RTP - LIB - Datenschreiben ?
ich will die http://research.edm.uhasselt.be/~jori/page/index.php?n=CS.Jrtplib folgende lib benutzen um eine MJPEG zu streamen, das Beispiel habe ich soweit verstanden und nochmal etwas ausführlicher dokumentiert und erweitert. Jedenfalls die Methode SendPacket http://research.edm.uhasselt.be/jori/jrtplib/documentation/classjrtplib_1_1RTPSession.html erwartet neben den Einstellungen einen data Pointer. Hier beginnt meine Frage, wie genau soll ich jetzt ein MJPEG mit dieser Methode verschicken?Die Frage ist, was muss ich mit nem MJPEG machen damit ich es mit SendPacket() verschicken kann.
#include "rtpsession.h" #include "rtpudpv4transmitter.h" #include "rtpipv4address.h" #include "rtpsessionparams.h" #include "rtperrors.h" #include "rtprawpacket.h" //Abgeleitete Klasse RTPMJPEG #ifndef WIN32 #include <netinet/in.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #else #include <winsock2.h> #endif // WIN32 #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> #include <string> //DEFINES// #define PAYLOADTYPE 26 //Payloadtype for MJPEG "26" found in RFC2435 #define MARK false //Marker ? #define TIMESTAMPINC 3000 //Increment of the timestamp 30fps = 3000; 25fps = 3600 using namespace jrtplib; // // This function checks if there was a RTP error. If so, it displays an error // message and exists. // void checkerror(int rtperr) { if (rtperr < 0) { std::cout << "ERROR: " << RTPGetErrorString(rtperr) << std::endl; exit(-1); } } // // The main routine // int main(void) { #ifdef WIN32 WSADATA dat; WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2),&dat); #endif // WIN32 RTPSession sess; // $$ Create a session object uint16_t portbase,destport; uint32_t destip; std::string ipstr; int status,i,num; // First, we'll ask for the necessary information std::cout << "Enter local portbase:" << std::endl; std::cin >> portbase; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "Enter the destination IP address" << std::endl; std::cin >> ipstr; destip = inet_addr(ipstr.c_str()); if (destip == INADDR_NONE) { std::cerr << "Bad IP address specified" << std::endl; return -1; } // The inet_addr function returns a value in network byte order, but // we need the IP address in host byte order, so we use a call to // ntohl destip = ntohl(destip); std::cout << "Enter the destination port" << std::endl; std::cin >> destport; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "Number of packets you wish to be sent:" << std::endl; std::cin >> num; // Now, we'll create a RTP session, set the destination, send some // packets and poll for incoming data. RTPUDPv4TransmissionParams transparams; // $$ Object for the transmition parameters RTPSessionParams sessparams; // $$ Object for the sessionparameters // IMPORTANT: The local timestamp unit MUST be set, otherwise // RTCP Sender Report info will be calculated wrong // In this case, we'll be sending 10 samples each second, so we'll // put the timestamp unit to (1.0/10.0) sessparams.SetOwnTimestampUnit(1.0/90000.0); // $$ Setting Timestamp - 90000Hz sample Rate for MJPEG sessparams.SetAcceptOwnPackets(true); // $$ ??? transparams.SetPortbase(portbase); // $$ Setting local port sessparams.SetUsePollThread(false); // $$ NOT using a background thread for polling the incoming data, no automatic response (RTCP packets) /////////////////////////////////////////// status = sess.Create(sessparams,&transparams); // $$ Creating a session Create awaits (const RTPSessionParams &sessparams, RTPTransmitter *transmitter) checkerror(status); RTPIPv4Address addr(destip,destport); // $$ Building the IP address/Port via constructur object: addr status = sess.AddDestination(addr); // $$ Set Destination, needs an object containing the IP address port (see above) checkerror(status); //DEFAULT RTP PACKAGE Parameters// sess.SetDefaultMark(MARK); sess.SetDefaultPayloadType(PAYLOADTYPE); // §§ (M)JPEG = 26 sess.SetDefaultTimestampIncrement(TIMESTAMPINC); //END - OF SETTING// for (i = 1 ; i <= num ; i++) { printf("\nSending packet %d/%d\n",i,num); // send the packet status = sess.SendPacket((void *)"1234567890",10); // $$ Sending package ||HERE DATA!!??|| checkerror(status); // INCOMING DATA PROCESSING // sess.BeginDataAccess(); // $$ From BeginDataAccess to EndDataAccess: "The processing of incoming data" // check incoming packets if (sess.GotoFirstSourceWithData()) // $$ { do { RTPPacket *pack; while ((pack = sess.GetNextPacket()) != NULL) { // You can examine the data here printf("Got packet !\n"); // $$ Here we can do whatever we want with the received package // we don't longer need the packet, so // we'll delete it sess.DeletePacket(pack); } } while (sess.GotoNextSourceWithData()); } sess.EndDataAccess(); //END OF INCOMING DATA PROCESSING // #ifndef RTP_SUPPORT_THREAD status = sess.Poll(); checkerror(status); #endif // RTP_SUPPORT_THREAD RTPTime::Wait(RTPTime(1,0)); } sess.BYEDestroy(RTPTime(10,0),0,0); // $$ Informing other particapants of our depature and cleanup the RTPSession class #ifdef WIN32 WSACleanup(); #endif // WIN32 return 0; }
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