Problems installing SFML becaus of a strange folder
I tried now fir at least 4 hours to install SFML-2.3.2 for the Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2013 but there are some problems with the folders because everytime I make a projekt (call it "Projekt 1") there appears a folder Projekt1 what is normal but in it there are the Projekt1.vcxproj and the Projekt1.vcxproj.filters folder and when I make a build in visual studio 2 debug folders appear one in each of the Projekt1 folders but in the secound there are the folders Projekt1.tlog Projekt1.log main.obj vc120.idb vc120.pdb And in the other there are only the fildes Projekt1.exe Projekt1.ilk Projekt1.pbn
Why this happens and what can I do to fix it and is there any other way to install SFML thanks for answers