MSDN Code erzeugt Fehler
Hallo Leute,
ich möchte eine DLL zur Kommunikation mit dem USB Port erstellen.
Diese DLL wird in ANSI C geschrieben.
Ich möchte zusätzlich eine Fehlerbehandlung einbauen die mir eine Benachrichtigung schickt sobald ein USB Gerät an oder abgesteckt wurde und habe bei MSDN folgenden Quelltext gefunden (nicht erschrecken sind nur vier Zeilen die einen Fehler verursachen, aber ich Poste trotzdem mal den kompletten Code).Ich habe meine Haupt-DLL in einer Quelldatei und diese Fehlerbehandlung (unten) hab ich separat als Quelldatei in meinem Projekt gespeichert.
zu den Fehlern:
Fehler entstehen in Zeile 291,292, 314 und 320.
- 291 reinterpret_cast: IntelliSense: Der Bezeichner ""reinterpret_cast"" ist nicht definiert.
- 291 reinterpret_cast: Fehler 3 error C2065: 'reinterpret_cast': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
- 291 HINSTANCE: IntelliSense: Der Typname ist nicht zulässig.
- 291 HISTANCE: Fehler 4 error C2275: 'HINSTANCE': Ungültige Verwendung dieses Typs als Ausdruck
- 292 reinterpret_cast: Fehler 5 error C2065: 'reinterpret_cast': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
- 292 WndProc: IntelliSense: Der Typname ist nicht zulässig.
- 292 WndProc: Fehler 6 error C2275: 'WNDPROC': Ungültige Verwendung dieses Typs als Ausdruck
- 314 IntelliSense: Unbenannte Prototypparameter sind nicht zulässig, wenn Text vorhanden ist.
- 320 Fehler 7 error C2055: Liste formaler Parameter erwartet, nicht TypenlisteDie Fehler hängen wahrscheinlich alle irgendwo zusammen aber ich blick das nicht so ganz.
Als zusätzliche Info ich bin totaler C-Anfänger. Benötige aber die Hilfe trotzdem. Je ausführlicher desto besser
und um Lösungen bin ich auch sehr dankbar.
Vielen Danke für die Hilfe im Voraus.
Pargus/*Windows Registering for Device Notification von MSDN*/ #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <tchar.h> #include <strsafe.h> #include <dbt.h> // This GUID is for all USB serial host PnP drivers, but you can replace it // with any valid device class guid. GUID WceusbshGUID = { 0x25dbce51, 0x6c8f, 0x4a72, 0x8a, 0x6d, 0xb5, 0x4c, 0x2b, 0x4f, 0xc8, 0x35 }; // For informational messages and window titles PWSTR g_pszAppName; // Forward declarations void OutputMessage(HWND hOutWnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); void ErrorHandler(LPTSTR lpszFunction); // DoRegisterDeviceInterfaceToHwnd BOOL DoRegisterDeviceInterfaceToHwnd( IN GUID InterfaceClassGuid, IN HWND hWnd, OUT HDEVNOTIFY *hDeviceNotify ) // Routine Description: // Registers an HWND for notification of changes in the device interfaces // for the specified interface class GUID. // Parameters: // InterfaceClassGuid - The interface class GUID for the device // interfaces. // hWnd - Window handle to receive notifications. // hDeviceNotify - Receives the device notification handle. On failure, // this value is NULL. // Return Value: // If the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE. // If the function fails, the return value is FALSE. // Note: // RegisterDeviceNotification also allows a service handle be used, // so a similar wrapper function to this one supporting that scenario // could be made from this template. { DEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE NotificationFilter; ZeroMemory(&NotificationFilter, sizeof(NotificationFilter)); NotificationFilter.dbcc_size = sizeof(DEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE); NotificationFilter.dbcc_devicetype = DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE; NotificationFilter.dbcc_classguid = InterfaceClassGuid; *hDeviceNotify = RegisterDeviceNotification( hWnd, // events recipient &NotificationFilter, // type of device DEVICE_NOTIFY_WINDOW_HANDLE // type of recipient handle ); if (NULL == *hDeviceNotify) { ErrorHandler(TEXT("RegisterDeviceNotification")); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } // MessagePump void MessagePump( HWND hWnd ) // Routine Description: // Simple main thread message pump. // // Parameters: // hWnd - handle to the window whose messages are being dispatched // Return Value: // None. { MSG msg; int retVal; // Get all messages for any window that belongs to this thread, // without any filtering. Potential optimization could be // obtained via use of filter values if desired. while ((retVal = GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) != 0) { if (retVal == -1) { ErrorHandler(TEXT("GetMessage")); break; } else { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } } // WinProcCallback INT_PTR WINAPI WinProcCallback( HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) // Routine Description: // Simple Windows callback for handling messages. // This is where all the work is done because the example // is using a window to process messages. This logic would be handled // differently if registering a service instead of a window. // Parameters: // hWnd - the window handle being registered for events. // message - the message being interpreted. // wParam and lParam - extended information provided to this // callback by the message sender. // For more information regarding these parameters and return value, // see the documentation for WNDCLASSEX and CreateWindowEx. { LRESULT lRet = 1; static HDEVNOTIFY hDeviceNotify; static HWND hEditWnd; static ULONGLONG msgCount = 0; switch (message) { case WM_CREATE: // // This is the actual registration., In this example, registration // should happen only once, at application startup when the window // is created. // // If you were using a service, you would put this in your main code // path as part of your service initialization. // if (!DoRegisterDeviceInterfaceToHwnd( WceusbshGUID, hWnd, &hDeviceNotify)) { // Terminate on failure. ErrorHandler(TEXT("DoRegisterDeviceInterfaceToHwnd")); ExitProcess(1); } // // Make the child window for output. // hEditWnd = CreateWindow(TEXT("EDIT"),// predefined class NULL, // no window title WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_VSCROLL | ES_LEFT | ES_MULTILINE | ES_AUTOVSCROLL, 0, 0, 0, 0, // set size in WM_SIZE message hWnd, // parent window (HMENU)1, // edit control ID (HINSTANCE)GetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_HINSTANCE), NULL); // pointer not needed if (hEditWnd == NULL) { // Terminate on failure. ErrorHandler(TEXT("CreateWindow: Edit Control")); ExitProcess(1); } // Add text to the window. SendMessage(hEditWnd, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)TEXT("Registered for USB device notification...\n")); break; case WM_SETFOCUS: SetFocus(hEditWnd); break; case WM_SIZE: // Make the edit control the size of the window's client area. MoveWindow(hEditWnd, 0, 0, // starting x- and y-coordinates LOWORD(lParam), // width of client area HIWORD(lParam), // height of client area TRUE); // repaint window break; case WM_DEVICECHANGE: { // // This is the actual message from the interface via Windows messaging. // This code includes some additional decoding for this particular device type // and some common validation checks. // // Note that not all devices utilize these optional parameters in the same // way. Refer to the extended information for your particular device type // specified by your GUID. // PDEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE b = (PDEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE)lParam; TCHAR strBuff[256]; // Output some messages to the window. switch (wParam) { case DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL: msgCount++; StringCchPrintf( strBuff, 256, TEXT("Message %d: DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL\n"), msgCount); break; case DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE: msgCount++; StringCchPrintf( strBuff, 256, TEXT("Message %d: DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE\n"), msgCount); break; case DBT_DEVNODES_CHANGED: msgCount++; StringCchPrintf( strBuff, 256, TEXT("Message %d: DBT_DEVNODES_CHANGED\n"), msgCount); break; default: msgCount++; StringCchPrintf( strBuff, 256, TEXT("Message %d: WM_DEVICECHANGE message received, value %d unhandled.\n"), msgCount, wParam); break; } OutputMessage(hEditWnd, wParam, (LPARAM)strBuff); } break; case WM_CLOSE: if (!UnregisterDeviceNotification(hDeviceNotify)) { ErrorHandler(TEXT("UnregisterDeviceNotification")); } DestroyWindow(hWnd); break; case WM_DESTROY: PostQuitMessage(0); break; default: // Send all other messages on to the default windows handler. lRet = DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam); break; } return lRet; } #define WND_CLASS_NAME TEXT("SampleAppWindowClass") // InitWindowClass BOOL InitWindowClass() { // Routine Description: // Simple wrapper to initialize and register a window class. // Parameters: // None // Return Value: // TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. // Note: // wndClass.lpfnWndProc and wndClass.lpszClassName are the // important unique values used with CreateWindowEx and the // Windows message pump. WNDCLASSEX wndClass; wndClass.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); = CS_OWNDC | CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; wndClass.hInstance = reinterpret_cast<HINSTANCE>(GetModuleHandle(0)); wndClass.lpfnWndProc = reinterpret_cast<WNDPROC>(WinProcCallback); wndClass.cbClsExtra = 0; wndClass.cbWndExtra = 0; wndClass.hIcon = LoadIcon(0, IDI_APPLICATION); wndClass.hbrBackground = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(192, 192, 192)); wndClass.hCursor = LoadCursor(0, IDC_ARROW); wndClass.lpszClassName = WND_CLASS_NAME; wndClass.lpszMenuName = NULL; wndClass.hIconSm = wndClass.hIcon; if (!RegisterClassEx(&wndClass)) { ErrorHandler(TEXT("RegisterClassEx")); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } // main int __stdcall _tWinMain( HINSTANCE hInstanceExe, HINSTANCE, // should not reference this parameter PTSTR lpstrCmdLine, int nCmdShow ) { // // To enable a console project to compile this code, set // Project->Properties->Linker->System->Subsystem: Windows. // int nArgC = 0; PWSTR* ppArgV = CommandLineToArgvW(lpstrCmdLine, &nArgC); g_pszAppName = ppArgV[0]; if (!InitWindowClass()) { // InitWindowClass displays any errors return -1; } // Main app window HWND hWnd = CreateWindowEx( WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE | WS_EX_APPWINDOW, WND_CLASS_NAME, g_pszAppName, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, // style CW_USEDEFAULT, 0, 640, 480, NULL, NULL, hInstanceExe, NULL); if (hWnd == NULL) { ErrorHandler(TEXT("CreateWindowEx: main appwindow hWnd")); return -1; } // Actually draw the window. ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL); UpdateWindow(hWnd); // The message pump loops until the window is destroyed. MessagePump(hWnd); return 1; } // OutputMessage void OutputMessage( HWND hOutWnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) // Routine Description: // Support routine. // Send text to the output window, scrolling if necessary. // Parameters: // hOutWnd - Handle to the output window. // wParam - Standard windows message code, not used. // lParam - String message to send to the window. // Return Value: // None // Note: // This routine assumes the output window is an edit control // with vertical scrolling enabled. // This routine has no error checking. { LRESULT lResult; LONG bufferLen; LONG numLines; LONG firstVis; // Make writable and turn off redraw. lResult = SendMessage(hOutWnd, EM_SETREADONLY, FALSE, 0L); lResult = SendMessage(hOutWnd, WM_SETREDRAW, FALSE, 0L); // Obtain current text length in the window. bufferLen = SendMessage(hOutWnd, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0L); numLines = SendMessage(hOutWnd, EM_GETLINECOUNT, 0, 0L); firstVis = SendMessage(hOutWnd, EM_GETFIRSTVISIBLELINE, 0, 0L); lResult = SendMessage(hOutWnd, EM_SETSEL, bufferLen, bufferLen); // Write the new text. lResult = SendMessage(hOutWnd, EM_REPLACESEL, 0, lParam); // See whether scrolling is necessary. if (numLines > (firstVis + 1)) { int lineLen = 0; int lineCount = 0; int charPos; // Find the last nonblank line. numLines--; while (!lineLen) { charPos = SendMessage( hOutWnd, EM_LINEINDEX, (WPARAM)numLines, 0L); lineLen = SendMessage( hOutWnd, EM_LINELENGTH, charPos, 0L); if (!lineLen) numLines--; } // Prevent negative value finding min. lineCount = numLines - firstVis; lineCount = (lineCount >= 0) ? lineCount : 0; // Scroll the window. lResult = SendMessage( hOutWnd, EM_LINESCROLL, 0, (LPARAM)lineCount); } // Done, make read-only and allow redraw. lResult = SendMessage(hOutWnd, WM_SETREDRAW, TRUE, 0L); lResult = SendMessage(hOutWnd, EM_SETREADONLY, TRUE, 0L); } // ErrorHandler void ErrorHandler( LPTSTR lpszFunction ) // Routine Description: // Support routine. // Retrieve the system error message for the last-error code // and pop a modal alert box with usable info. // Parameters: // lpszFunction - String containing the function name where // the error occurred plus any other relevant data you'd // like to appear in the output. // Return Value: // None // Note: // This routine is independent of the other windowing routines // in this application and can be used in a regular console // application without modification. { LPVOID lpMsgBuf; LPVOID lpDisplayBuf; DWORD dw = GetLastError(); FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, dw, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPTSTR)&lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL); // Display the error message and exit the process. lpDisplayBuf = (LPVOID)LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, (lstrlen((LPCTSTR)lpMsgBuf) + lstrlen((LPCTSTR)lpszFunction) + 40) * sizeof(TCHAR)); StringCchPrintf((LPTSTR)lpDisplayBuf, LocalSize(lpDisplayBuf) / sizeof(TCHAR), TEXT("%s failed with error %d: %s"), lpszFunction, dw, lpMsgBuf); MessageBox(NULL, (LPCTSTR)lpDisplayBuf, g_pszAppName, MB_OK); LocalFree(lpMsgBuf); LocalFree(lpDisplayBuf); }
Pargus schrieb:
reinterpret_cast ist C++. Mach einfach den Typ in Klammern davor, Stichwort c-style cast.
Büttel schrieb:
reinterpret_cast ist C++. Mach einfach den Typ in Klammern davor, Stichwort c-style cast.
ok danke schonmal das behebt die fehler in den Zeilen 291 und 292. Perfekt!
aber was ist mit dem _tWinMain-Fehlern? Wie bekomm ich die noch weg?
also die zwei Fehler:
- 314 IntelliSense: Unbenannte Prototypparameter sind nicht zulässig, wenn Text vorhanden ist.
- 320 Fehler 7 error C2055: Liste formaler Parameter erwartet, nicht Typenliste
Gib dem zweiten, unbenannten Parameter vom Typ HINSCTANCE einen ordentlichen Namen, dann sollte das auch funktionieren.