CImage: Bitmap Bild in byte Array speichern
Hallo Forum,
ich bin total am verzweifeln! Ich brauche ein C++ Programm das ein Bild (Format z.B. bmp) in ein byte Array speichert.
Wäre für jede Hilfe dankbar, hab schon halb Google durchforstet!
Toll nicht?
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Hier auch?
I make a MFC remedy built with VS2008, that I would suchlike to use
it for someone processing.
At this instant I use CImage happening to add any colours using the
functions GetPixel()/SetPixel() and the somebody gets displayed
I would similar to get the appearance's matrix (said dimensions as the
innovational, equal formatting, uncompressed, suchlike .bmp, .png) , create some
changes in it and then attach it to a new CImage example in arrangement to
economise it with a antithetical cant, everything without being needful to
display the appearance.
I detected that CImage has the GetBits() purpose that retrieves the
regalia of bytes, but did not see any part to set the arrange in one
shaft (without SetPixel()).
My ask is if this can be finished. If CImage cannot set the matrix,
then what grade should I use instead.
Several code would improve me to read outperform.