0;
        m_vectorLength = initialCapacity;
        m_storage->m_sparseValueMap = 0;
        m_storage->subclassData = 0;
        m_storage->reportedMapCapacity = 0;
        if (creationMode == CreateCompact) {
            m_storage->m_inCompactInitialization = !!initialCapacity;
            m_storage->m_length = 0;
            m_storage->m_numValuesInVector = initialCapacity;
        } else {
            storage->m_inCompactInitialization = false;
            m_storage->m_length = initialLength;
            m_storage->m_numValuesInVector = 0;
            JSValue* vector = m_storage->m_vector;
            for (size_t i = 0; i < initialCapacity; ++i)
                vector[i] = JSValue();
    JSArray::JSArray(NonNullPassRefPtr<Structure> structure, const ArgList& list)
        : JSObject(structure)
        unsigned initialCapacity = list.size();
        unsigned initialStorage;
        // If the ArgList is empty, allocate space for 3 entries.  This value empirically
        // works well for benchmarks.
        if (!initialCapacity)
            initialStorage = 3;
            initialStorage = initialCapacity;
        m_storage = static_cast<ArrayStorage*>(fastMalloc(storageSize(initialStorage)));
        m_storage->m_allocBase = m_storage;
        m_indexBias = 0;
        m_storage->m_length = initialCapacity;
        m_vectorLength = initialStorage;
        m_storage->m_numValuesInVector = initialCapacity;
        m_storage->m_sparseValueMap = 0;
        m_storage->subclassData = 0;
        m_storage->reportedMapCapacity = 0;
        m_storage->m_inCompactInitialization = false;
        size_t i = 0;
        JSValue* vector = m_storage->m_vector;
        ArgList::const_iterator end = list.end();
        for (ArgList::const_iterator it = list.begin(); it != end; ++it, ++i)
            vector[i] = *it;
        for (; i < initialStorage; i++)
            vector[i] = JSValue();
        ASSERT(vptr() == JSGlobalData::jsArrayVPtr);
        delete m_storage->m_sparseValueMap;
    bool JSArray::getOwnPropertySlot(ExecState* exec, unsigned i, PropertySlot& slot)
        ArrayStorage* storage = m_storage;
        if (i >= storage->m_length) {
            if (i > MAX_ARRAY_INDEX)
                return getOwnPropertySlot(exec, Identifier::from(exec, i), slot);
            return false;
        if (i < m_vectorLength) {
            JSValue& valueSlot = storage->m_vector[i];
            if (valueSlot) {
                return true;
        } else if (SparseArrayValueMap* map = storage->m_sparseValueMap) {
            if (i >= MIN_SPARSE_ARRAY_INDEX) {
                SparseArrayValueMap::iterator it = map->find(i);
                if (it != map->end()) {
                    return true;
        return JSObject::getOwnPropertySlot(exec, Identifier::from(exec, i), slot);
    bool JSArray::getOwnPropertySlot(ExecState* exec, const Identifier& propertyName, PropertySlot& slot)
        if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().length) {
            slot.setValue(jsNumber(exec, length()));
            return true;
        bool isArrayIndex;
        unsigned i = propertyName.toArrayIndex(isArrayIndex);
        if (isArrayIndex)
            return JSArray::getOwnPropertySlot(exec, i, slot);
        return JSObject::getOwnPropertySlot(exec, propertyName, slot);
    bool JSArray::getOwnPropertyDescriptor(ExecState* exec, const Identifier& propertyName, PropertyDescriptor& descriptor)
        if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().length) {
            descriptor.setDescriptor(jsNumber(exec, length()), DontDelete | DontEnum);
            return true;
        ArrayStorage* storage = m_storage;
        bool isArrayIndex;
        unsigned i = propertyName.toArrayIndex(isArrayIndex);
        if (isArrayIndex) {
            if (i >= storage->m_length)
                return false;
            if (i < m_vectorLength) {
                JSValue& value = storage->m_vector[i];
                if (value) {
                    descriptor.setDescriptor(value, 0);
                    return true;
            } else if (SparseArrayValueMap* map = storage->m_sparseValueMap) {
                if (i >= MIN_SPARSE_ARRAY_INDEX) {
                    SparseArrayValueMap::iterator it = map->find(i);
                    if (it != map->end()) {
                        descriptor.setDescriptor(it->second, 0);
                        return true;
        return JSObject::getOwnPropertyDescriptor(exec, propertyName, descriptor);
    // ECMA
    void JSArray::put(ExecState* exec, const Identifier& propertyName, JSValue value, PutPropertySlot& slot)
        bool isArrayIndex;
        unsigned i = propertyName.toArrayIndex(isArrayIndex);
        if (isArrayIndex) {
            put(exec, i, value);
        if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().length) {
            unsigned newLength = value.toUInt32(exec);
            if (value.toNumber(exec) != static_cast<double>(newLength)) {
                throwError(exec, createRangeError(exec, "Invalid array length."));
        JSObject::put(exec, propertyName, value, slot);
    void JSArray::put(ExecState* exec, unsigned i, JSValue value)
        ArrayStorage* storage = m_storage;
        unsigned length = storage->m_length;
        if (i >= length && i <= MAX_ARRAY_INDEX) {
            length = i + 1;
            storage->m_length = length;
        if (i < m_vectorLength) {
            JSValue& valueSlot = storage->m_vector[i];
            if (valueSlot) {
                valueSlot = value;
            valueSlot = value;
        putSlowCase(exec, i, value);
    NEVER_INLINE void JSArray::putSlowCase(ExecState* exec, unsigned i, JSValue value)
        ArrayStorage* storage = m_storage;
        SparseArrayValueMap* map = storage->m_sparseValueMap;
        if (i >= MIN_SPARSE_ARRAY_INDEX) {
            if (i > MAX_ARRAY_INDEX) {
                PutPropertySlot slot;
                put(exec, Identifier::from(exec, i), value, slot);
            // We miss some cases where we could compact the storage, such as a large array that is being filled from the end
            // (which will only be compacted as we reach indices that are less than MIN_SPARSE_ARRAY_INDEX) - but this makes the check much faster.
            if ((i > MAX_STORAGE_VECTOR_INDEX) || !isDenseEnoughForVector(i + 1, storage->m_numValuesInVector + 1)) {
                if (!map) {
                    map = new SparseArrayValueMap;
                    storage->m_sparseValueMap = map;
                pair<SparseArrayValueMap::iterator, bool> result = map->add(i, value);
                if (!result.second) { // pre-existing entry
                    result.first->second = value;
                size_t capacity = map->capacity();
                if (capacity != storage->reportedMapCapacity) {
                    Heap::heap(this)->reportExtraMemoryCost((capacity - storage->reportedMapCapacity) * (sizeof(unsigned) + sizeof(JSValue)));
                    storage->reportedMapCapacity = capacity;
        // We have decided that we'll put the new item into the vector.
        // Fast case is when there is no sparse map, so we can increase the vector size without moving values from it.
        if (!map || map->isEmpty()) {
            if (increaseVectorLength(i + 1)) {
                storage = m_storage;
                storage->m_vector[i] = value;
            } else
        // Decide how many values it would be best to move from the map.
        unsigned newNumValuesInVector = storage->m_numValuesInVector + 1;
        unsigned newVectorLength = getNewVectorLength(i + 1);
        for (unsigned j = max(m_vectorLength, MIN_SPARSE_ARRAY_INDEX); j < newVectorLength; ++j)
            newNumValuesInVector += map->contains(j);
        if (i >= MIN_SPARSE_ARRAY_INDEX)
            newNumValuesInVector -= map->contains(i);
        if (isDenseEnoughForVector(newVectorLength, newNumValuesInVector)) {
            unsigned needLength = max(i + 1, storage->m_length);
            unsigned proposedNewNumValuesInVector = newNumValuesInVector;
            // If newVectorLength is already the maximum - MAX_STORAGE_VECTOR_LENGTH - then do not attempt to grow any further.
            while ((newVectorLength < needLength) && (newVectorLength < MAX_STORAGE_VECTOR_LENGTH)) {
                unsigned proposedNewVectorLength = getNewVectorLength(newVectorLength + 1);
                for (unsigned j = max(newVectorLength, MIN_SPARSE_ARRAY_INDEX); j < proposedNewVectorLength; ++j)
                    proposedNewNumValuesInVector += map->contains(j);
                if (!isDenseEnoughForVector(proposedNewVectorLength, proposedNewNumValuesInVector))
                newVectorLength = proposedNewVectorLength;
                newNumValuesInVector = proposedNewNumValuesInVector;
        void* baseStorage = storage->m_allocBase;
        if (!tryFastRealloc(baseStorage, storageSize(newVectorLength + m_indexBias)).getValue(baseStorage)) {
        m_storage = reinterpret_cast_ptr<ArrayStorage*>(static_cast<char*>(baseStorage) + m_indexBias * sizeof(JSValue));
        m_storage->m_allocBase = baseStorage;
        storage = m_storage;
        unsigned vectorLength = m_vectorLength;
        JSValue* vector = storage->m_vector;
        if (newNumValuesInVector == storage->m_numValuesInVector + 1) {
            for (unsigned j = vectorLength; j < newVectorLength; ++j)
                vector[j] = JSValue();
            if (i > MIN_SPARSE_ARRAY_INDEX)
        } else {
            for (unsigned j = vectorLength; j < max(vectorLength, MIN_SPARSE_ARRAY_INDEX); ++j)
                vector[j] = JSValue();
            for (unsigned j = max(vectorLength, MIN_SPARSE_ARRAY_INDEX); j < newVectorLength; ++j)
                vector[j] = map->take(j);
        ASSERT(i < newVectorLength);
        m_vectorLength = newVectorLength;
        storage->m_numValuesInVector = newNumValuesInVector;
        storage->m_vector[i] = value;
        Heap::heap(this)->reportExtraMemoryCost(storageSize(newVectorLength) - storageSize(vectorLength));
    bool JSArray::deleteProperty(ExecState* exec, const Identifier& propertyName)
        bool isArrayIndex;
        unsigned i = propertyName.toArrayIndex(isArrayIndex);
        if (isArrayIndex)
            return deleteProperty(exec, i);
        if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().length)
            return false;
        return JSObject::deleteProperty(exec, propertyName);
    bool JSArray::deleteProperty(ExecState* exec, unsigned i)
        ArrayStorage* storage = m_storage;
        if (i < m_vectorLength) {
            JSValue& valueSlot = storage->m_vector[i];
            if (!valueSlot) {
                return false;
            valueSlot = JSValue();
            return true;
        if (SparseArrayValueMap* map = storage->m_sparseValueMap) {
            if (i >= MIN_SPARSE_ARRAY_INDEX) {
                SparseArrayValueMap::iterator it = map->find(i);
                if (it != map->end()) {
                    return true;
        if (i > MAX_ARRAY_INDEX)
            return deleteProperty(exec, Identifier::from(exec, i));
        return false;
    void JSArray::getOwnPropertyNames(ExecState* exec, PropertyNameArray& propertyNames, EnumerationMode mode)
        // FIXME: Filling PropertyNameArray with an identifier for every integer
        // is incredibly inefficient for large arrays. We need a different approach,
        // which almost certainly means a different structure for PropertyNameArray.
        ArrayStorage* storage = m_storage;
        unsigned usedVectorLength = min(storage->m_length, m_vectorLength);
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < usedVectorLength; ++i) {
            if (storage->m_vector[i])
                propertyNames.add(Identifier::from(exec, i));
        if (SparseArrayValueMap* map = storage->m_sparseValueMap) {
            SparseArrayValueMap::iterator end = map->end();
            for (SparseArrayValueMap::iterator it = map->begin(); it != end; ++it)
                propertyNames.add(Identifier::from(exec, it->first));
        if (mode == IncludeDontEnumProperties)
        JSObject::getOwnPropertyNames(exec, propertyNames, mode);
    ALWAYS_INLINE unsigned JSArray::getNewVectorLength(unsigned desiredLength)
        ASSERT(desiredLength <= MAX_STORAGE_VECTOR_LENGTH);
        unsigned increasedLength;
        unsigned maxInitLength = min(m_storage->m_length, 100000U);
        if (desiredLength < maxInitLength)
            increasedLength = maxInitLength;
        else if (!m_vectorLength)
            increasedLength = max(desiredLength, lastArraySize);
        else {
            // Mathematically equivalent to:
            //   increasedLength = (newLength * 3 + 1) / 2;
            // or:
            //   increasedLength = (unsigned)ceil(newLength * 1.5));
            // This form is not prone to internal overflow.
            increasedLength = desiredLength + (desiredLength >> 1) + (desiredLength & 1);
        ASSERT(increasedLength >= desiredLength);
        lastArraySize = min(increasedLength, FIRST_VECTOR_GROW);
        return min(increasedLength, MAX_STORAGE_VECTOR_LENGTH);
    bool JSArray::increaseVectorLength(unsigned newLength)
        // This function leaves the array in an internally inconsistent state, because it does not move any values from sparse value map
        // to the vector. Callers have to account for that, because they can do it more efficiently.
        ArrayStorage* storage = m_storage;
        unsigned vectorLength = m_vectorLength;
        ASSERT(newLength > vectorLength);
        unsigned newVectorLength = getNewVectorLength(newLength);
        void* baseStorage = storage->m_allocBase;
        if (!tryFastRealloc(baseStorage, storageSize(newVectorLength + m_indexBias)).getValue(baseStorage))
            return false;
        storage = m_storage = reinterpret_cast_ptr<ArrayStorage*>(static_cast<char*>(baseStorage) + m_indexBias * sizeof(JSValue));
        m_storage->m_allocBase = baseStorage;
        JSValue* vector = storage->m_vector;
        for (unsigned i = vectorLength; i < newVectorLength; ++i)
            vector[i] = JSValue();
        m_vectorLength = newVectorLength;
        Heap::heap(this)->reportExtraMemoryCost(storageSize(newVectorLength) - storageSize(vectorLength));
        return true;
    bool JSArray::increaseVectorPrefixLength(unsigned newLength)
        // This function leaves the array in an internally inconsistent state, because it does not move any values from sparse value map
        // to the vector. Callers have to account for that, because they can do it more efficiently.
        ArrayStorage* storage = m_storage;
        unsigned vectorLength = m_vectorLength;
        ASSERT(newLength > vectorLength);
        unsigned newVectorLength = getNewVectorLength(newLength);
        void* newBaseStorage = fastMalloc(storageSize(newVectorLength + m_indexBias));
        if (!newBaseStorage)
            return false;
        m_indexBias += newVectorLength - newLength;
        m_storage = reinterpret_cast_ptr<ArrayStorage*>(static_cast<char*>(newBaseStorage) + m_indexBias * sizeof(JSValue));
        memcpy(m_storage, storage, storageSize(0));
        memcpy(&m_storage->m_vector[newLength - m_vectorLength], &storage->m_vector[0], vectorLength * sizeof(JSValue));
        m_storage->m_allocBase = newBaseStorage;
        m_vectorLength = newLength;
        Heap::heap(this)->reportExtraMemoryCost(storageSize(newVectorLength) - storageSize(vectorLength));
        return true;
    void JSArray::setLength(unsigned newLength)
        ArrayStorage* storage = m_storage;
        if (!storage->m_inCompactInitialization)
            storage->m_inCompactInitialization = false;
        unsigned length = storage->m_length;
        if (newLength < length) {
            unsigned usedVectorLength = min(length, m_vectorLength);
            for (unsigned i = newLength; i < usedVectorLength; ++i) {
                JSValue& valueSlot = storage->m_vector[i];
                bool hadValue = valueSlot;
                valueSlot = JSValue();
                storage->m_numValuesInVector -= hadValue;
            if (SparseArrayValueMap* map = storage->m_sparseValueMap) {
                SparseArrayValueMap copy = *map;
                SparseArrayValueMap::iterator end = copy.end();
                for (SparseArrayValueMap::iterator it = copy.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
                    if (it->first >= newLength)
                if (map->isEmpty()) {
                    delete map;
                    storage->m_sparseValueMap = 0;
        storage->m_length = newLength;
    JSValue JSArray::pop()
        ArrayStorage* storage = m_storage;
        unsigned length = storage->m_length;
        if (!length)
            return jsUndefined();
        JSValue result;
        if (length < m_vectorLength) {
            JSValue& valueSlot = storage->m_vector[length];
            if (valueSlot) {
                result = valueSlot;
                valueSlot = JSValue();
            } else
                result = jsUndefined();
        } else {
            result = jsUndefined();
            if (SparseArrayValueMap* map = storage->m_sparseValueMap) {
                SparseArrayValueMap::iterator it = map->find(length);
                if (it != map->end()) {
                    result = it->second;
                    if (map->isEmpty()) {
                        delete map;
                        storage->m_sparseValueMap = 0;
        storage->m_length = length;
        return result;
    void JSArray::push(ExecState* exec, JSValue value)
        ArrayStorage* storage = m_storage;
        if (storage->m_length < m_vectorLength) {
            storage->m_vector[storage->m_length] = value;
        if (storage->m_length < MIN_SPARSE_ARRAY_INDEX) {
            SparseArrayValueMap* map = storage->m_sparseValueMap;
            if (!map || map->isEmpty()) {
                if (increaseVectorLength(storage->m_length + 1)) {
                    storage = m_storage;
                    storage->m_vector[storage->m_length] = value;
        putSlowCase(exec, storage->m_length++, value);
    void JSArray::shiftCount(ExecState* exec, int count)
        ASSERT(count > 0);
        ArrayStorage* storage = m_storage;
        unsigned oldLength = storage->m_length;
        if (!oldLength)
        if (oldLength != storage->m_numValuesInVector) {
            // If m_length and m_numValuesInVector aren't the same, we have a sparse vector
            // which means we need to go through each entry looking for the the "empty"
            // slots and then fill them with possible properties.  See ECMA spec.
            // steps 11 through 13.
            for (unsigned i = count; i < oldLength; ++i) {
                if ((i >= m_vectorLength) || (!m_storage->m_vector[i])) {
                    PropertySlot slot(this);
                    JSValue p = prototype();
                    if ((!p.isNull()) && (asObject(p)->getPropertySlot(exec, i, slot)))
                        put(exec, i, slot.getValue(exec, i));
            storage = m_storage; // The put() above could have grown the vector and realloc'ed storage.
            // Need to decrement numValuesInvector based on number of real entries
            for (unsigned i = 0; i < (unsigned)count; ++i)
                if ((i < m_vectorLength) && (storage->m_vector[i]))
        } else
            storage->m_numValuesInVector -= count;
        storage->m_length -= count;
        if (m_vectorLength) {
            count = min(m_vectorLength, (unsigned)count);
            m_vectorLength -= count;
            if (m_vectorLength) {
                char* newBaseStorage = reinterpret_cast<char*>(storage) + count * sizeof(JSValue);
                memmove(newBaseStorage, storage, storageSize(0));
                m_storage = reinterpret_cast_ptr<ArrayStorage*>(newBaseStorage);
                m_indexBias += count;
    void JSArray::unshiftCount(ExecState* exec, int count)
        ArrayStorage* storage = m_storage;
        ASSERT(m_indexBias >= 0);
        ASSERT(count >= 0);
        unsigned length = storage->m_length;
        if (length != storage->m_numValuesInVector) {
            // If m_length and m_numValuesInVector aren't the same, we have a sparse vector
            // which means we need to go through each entry looking for the the "empty"
            // slots and then fill them with possible properties.  See ECMA spec.
            // steps 8 through 10.
            for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
                if ((i >= m_vectorLength) || (!m_storage->m_vector[i])) {
                    PropertySlot slot(this);
                    JSValue p = prototype();
                    if ((!p.isNull()) && (asObject(p)->getPropertySlot(exec, i, slot)))
                        put(exec, i, slot.getValue(exec, i));
        storage = m_storage; // The put() above could have grown the vector and realloc'ed storage.
        if (m_indexBias >= count) {
            m_indexBias -= count;
            char* newBaseStorage = reinterpret_cast<char*>(storage) - count * sizeof(JSValue);
            memmove(newBaseStorage, storage, storageSize(0));
            m_storage = reinterpret_cast_ptr<ArrayStorage*>(newBaseStorage);
            m_vectorLength += count;
        } else if (!increaseVectorPrefixLength(m_vectorLength + count)) {
        JSValue* vector = m_storage->m_vector;
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            vector[i] = JSValue();
    void JSArray::markChildren(MarkStack& markStack)
    static int compareNumbersForQSort(const void* a, const void* b)
        double da = static_cast<const JSValue*>(a)->uncheckedGetNumber();
        double db = static_cast<const JSValue*>(b)->uncheckedGetNumber();
        return (da > db) - (da < db);
    typedef std::pair<JSValue, UString> ValueStringPair;
    static int compareByStringPairForQSort(const void* a, const void* b)
        const ValueStringPair* va = static_cast<const ValueStringPair*>(a);
        const ValueStringPair* vb = static_cast<const ValueStringPair*>(b);
        return codePointCompare(va->second, vb->second);
    void JSArray::sortNumeric(ExecState* exec, JSValue compareFunction, CallType callType, const CallData& callData)
        ArrayStorage* storage = m_storage;
        unsigned lengthNotIncludingUndefined = compactForSorting();
        if (storage->m_sparseValueMap) {
        if (!lengthNotIncludingUndefined)
        bool allValuesAreNumbers = true;
        size_t size = storage->m_numValuesInVector;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
            if (!storage->m_vector[i].isNumber()) {
                allValuesAreNumbers = false;
        if (!allValuesAreNumbers)
            return sort(exec, compareFunction, callType, callData);
        // For numeric comparison, which is fast, qsort is faster than mergesort. We
        // also don't require mergesort's stability, since there's no user visible
        // side-effect from swapping the order of equal primitive values.
        qsort(storage->m_vector, size, sizeof(JSValue), compareNumbersForQSort);
    void JSArray::sort(ExecState* exec)
        ArrayStorage* storage = m_storage;
        unsigned lengthNotIncludingUndefined = compactForSorting();
        if (storage->m_sparseValueMap) {
        if (!lengthNotIncludingUndefined)
        // Converting JavaScript values to strings can be expensive, so we do it once up front and sort based on that.
        // This is a considerable improvement over doing it twice per comparison, though it requires a large temporary
        // buffer. Besides, this protects us from crashing if some objects have custom toString methods that return
        // random or otherwise changing results, effectively making compare function inconsistent.
        Vector<ValueStringPair> values(lengthNotIncludingUndefined);
        if (!values.begin()) {
        for (size_t i = 0; i < lengthNotIncludingUndefined; i++) {
            JSValue value = storage->m_vector[i];
            values[i].first = value;
        // FIXME: While calling these toString functions, the array could be mutated.
        // In that case, objects pointed to by values in this vector might get garbage-collected!
        // FIXME: The following loop continues to call toString on subsequent values even after
        // a toString call raises an exception.
        for (size_t i = 0; i < lengthNotIncludingUndefined; i++)
            values[i].second = values[i].first.toString(exec);
        if (exec->hadException())
        // FIXME: Since we sort by string value, a fast algorithm might be to use a radix sort. That would be O(N) rather
        // than O(N log N).
        mergesort(values.begin(), values.size(), sizeof(ValueStringPair), compareByStringPairForQSort);
        // FIXME: The qsort library function is likely to not be a stable sort.
        // ECMAScript-262 does not specify a stable sort, but in practice, browsers perform a stable sort.
        qsort(values.begin(), values.size(), sizeof(ValueStringPair), compareByStringPairForQSort);
        // FIXME: If the toString function changed the length of the array, this might be
        // modifying the vector incorrectly.
        for (size_t i = 0; i < lengthNotIncludingUndefined; i++)
            storage->m_vector[i] = values[i].first;
    struct AVLTreeNodeForArrayCompare {
        JSValue value;
        // Child pointers.  The high bit of gt is robbed and used as the
        // balance factor sign.  The high bit of lt is robbed and used as
        // the magnitude of the balance factor.
        int32_t gt;
        int32_t lt;
    struct AVLTreeAbstractorForArrayCompare {
        typedef int32_t handle; // Handle is an index into m_nodes vector.
        typedef JSValue key;
        typedef int32_t size;
        Vector<AVLTreeNodeForArrayCompare> m_nodes;
        ExecState* m_exec;
        JSValue m_compareFunction;
        CallType m_compareCallType;
        const CallData* m_compareCallData;
        JSValue m_globalThisValue;
        OwnPtr<CachedCall> m_cachedCall;
        handle get_less(handle h) { return m_nodes[h].lt & 0x7FFFFFFF; }
        void set_less(handle h, handle lh) { m_nodes[h].lt &= 0x80000000; m_nodes[h].lt |= lh; }
        handle get_greater(handle h) { return m_nodes[h].gt & 0x7FFFFFFF; }
        void set_greater(handle h, handle gh) { m_nodes[h].gt &= 0x80000000; m_nodes[h].gt |= gh; }
        int get_balance_factor(handle h)
            if (m_nodes[h].gt & 0x80000000)
                return -1;
            return static_cast<unsigned>(m_nodes[h].lt) >> 31;
        void set_balance_factor(handle h, int bf)
            if (bf == 0) {
                m_nodes[h].lt &= 0x7FFFFFFF;
                m_nodes[h].gt &= 0x7FFFFFFF;
            } else {
                m_nodes[h].lt |= 0x80000000;
                if (bf < 0)
                    m_nodes[h].gt |= 0x80000000;
                    m_nodes[h].gt &= 0x7FFFFFFF;
        int compare_key_key(key va, key vb)
            if (m_exec->hadException())
                return 1;
            double compareResult;
            if (m_cachedCall) {
                m_cachedCall->setArgument(0, va);
                m_cachedCall->setArgument(1, vb);
                compareResult = m_cachedCall->call().toNumber(m_cachedCall->newCallFrame(m_exec));
            } else {
                MarkedArgumentBuffer arguments;
                compareResult = call(m_exec, m_compareFunction, m_compareCallType, *m_compareCallData, m_globalThisValue, arguments).toNumber(m_exec);
            return (compareResult < 0) ? -1 : 1; // Not passing equality through, because we need to store all values, even if equivalent.
        int compare_key_node(key k, handle h) { return compare_key_key(k, m_nodes[h].value); }
        int compare_node_node(handle h1, handle h2) { return compare_key_key(m_nodes[h1].value, m_nodes[h2].value); }
        static handle null() { return 0x7FFFFFFF; }
    void JSArray::sort(ExecState* exec, JSValue compareFunction, CallType callType, const CallData& callData)
        ArrayStorage* storage = m_storage;
        // FIXME: This ignores exceptions raised in the compare function or in toNumber.
        // The maximum tree depth is compiled in - but the caller is clearly up to no good
        // if a larger array is passed.
        ASSERT(storage->m_length <= static_cast<unsigned>(std::numeric_limits<int>::max()));
        if (storage->m_length > static_cast<unsigned>(std::numeric_limits<int>::max()))
        unsigned usedVectorLength = min(storage->m_length, m_vectorLength);
        unsigned nodeCount = usedVectorLength + (storage->m_sparseValueMap ? storage->m_sparseValueMap->size() : 0);
        if (!nodeCount)
        AVLTree<AVLTreeAbstractorForArrayCompare, 44> tree; // Depth 44 is enough for 2^31 items
        tree.abstractor().m_exec = exec;
        tree.abstractor().m_compareFunction = compareFunction;
        tree.abstractor().m_compareCallType = callType;
        tree.abstractor().m_compareCallData = &callData;
        tree.abstractor().m_globalThisValue = exec->globalThisValue();
        if (callType == CallTypeJS)
            tree.abstractor().m_cachedCall = adoptPtr(new CachedCall(exec, asFunction(compareFunction), 2, exec->exceptionSlot()));
        if (!tree.abstractor().m_nodes.begin()) {
        // FIXME: If the compare function modifies the array, the vector, map, etc. could be modified
        // right out from under us while we're building the tree here.
        unsigned numDefined = 0;
        unsigned numUndefined = 0;
        // Iterate over the array, ignoring missing values, counting undefined ones, and inserting all other ones into the tree.
        for (; numDefined < usedVectorLength; ++numDefined) {
            JSValue v = storage->m_vector[numDefined];
            if (!v || v.isUndefined())
            tree.abstractor().m_nodes[numDefined].value = v;
        for (unsigned i = numDefined; i < usedVectorLength; ++i) {
            JSValue v = storage->m_vector[i];
            if (v) {
                if (v.isUndefined())
                else {
                    tree.abstractor().m_nodes[numDefined].value = v;
        unsigned newUsedVectorLength = numDefined + numUndefined;
        if (SparseArrayValueMap* map = storage->m_sparseValueMap) {
            newUsedVectorLength += map->size();
            if (newUsedVectorLength > m_vectorLength) {
                // Check that it is possible to allocate an array large enough to hold all the entries.
                if ((newUsedVectorLength > MAX_STORAGE_VECTOR_LENGTH) || !increaseVectorLength(newUsedVectorLength)) {
            storage = m_storage;
            SparseArrayValueMap::iterator end = map->end();
            for (SparseArrayValueMap::iterator it = map->begin(); it != end; ++it) {
                tree.abstractor().m_nodes[numDefined].value = it->second;
            delete map;
            storage->m_sparseValueMap = 0;
        ASSERT(tree.abstractor().m_nodes.size() >= numDefined);
        // FIXME: If the compare function changed the length of the array, the following might be
        // modifying the vector incorrectly.
        // Copy the values back into m_storage.
        AVLTree<AVLTreeAbstractorForArrayCompare, 44>::Iterator iter;
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < numDefined; ++i) {
            storage->m_vector[i] = tree.abstractor().m_nodes[*iter].value;
        // Put undefined values back in.
        for (unsigned i = numDefined; i < newUsedVectorLength; ++i)
            storage->m_vector[i] = jsUndefined();
        // Ensure that unused values in the vector are zeroed out.
        for (unsigned i = newUsedVectorLength; i < usedVectorLength; ++i)
            storage->m_vector[i] = JSValue();
        storage->m_numValuesInVector = newUsedVectorLength;
    void JSArray::fillArgList(ExecState* exec, MarkedArgumentBuffer& args)
        ArrayStorage* storage = m_storage;
        JSValue* vector = storage->m_vector;
        unsigned vectorEnd = min(storage->m_length, m_vectorLength);
        unsigned i = 0;
        for (; i < vectorEnd; ++i) {
            JSValue& v = vector[i];
            if (!v)
        for (; i < storage->m_length; ++i)
            args.append(get(exec, i));
    void JSArray::copyToRegisters(ExecState* exec, Register* buffer, uint32_t maxSize)
        ASSERT(m_storage->m_length >= maxSize);
        JSValue* vector = m_storage->m_vector;
        unsigned vectorEnd = min(maxSize, m_vectorLength);
        unsigned i = 0;
        for (; i < vectorEnd; ++i) {
            JSValue& v = vector[i];
            if (!v)
            buffer[i] = v;
        for (; i < maxSize; ++i)
            buffer[i] = get(exec, i);
    unsigned JSArray::compactForSorting()
        ArrayStorage* storage = m_storage;
        unsigned usedVectorLength = min(storage->m_length, m_vectorLength);
        unsigned numDefined = 0;
        unsigned numUndefined = 0;
        for (; numDefined < usedVectorLength; ++numDefined) {
            JSValue v = storage->m_vector[numDefined];
            if (!v || v.isUndefined())
        for (unsigned i = numDefined; i < usedVectorLength; ++i) {
            JSValue v = storage->m_vector[i];
            if (v) {
                if (v.isUndefined())
                    storage->m_vector[numDefined++] = v;
        unsigned newUsedVectorLength = numDefined + numUndefined;
        if (SparseArrayValueMap* map = storage->m_sparseValueMap) {
            newUsedVectorLength += map->size();
            if (newUsedVectorLength > m_vectorLength) {
                // Check that it is possible to allocate an array large enough to hold all the entries - if not,
                // exception is thrown by caller.
                if ((newUsedVectorLength > MAX_STORAGE_VECTOR_LENGTH) || !increaseVectorLength(newUsedVectorLength))
                    return 0;
                storage = m_storage;
            SparseArrayValueMap::iterator end = map->end();
            for (SparseArrayValueMap::iterator it = map->begin(); it != end; ++it)
                storage->m_vector[numDefined++] = it->second;
            delete map;
            storage->m_sparseValueMap = 0;
        for (unsigned i = numDefined; i < newUsedVectorLength; ++i)
            storage->m_vector[i] = jsUndefined();
        for (unsigned i = newUsedVectorLength; i < usedVectorLength; ++i)
            storage->m_vector[i] = JSValue();
        storage->m_numValuesInVector = newUsedVectorLength;
        return numDefined;
    void* JSArray::subclassData() const
        return m_storage->subclassData;
    void JSArray::setSubclassData(void* d)
        m_storage->subclassData = d;
    void JSArray::checkConsistency(ConsistencyCheckType type)
        ArrayStorage* storage = m_storage;
        if (type == SortConsistencyCheck)
        unsigned numValuesInVector = 0;
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_vectorLength; ++i) {
            if (JSValue value = storage->m_vector[i]) {
                ASSERT(i < storage->m_length);
                if (type != DestructorConsistencyCheck)
                    value.isUndefined(); // Likely to crash if the object was deallocated.
            } else {
                if (type == SortConsistencyCheck)
                    ASSERT(i >= storage->m_numValuesInVector);
        ASSERT(numValuesInVector == storage->m_numValuesInVector);
        ASSERT(numValuesInVector <= storage->m_length);
        if (storage->m_sparseValueMap) {
            SparseArrayValueMap::iterator end = storage->m_sparseValueMap->end();
            for (SparseArrayValueMap::iterator it = storage->m_sparseValueMap->begin(); it != end; ++it) {
                unsigned index = it->first;
                ASSERT(index < storage->m_length);
                ASSERT(index >= storage->m_vectorLength);
                ASSERT(index <= MAX_ARRAY_INDEX);
                if (type != DestructorConsistencyCheck)
                    it->second.isUndefined(); // Likely to crash if the object was deallocated.
    } // namespace JSC

    Weis jmd. wie ich dieses Problem lösen, oder mir eine Hilfestellung beim Debuggen geben kann.

    Vielen Dank für eure Mühe


  • Sag mal hast du ne Klatsch? Hier liest sich bestimmt niemand über 1000 Zeilen Code durch!

  • Vielleicht mal an die Entwickler wenden?

  • Jup. Bitte kontaktiere die Entwickler, ich weiß auch nicht so recht, was wir hier groß machen sollen. Die Devs kennen ihren Code, die können Dir sagen, wie Du ihnen helfen kannst, den Fehler zu finden.

  • Danke trotzdem für eure Mühe

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