How to change the height and width of a png image dynamically using vc++?
I m trying to load a png image by giving the dimension of my own.
CImage Image;
Image.Load (L"D:\\Images\\PNG_Images\\Image7.png");But here what happens is that I m not able to give my own dimensions.My code requires constant changing of dimensions of the image.[code="cpp"]
I tried using libpng.lib in my code.But I dono the keywords for loading the png image after including the lib.I m using Visual Studio 2010. I m developing in vc++.
How do I load and change the height and width of a png image?
Thankx a ton in advance....
Bei CImage kann man Höhe und Breite mit StretchBlt skalieren:
CString srcfile; //path to jpg source int hThumb=100; //height of thumbnail CImage img1,img2; img1.Load(srcfile); int h=img1.GetHeight(); int w=img1.GetWidth(); int tnh=hThumb; int tnw=hThumb*w/h; int bpp=img1.GetBPP(); img2.Create(tnw,tnh,bpp); HDC h2=img2.GetDC(); //this returns undefined ? SetStretchBltMode(h2,HALFTONE); img1.StretchBlt(h2,0,0,tnw,tnh,SRCCOPY); img2.Save("tn_"+srcfile); img2.ReleaseDC();
Qualitativ soll Gdiplus::Image() (<gdiplus.h>) besser geeignet sein.
MSDN - Cropping and Scaling Images (Windows)