[Linux] Register & Physical Memory Write

  • Hallo,

    ich bin mir nicht sicher ob mir jemand helfen kann, aber trotzdem möchte ich es versuchen:

    ich habe einen Samsung LCD Fernsehr, auf dem ich ein Script installiert habe.
    Dieser Script wird automatisch nach 10 Sekunden ausgeführt und ist fehlerhaft, dadurch hängt sich mein Fernsehr nach Ausführung des Scriptes komplett auf, so dass ich nichts mehr machen kann.

    Ich brauche eine Möglichkeit auf den Fernsehr zuzugreifen, um das Script zu entfernen bzw in die Shell zu kommen, um es rechtzeitig stoppen zu können.

    Ich habe eine Verbindung über Com Port mit dem Fernsehr, über Putty kann ich mir die Log anzeigen lassen und in den Debug Modus gelangen.

    Über den Debug Modus könnte ich eine Shell aufrufen, um dem Fernsehr Befehle zu geben. Samsung hat jedoch alles verschlüsselt, so dass ich nur Ziffern eingeben kann (die Shell kann ich betreten).
    Um in der Shell Buchstaben eingeben zu können, muss ich einen bestimmten Wert in der Memory ändern, damit dieser mir dann die Buchstabeneingabe "erlaubt".

    physical address: 0x60166598
    input is 0x60166598

    [60166598]: ebfb620c ea000336
    [601665a0]: e59f1dfc e3a02000 e7923001 e2822004
    [601665b0]: e1530004 a000002 e3520034 a00032e
    [601665c0]: eafffff8

    Ich muss an den Wert "[601665c0]: eafffff8 " kommen, und diesen auf 0 setzen.
    Ich kann ihn aber nicht direkt an [601665c0] steuern, da in der Adresse ein "c" vorkommt, welches ich nicht eingeben kann.

    Ich kann nur mit folgendem Schritt an die Werte mit Buchstaben herankommen:

    Select> 1
    physical address: 0x60166598
    input is 0x60166598

    60166598]: ebfb620c new value:
    input is 0x0
    [6016659c]: ea000336 new value:0
    input is 0x0
    [601665a0]: e59f1dfc new value:0
    input is 0x0

    Wenn ich den Dritten Wert eingebe, kann ich beim vierten Wert "[601665a4]: e3a02000 new value:" nur 2 angeben, kurz danach nimmt er nichts mehr an und führt mich nicht weiter.

    Gibt es eine Möglichkeit "new value: " unverändert weiterzuspringen, ohne einen Wert einzugeben? Wenn ich bestimmte Zahlen eingebe, reagiert er darauf und friert ein.
    Gibt es Zahlen mit denen ich an die Adresse [601665c0] komme, ohne c eingeben zu können?


    Hier die gesamte Log:

    ===========~= PuTTY log 2005.07.13 02:21:34 ===========~=

    > REL SECURE ONBOOT :: 0x65010326 0x12821282
    normal boot [sboot_auth_normalboot:110]
    [SERIAL INPUT MANAGE] Managed tty_struct(.name:ttyS1) Setup!!!

    [3_64_512_CIP] Linux version 2.6.18_SELP-ARM (youngki_cha@sp) (gcc version 4.2.0 20070514 (GPL2) (SELP 4.2.0-3.0.5.custom 2007-10-31(14:53))) #191 PREEMPT Thu Apr 30 15:51:33 KST 2009


    SAMSUNG: v2.6.18_SELP_3.X_GA_bayhill+/A1(P24)

    (Detailed Information: /sys/selp/vd/lspinfo/summary)


    init started: SELP-BusyBox(GPL2) v1.2.2-Samsung.Common.Linux (2008.12.24-18:59+0000) multi-call binary

    Starting pid 27, console /dev/ttyS1: '/etc/rcS'
    /etc/rc.local start!!!!
    boot script rc.local start!!!

    BOOT VERSION : 1_64_512_CIP-4

    Authuld Version : 1.6 : REL

    [INFO] mkey is not dev!
    /mtd_rwarea/PartitionSwitch_1_0 is detected...
    2nd Partition is selected...

    ----------- Kernel Loading End------------

    Application is started..
    ##### System Execution!!! #####
    ~~[SSPF] [FastBoot.cpp] Initialize, FAST INIT
    TDaStore Building...
    TDaTuner0 Building...
    TDaDemodulator0 Building...
    TDaTuner1 Building...
    TDaDemodulator0 Building...
    TDaTuner2 Building...
    TDaDemodulator1 Building...
    TDaTuner Building...
    TDaDemodulator Building...
    TDaTuner Building...
    TDaDemodulator Building...
    TDaAudioAmp0 Building...
    TDaAudioAmp1 Building...
    TDaSystem Building...
    TDaAudioProcessor Building...
    TDaScaler0 Building...
    TDaScaler1 Building...
    TDaAnalogVideoProcessor Building...
    TDaDemux 0 Building...
    TDaDemux 1 Building...
    TDaMpeg Building...
    TDaCompProcessor Building...
    TDaHdmiProcessor Building...
    TDaPcProcessor Building...
    TDaHdmiSwitch Building...
    TDaCommonInterface Building...
    TDaFeeder Building...
    TDaImage Building...
    TDaTeleText Building...
    TDaRecorder Building...
    TDaAnalogVideoSwitch Building...
    TDaStore PC DDC Building...
    TDaStore HDMI1 DDC Building...
    TDaStore HDMI2 DDC Building...
    TDaStore HDMI3 DDC Building...
    TDaStore HDMI4 DDC Building...
    FRCQ TDaPanel0[LCD] Building...
    TDaVideoEnhancer0[LCD] Building...
    TDaPanel1[PDP] Building...
    TDaVideoEnhancer1[PDP] Building...
    ~~[SSPF] [FastBoot.cpp] Initialize, [ResetBoard] Thread_ID=0x40cb5490 : CREATE
    ~~[SSPF] [FastBoot.cpp] ResetBoard, Called...
    ############## Find Factory.dat File in mtd_exe ##################
    === USE BSP RESET ===
    ~~[SSPF] [FastBoot.cpp] ResetBoard, m_semReset.Give

    FixedId : Nvram[94] vs File[94]

    WBId : Nvram[70] vs File[70]

    EERId : Nvram[359] vs File[359]

    FACId : Nvram[89] vs File[89]
    === Chelsea register = 0x27106c0 is CHELSEA2
    Calling MJPEG Init
    ~~[SSPF] [FastBoot.cpp] Initialize, [InitializeCiMachine] Thread_ID=0x591ef490 : CREATE
    ~~[SSBD] [SsBuilder.cpp] Build, Product Type : LCD !!
    ~~[SSBD] [SsBuilder.cpp] Build, SsStore Building
    ~~[SSPF] [FastBoot.cpp] InitializeCiMachine, Called...
    ~~[SSPF] [FastBoot.cpp] InitializeCiMachine, m_semCim.Give
    ~~[SSPF] [SsInfoBase.cpp] SetFunctionState, eFunction=0x00000001, bEnable = 0
    ~~[SSPF] [SsInfoBase.cpp] SetFunctionState, eFunction=0x00000002, bEnable = 1
    ~~[SSPF] [SsInfoBase.cpp] SetFunctionState, eFunction=0x00020000, bEnable = 1
    ~~[SSPF] [SsInfoBase.cpp] SetFunctionState, eFunction=0x00040000, bEnable = 0
    ~~[SSPF] [SsInfoBase.cpp] SetFunctionState, eFunction=0x00000400, bEnable = 1
    ~~[SSPF] [SsInfoBase.cpp] SetFunctionState, eFunction=0x00080000, bEnable = 1
    ~~[SSPF] [SsInfoBase.cpp] SetFunctionState, eFunction=0x00000100, bEnable = 1
    ~~[SSPF] [SsInfoBase.cpp] SetFunctionState, eFunction=0x00004000, bEnable = 1
    ~~[SSBD] [SsBuilder.cpp] Build, SsInfo Main Window Building
    ~~[SSPF] [SsInfoBase.cpp] SetFunctionState, eFunction=0x00000001, bEnable = 0
    ~~[SSPF] [SsInfoBase.cpp] SetFunctionState, eFunction=0x00000002, bEnable = 1
    ~~[SSBD] [SsBuilder.cpp] Build, SsInfo Pip Window Building
    ~~[SSPF] [SsInfoBase.cpp] SetFunctionState, eFunction=0x00000001, bEnable = 0
    ~~[SSPF] [SsInfoBase.cpp] SetFunctionState, eFunction=0x00000002, bEnable = 1
    ~~[SSBD] [SsBuilder.cpp] Build, SsInfo Speaker Main Building
    ~~[SSPF] [SsInfoBase.cpp] SetFunctionState, eFunction=0x00000001, bEnable = 0
    ~~[SSPF] [SsInfoBase.cpp] SetFunctionState, eFunction=0x00000002, bEnable = 1
    ~~[SSBD] [SsBuilder.cpp] Build, SsInfo Speaker Earphone Building
    ~~[SSBD] [SsBuilder.cpp] Build, SsPlatform Building
    ~~[SSBD] [SsBuilder.cpp] Build, SsFrontEnd Main Building
    ~~[SSBD] [SsBuilder.cpp] Build, SsFrontEnd Pip Building
    ~~[SSBD] [SsBuilder.cpp] Build, SsWindow Main Building
    ~~[SSBD] [SsBuilder.cpp] Build, SsWindow Pip Building
    ~~[SSBD] [SsBuilder.cpp] Build, SsPicture Building
    ~~[SSBD] [SsBuilder.cpp] Build, SsSound Main Building
    ~~[SSBD] [SsBuilder.cpp] Build, SsSound Earphone Building
    ~~[SSBD] [SsBuilder.cpp] Build, SsKeyInput Building
    ~~[SSBD] [SsBuilder.cpp] Build, SsExeFactory Building
    ~~[SSBD] [SsBuilder.cpp] Build, SsTvInfo Main Building
    ~~[SSBD] [SsBuilder.cpp] Build, SsTvInfo PIP Building
    ~~[SSBD] [SsBuilder.cpp] Build, SsMem Building
    ~~[SSBD] [SsBuilder.cpp] Build, SsEventList Building
    ~~[SSBD] [SsBuilder.cpp] Build, SsUartNetwork Main Building
    ~~[SSBD] [SsBuilder.cpp] Build, CAutoWallMount PIP Building
    ~~[SSBD] [SsBuilder.cpp] Build, CAutoAVControl Building
    ~~[SSBD] [SsBuilder.cpp] Build, CFAnet Building
    ~~[SSBD] [SsBuilder.cpp] Build, CCloneControl Building
    ~~[SSBD] [SsBuilder.cpp] Build, SsDebug Building
    ~~[SSPF] [SsInfoBase.cpp] SetFunctionState, eFunction=0x00000001, bEnable = 0
    ~~[SSPF] [SsInfoBase.cpp] SetFunctionState, eFunction=0x00000002, bEnable = 1
    ~~[SSBD] [SsBuilder.cpp] Build, SsInfo Recordl Window Building
    ~~[SSBD] [SsBuilder.cpp] Build, SsFrontEnd Recordl Building
    ~~[SSBD] [SsBuilder.cpp] Build, SsWindow Recordl Building
    ~~[SSBD] [SsBuilder.cpp] Build, SsTvInfo Recordl Building
    ~~[SSPF] [SsInfoBase.cpp] SetFunctionState, eFunction=0x00000001, bEnable = 0
    ~~[SSPF] [SsInfoBase.cpp] SetFunctionState, eFunction=0x00000002, bEnable = 1
    ~~[SSBD] [SsBuilder.cpp] Build, SsInfo Scart Window Building
    ~~[SSBD] [SsBuilder.cpp] Build, SsFrontEnd Scart Building
    ~~[SSBD] [SsBuilder.cpp] Build, SsWindow Scart Building
    ~~[SSBD] [SsBuilder.cpp] Build, SsTvInfo Scart Building
    ~~[SSPF] [FastBoot.cpp] Initialize, SsExeFactory->LoadFactoryData
    ~~[SSPF] [FastBoot.cpp] Initialize, SsInfo.Created
    ~~[SSPF] [SsInfoBase.cpp] SetFunctionState, eFunction=0x00008000, bEnable = 0
    ~~[SSPF] [SsInfoBase.cpp] SetFunctionState, eFunction=0x00001000, bEnable = 1
    ~~[SSPF] [FastBoot.cpp] Initialize, SsKeyInput.Created()
    ~~[SSPF] [FastBoot.cpp] Initialize, SsFrontEndCreateOption
    ~~[SSFE WINDOW_MAIN] [SsFrontEnd.cpp] Create, Set MFT_Range [32]
    ~~[SSFE WINDOW_MAIN] [ChannelControl.cpp] Create, Called...
    ~~[SSFE WINDOW_MAIN] [SourceControl.cpp] Create, Called...
    ~~[SSPF] [FastBoot.cpp] Initialize, m_semReset.Take
    ~~[SSPF] [FastBoot.cpp] Initialize, [InitializeFRC] Thread_ID=0x59c51490 : CREATE
    ¡Ú Model : 3, Panel Inch : 16, SubWoofer : 1
    I2C ERROR: src/spII2c.c, spII2c_SubaddrWrite
    [DEVI2C ERROR: drv_iic_RW_Chelsea(738)]i2c write operation failed
    [DEVI2C ERROR: drv_iic_RW_Chelsea(739)]requested channel : 0
    [DEVI2C ERROR: drv_iic_RW_Chelsea(740)]requested chip id : 0x4a
    [DEVI2C ERROR: drv_iic_RW_Chelsea(750)]requested sub addr : 0x0
    [DEVI2C ERROR: drv_iic_RW_Chelsea(757)]requested byte count : 1
    I2C ERROR: src/spII2c.c, spII2c_CombinedRead
    [DEVI2C ERROR: drv_iic_RW_Chelsea(738)]i2c read operation failed
    [DEVI2C ERROR: drv_iic_RW_Chelsea(739)]requested channel : 0
    [DEVI2C ERROR: drv_iic_RW_Chelsea(740)]requested chip id : 0xe2
    [DEVI2C ERROR: drv_iic_RW_Chelsea(750)]requested sub addr : 0x0
    [DEVI2C ERROR: drv_iic_RW_Chelsea(757)]requested byte count : 1
    *************************t_PCA9546_Read : Error(ffffffff)
    FRC_INIT_TYPE -> 120HZ
    FRC [0x1082]:0xa000 [retry:0]
    FRC FW : 0xa1011020
    FRC CONFIG : 0x01004900
    FRC_INIT_COMPLETE : 1, FRC_FW_Change : 0
    FRC Init CMD : [OK]
    I2C ERROR: src/spII2c.c, spII2c_SubaddrWrite
    [DEVI2C ERROR: drv_iic_RW_Chelsea(738)]i2c write operation failed
    [DEVI2C ERROR: drv_iic_RW_Chelsea(739)]requested channel : 0
    [DEVI2C ERROR: drv_iic_RW_Chelsea(740)]requested chip id : 0x4a
    [DEVI2C ERROR: drv_iic_RW_Chelsea(750)]requested sub addr : 0x0
    [DEVI2C ERROR: drv_iic_RW_Chelsea(757)]requested byte count : 1
    =====================================WM8593 Sleep 0=====================================
    I2C ERROR: src/spII2c.c, spII2c_CombinedRead
    [ERROR][locArsenal_Read2IIC():451] /home/drkim/Chelsea_CIP_EU_Prj/SDAL/Chelsea/COMP/Chelsea/src/CCommon_CH.cpp:locArsenal_Read2IIC is error
    ¡à¡á¡à¡á¡à¡á¡à¡á¡àt_READ_Check : READING is not DETECTED!!! ¡á¡à¡á¡à¡á¡à¡á¡à¡á¡à¡á¡à¡á¡à¡á

    [ERR:TDsREADPanel.cpp] Create():84 READ Init Error~!

    =====================================WM8593 Sleep=====================================

    [ERR:TDsChelseaAudioProcessor.cpp] t_SetMute():965 - SDAL ERROR [-1] !!!

    ~~[Sub System Error] FastBoot.cpp:handleMelody():1175 - TD ERROR [0x80000000] !!!

    ##### TDsSystem::SetDependence Mode [16]
    [TDaSystem::ChelseaPivotModeConfig] PivotConfig Size [1920 * 1080], Mode [3]
    [TDaScaler::GetInitVideoConfig] VideoConfig: 0xc1
    [TDaScaler::GetInitVideoConfig] VideoConfig: 0xc1
    ====== Send Jack ID Command to SubMicom ! =====

    [Chelsea_Clock_ON/OFF(Ref:0x30090CC8_Bit[0]), bEnable=1

    Alps Si2165 DOWNLOAD IS OK, CRC is good and equal to 0x30b0
    =========0 Tuner Selected !!!

    [ERR:TDcChelseaI2C.cpp] Create():98 Already Create...

    [ERR:TDcChelseaI2C.cpp] Create():98 Already Create...

    [ERR:TDcChelseaI2C.cpp] Create():98 Already Create...

    [ERR:TDcChelseaI2C.cpp] Create():98 Already Create...

    [ERR:TDcChelseaI2C.cpp] Create():98 Already Create...

    [ERR:TDcChelseaI2C.cpp] Create():98 Already Create...

    [ERR:TDcChelseaI2C.cpp] Create():98 Already Create...

    -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+: Init Port Select 3A --> 2 ¡á SIL9287Monitor Create!
    ################## Arsenal is Normal ##################
    Arsenal Reg : 0x805, Val : 0x1800
    ==== HDMI [SRC num :3], [ID: 0x1f], [HP STATE: 0xf]
    Power On TDsSIL9287_HotplugControl f

    -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+: TDsSIL9287_HotplugControl was called!!!!!!!!!!!

    LNB Power set!!!
    ============ CHECK FAST TUNE Exception ===========

    [1] AUTH: 00 DECRYPT: 00 MPSEL: 04
    [1] PIPEPWR: 00 PORTPWR: 00
    [1] PREV:0F GOOD:0F EDGE:00 A:00 D:00 CKDT:00 P5V:00 OnPipe:00
    [1] RP6:00 RP5:00 RP4:00 RP3:00 RP2:00 RP1:00 RP0:08 Core Software Platform (TM) 1.1
    Copyright (C) SAMSUNG Electronics Co.,Ltd.

    CSP PCThread yield counter: 16
    TCTvMiddleware::Initialize() start

    [M_TIME_BOOT/Major] [00000:0000]Louvre Platform Start...
    0 (4294967295): Shadow 2.1 (Release Version : DTP-BP-Shadow-0038-Release) is being initialized.
    unknown screen 3
    unknown screen 4
    [DEV_CORE ] [bool DeviceMgr::Create()] ...
    [DEV_BOOTON ] [static CUsbEventService* CUsbEventService::GetInstance(PCTask*)]
    [DEV_BOOTON ] [bool CUsbEventService::Create(PCTask*)]

    ~~[Sub System Error] SsEventListBase.cpp:SendEvent():150 Not Register Event, whatHal 3, id 1, eventType 0

    ~~[Sub System Error] HeadphoneMonitor.cpp:t_SendHeadphoneEvent():151 SendEvent...Error

    [M_TIME_BOOT/Major] [00090:0090]Subsystem Create And Init completed

    ~~[Sub System Error] SsPlatformBase.cpp:CheckOption():1239 Not Support This Option...23

    [M_TIME_BOOT/Info] [00100:0010]HAL Initialized
    TCProfileManager::CompareMagicKey Before Assert [Offset 0 Size 4]
    TCProfileManager::CompareMagicKey, Magic Key Read:[4E890A1], Defined:[4E890A1]
    TCProfileManager::Init Before Assert 1 [Offset 4, Size 4]
    TCProfileManager::Init() Mark 2597
    [M_TIME_BOOT/Major] [00100:0000]PMS Initialized
    [DEFAULT/Info] 0 : ####Channel Magic Key ! old = 13 new = 13 !!!####

    ~~[Sub System Error] SsPlatformBase.cpp:CheckOption():1239 Not Support This Option...23

    ~~[Sub System Error] SsPlatformBase.cpp:CheckOption():1239 Not Support This Option...23

    ~~[Sub System Error] SsPlatformBase.cpp:CheckOption():1239 Not Support This Option...23

    ~~[Sub System Error] SsPlatformBase.cpp:CheckOption():1239 Not Support This Option...23

    ~~[Sub System Error] SsPlatformBase.cpp:CheckOption():1239 Not Support This Option...23

    [DEFAULT/Info] 1 : [CI+ information] Make sure that this is DVB CI+ product.
    [DEFAULT/Info] 2 : [CI+ information] Make sure that production certificates and keys should used for this product.

    ~~[Sub System Error] SsPlatformBase.cpp:CheckOption():1239 Not Support This Option...23

    TCTvMiddleware::Initialize() end

    [DTVInputService::t_Create] m_nKeyInputTime = 6620

    SAMSUNG (R) Core SW Platform 2.0 for CSP 1.1
    Copyright (C) SAMSUNG Electronics Co.,Ltd.

    TTX LANGUAGE pDBFactory 8



    ~~[Sub System Error] ChannelControl.cpp:GetTvOption():1149 Not Support This Option...10

    TPCTv::Power, ######## 1 ########

    ------------------- NORMAL MODE ------------------

    --------------- NORMAL MODE COMPLETE--------------

    [ERR:TDsChelseaScaler.cpp] SetZorder():1425 It failed in setting z-order(0)!!!

    Source : 513 Video ID : 0
    ===================Alps Tuner TS Mute ON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ~~[Sub System Error] ChannelControl.cpp:GetColorSystem():1009 Can't set color system in this ChannelType[2]

    I2C ERROR: src/spII2c.c, spII2c_CombinedRead
    [ERROR][locArsenal_Read2IIC():451] /home/drkim/Chelsea_CIP_EU_Prj/SDAL/Chelsea/COMP/Chelsea/src/CCommon_CH.cpp:locArsenal_Read2IIC is error
    I2C ERROR: src/spII2c.c, spII2c_SubaddrWrite
    [ERROR][locArsenal_Write2IIC():387] /home/drkim/Chelsea_CIP_EU_Prj/SDAL/Chelsea/COMP/Chelsea/src/CCommon_CH.cpp:locArsenal_Write2IIC is error
    I2C ERROR: src/spII2c.c, spII2c_CombinedRead
    [ERROR][locArsenal_Read2IIC():451] /home/drkim/Chelsea_CIP_EU_Prj/SDAL/Chelsea/COMP/Chelsea/src/CCommon_CH.cpp:locArsenal_Read2IIC is error
    I2C ERROR: src/spII2c.c, spII2c_SubaddrWrite
    [ERROR][locArsenal_Write2IIC():387] /home/drkim/Chelsea_CIP_EU_Prj/SDAL/Chelsea/COMP/Chelsea/src/CCommon_CH.cpp:locArsenal_Write2IIC is error

    [ERR:TDsChelseaScaler.cpp] SetZorder():1425 It failed in setting z-order(1)!!!

    ~~[Sub System Error] SourceControl.cpp:Connect():221 - TD ERROR [0x80000000] !!!

    m_bOSDDisplay:1, m_bDynamicControlStatus:0, m_bSignalActivity:0, iSourceMode:201, ResInfo.IsPC:0
    Source : 513 Window Type : 0 Back End Decoder Type : 0
    [ERROR][videoStart():553] Video start fail..!!

    [ERR:TDsChelseaMpeg.cpp] StartVideoDecoding():285 - SDAL ERROR [-1] !!!

    ~~[Sub System Error] SsWindowBase.cpp:Start():641 - TD ERROR [0x80000000] !!!

    [ERROR][videoStop():568] SDAVDEC0 Video is already stoped..!!
    m_bOSDDisplay:1, m_bDynamicControlStatus:0, m_bSignalActivity:1, iSourceMode:201, ResInfo.IsPC:0
    SPI_ERROR[0xffb] = spIDp_SetSdScaling(m_hDp)
    SPI_ASSERT<456> - spIDp_SetSdScaling(m_hDp)
    ¡à¡á¡à¡á¡à¡á¡à¡á¡àt_MFI_VrateSet [0]¡á¡à¡á¡à¡á¡à¡á¡à¡á¡à¡á¡à¡á¡à¡á

    SET 50 Hz m_VideoSetting.sScaleData.frameRate = 25000
    *****Game Mode OFF

    ~~[Sub System Error] ChannelControl.cpp:GetColorSystem():1009 Can't set color system in this ChannelType[2]

    ~~[Sub System Error] ChannelLnaMonitor.cpp:t_Monitor():129 LNA_MODE_OFF

    ===================Alps Tuner TS Mute OFF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ~~[Sub System Error] SsWindowBase.cpp:Start():563 Window already Started....Return SS_NOT_OK

    [ERROR][start():519] [WARN] User try to check version for section without version.
    [ERROR][start():520] [WARN] So, SDAL change version-check-flag to FALSE.

    ~~[Sub System Error] SectionControl.cpp:StopPESData():598 Error m_pesHandle handle is not ok

    [DEFAULT/Debugging] 3 : t_MonitorSIOnPAT!!!!! EIT Monitoring start!!!!!
    SPI_ERROR[0x1] = spIAe_UnregisterCallback(m_hAe, CBID_AE_FREQ, staCallbackAeSf)

    ~~[Sub System Error] SectionControl.cpp:StopPESData():598 Error m_pesHandle handle is not ok

    [[type=0]SetResolutionFlag]Aspect Ratio Change[1]!!
    ==================== DCDsmManager pid = 59
    CREATE CCsNetworkUtil Instance [Success] [0x2998b00]
    Set Dev=0 state 1
    killall: udhcpc: no process killed
    eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:12:FB:B8:B7:0A
    inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
    RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
    RX bytes:0 (0.0 😎 TX bytes:0 (0.0 😎
    Interrupt:12 Base address:0x6000

    lo Link encap:Local Loopback
    inet addr: Mask:
    UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1
    RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
    RX bytes:0 (0.0 😎 TX bytes:0 (0.0 😎

    ARPING to from via eth0
    ¡à¡á¡à¡á¡à¡á¡à¡á¡àt_MFI_VrateSet [0]¡á¡à¡á¡à¡á¡à¡á¡à¡á¡à¡á¡à¡á¡à¡á

    SET 50 Hz m_VideoSetting.sScaleData.frameRate = 25000
    [¢Ï¢Ï¢Ï by AutoSizeMon[0] ¢Ï¢Ï¢Ï] SourceId = 0xb, WSS=0, AFD=0, Aspect=1, SettingValue=0, Ctltype=2
    Sent 2 probes (2 broadcast(s))
    Received 0 reply
    @@@@@@@@@@@@USBEventHandler => Start@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
    USBEventHandler Init
    USB : From now, no more insmod
    [DEV_BOOTON ] [static void* UsbMountService::do_UsbFault(void*)] do_UsbFault ======== START ========
    [DEV_BOOTON ] [static void* UsbMountService::do_UsbFault(void*)] TDBuilder::GetTDiSystem() success...

    USB : Exit Load USB module  
    PTP\_API\_Init() successfull  
    CSingleCECAppBase::t_Create() : 0 (1:RTL, 0:LTR)[bool CUSBAppEventHandler::Init() - 52]  
    USB Modules are already installed  
    SWU Production Key  
    USB Modules are already installed  
    1 (0): #### this : 2cddc60, pReceived : 2cdf0ac  
    bool checkFilesState(const char*) XML files are good  
    bool checkFilesState(const char*) XML files are good  
    sda: assuming drive cache: write through  
    sda: assuming drive cache: write through  
    FAT: utf8 is not a recommended IO charset for FAT filesystems, filesystem will be case sensitive!  
    [DEV_USB ] [bool CUsbEventService::SendEvent(int, int, int)] In... sdndMessageType:1394000 param1:47309960 param2:0  
    [ROSE_ERROR ] [BackupUsbInfo:458] No More Data...  
    &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& USB node ID = 0  
    ==\> Add Partition (0, 0, )  
    The Size of USB Device List (App) = 1  
    Device Type = MSC Device  
    Device ID = 0  
    Device model =  
    Device vendor =  
    Partition ID = 0  
    Partition Path = /dtv/usb/sda1  
    Partition FS = vfat  
    Partition Serial = 10101017001398  
    Partition Devpath = 2  
    Partition Lun = 0  
    Capacity = [341940/7766000]  
    Storage ID = 0x0  
    ~~[Sub System Error] SsWindowBase.cpp:Start():563 Window already Started....Return SS\_NOT\_OK  
    m\_bOSDDisplay:0, m\_bDynamicControlStatus:0, m_bSignalActivity:1, iSourceMode:201, ResInfo.IsPC:0  
    /mtd\_rwarea/SamyGO.sh: /mtd\_rwarea/SamyGO.sh: 12: ./injectso: not found  
    mkdir: Cannot create directory `/mtd_rwarea/test': File exists  
    /mtd\_rwarea/SamyGO.sh: /mtd\_rwarea/SamyGO.sh: 19: ./injectso: not found  
    Skipped. the filename(/mtd_tlib/GGame/WiseStar/libWiseStar.so) is not file or sym link  
    Skipped. the filename(/mtd_tlib/GGame/WiseStar/game.so) is not file or sym link  
    Skipped. the filename(/mtd_tlib/GGame/WiseStar/lib/libpackaging.so) is not file or sym link  
    Skipped. the filename(/mtd_tlib/GGame/DBowling/libDBowling.so) is not file or sym link  
    Success!! Authuld is completed as Success  
    [SERIAL INPUT MANAGE] serial input ENABLE!!!!!  
    [ TOP Debug Menu]  
    1 : SubSystem Print On/Off  
    2 : Platform Print Setting  
    3 : TD Print Setting  
    4 : Performance Print Setting  
    5 : Sdal Print Setting  
    6 : Sdal Trace Setting  
    10 : Factory Debug  
    11 : TD Debug  
    12 : SubSystem DBG  
    20 : Performance File Write  
    21 : Louvre Print Setting  
    22 : JavaMW Print Setting  
    30 : Auto Lock DBG  
    50 : ROSE Debug  
    60 : MediaLink Debug  
    70 : Jade Debug  
    99 : Exit  
    DBG> : 11  
    [ TD Debug Menu ]  
    0x01 : TDc Debug  
    0x02 : TDi Debug  
    0x03 : SDAL Debug  
    0x04 : spI Debug  
    0x05 : Sequence Test  
    0x06 : OTP Create  
    0x99 : Exit Debug  
    TD>: 0x04  
    -----------------------[System infomation ]--------------------------------  
    Device : N/A  
    Version : AllInOne-1.0  
    Compile date : Sep 16 2009 16:09:21  
    Module date : Sep 16 2009 16:08:27  
    Build definition :  
    ========== DEBUG MAIN ============  
    0 : Register & Physical Memory Read  
    1 : Register & Physical Memory Write  
    2 : Register Repeat  
    3 : Check Print Level  
    4 : Get Print Level  
    5 : Set Print Level  
    6 : Check Print Module  
    7 : Get Print Module  
    8 : Set Print Module  
    9 : disable Print Level  
    10 : disable Print Module  
    11 : SPI Print Test  
    12 : Read dev error code  
    13 : Reset dev error code  
    14 : Read interrupt frequency  
    20 : Print System Config/Memory Table  
    == IP Block Debug ============  
    50 : TSD kernel level debug  
    51 : VD kernel level debug  
    52 : PVR kernel level debug  
    53 : MPEG kernel level debug  
    54 : CHDEC spI level debug  
    55 : AVD spI level debug  
    56 : AE kernel level debug  
    57 : AIO kernel level debug  
    58 : GFX spI level debug  
    59 : HDMI RX spI level debug  
    60 : MFD debug  
    61 : SIF debug  
    62 : Arsenal Read & Write  
    63 : AD kernel level debug  
    64 : USB TEST  
    65 : CRoad debug  
    66 : Stream Record  
    67 : Stream Record Stop  
    68 : Shell  
    69 : ddr_margin  
    70 : Dummy Task  
    72 : Ttx Dump Mode On/Off  
    90 : Excute JADE  
    100 : EXIT  
    Select> 0  
    physical address: 0x60166598  
    input is 0x60166598  
    [60166598]: ebfb620c ea000336  
    [601665a0]: e59f1dfc e3a02000 e7923001 e2822004  
    [601665b0]: e1530004 a000002 e3520034 a00032e  
    [601665c0]: eafffff8  
    ========== DEBUG MAIN ============  
    0 : Register & Physical Memory Read  
    1 : Register & Physical Memory Write  
    2 : Register Repeat  
    3 : Check Print Level  
    4 : Get Print Level  
    5 : Set Print Level  
    6 : Check Print Module  
    7 : Get Print Module  
    8 : Set Print Module  
    9 : disable Print Level  
    10 : disable Print Module  
    11 : SPI Print Test  
    12 : Read dev error code  
    13 : Reset dev error code  
    14 : Read interrupt frequency  
    20 : Print System Config/Memory Table  
    == IP Block Debug ============  
    50 : TSD kernel level debug  
    51 : VD kernel level debug  
    52 : PVR kernel level debug  
    53 : MPEG kernel level debug  
    54 : CHDEC spI level debug  
    55 : AVD spI level debug  
    56 : AE kernel level debug  
    57 : AIO kernel level debug  
    58 : GFX spI level debug  
    59 : HDMI RX spI level debug  
    60 : MFD debug  
    61 : SIF debug  
    62 : Arsenal Read & Write  
    63 : AD kernel level debug  
    64 : USB TEST  
    65 : CRoad debug  
    66 : Stream Record  
    67 : Stream Record Stop  
    68 : Shell  
    69 : ddr_margin  
    70 : Dummy Task  
    72 : Ttx Dump Mode On/Off  
    90 : Excute JADE  
    100 : EXIT  
    Select> 1  
    physical address: 0x60166598  
    input is 0x60166598  
    [60166598]: ebfb620c new value:  
    input is 0x0  
    [6016659c]: ea000336 new value:0  
    input is 0x0  
    [601665a0]: e59f1dfc new value:0  
    input is 0x0  
    [601665a4]: e3a02000 new value:22222222

  • Das scheint ja ein far Jump zu sein: eafffff8 (laut OllyDbg)
    Kommt dann da nicht ehr ein NOP hin?

    Und woher weisst du das eafffff8 die richtige Adresse ist?

    Vielleicht hilft dir ja auch der Samsung support weiter. ^^ Ruf einfach mal an.

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