Hallo Forum,
ich brauche dringend (aus historischen Gründen) ein 7 Segmentelementdisplay auf c++/cli (VS 2008) Basis und habe daher ein solches Beispiel einfach kurzer Hand mal umgeschrieben( once using namespace System; using namespace System::ComponentModel; using namespace System::Collections; using namespace System::Windows::Forms; using namespace System::Data; using namespace System::Drawing; using namespace System::Drawing::Drawing2D; namespace SevenSegment { /// <summary> /// Zusammenfassung für SingleSegment /// </summary> public ref class SingleSegment : public System::Windows::Forms::UserControl { public: array<System::Drawing::Point^,2>^ segPoints; public: array<System::Drawing::Point>^ copiedsegPoints; public: SingleSegment(void) { InitializeComponent(); this->SuspendLayout(); this->Name = "SevenSegment"; this->Size = System::Drawing::Size(32, 64); this->Paint += gcnew System::Windows::Forms::PaintEventHandler(this, &SingleSegment::SevenSegment_Paint); this->Resize += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &SingleSegment::SevenSegment_Resize); this->ResumeLayout(false); this->TabStop = false; this->Padding = System::Windows::Forms::Padding(4, 4, 4, 4); this->DoubleBuffered = true; segPoints = gcnew array<System::Drawing::Point^,2> (7,7); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {for (int j = 0; j < 7; j++) segPoints[i,j] = gcnew Point(0,0); // copiedsegPoints[i] =Point(0,0); } copiedsegPoints = gcnew array<System::Drawing::Point>(6); RecalculatePoints(); } protected: /// <summary> /// Verwendete Ressourcen bereinigen. /// </summary> ~SingleSegment() { if (components) { delete components; } } private: /// <summary> /// Erforderliche Designervariable. /// </summary> System::ComponentModel::Container ^components; #pragma region Windows Form Designer generated code /// <summary> /// Erforderliche Methode für die Designerunterstützung. /// Der Inhalt der Methode darf nicht mit dem Code-Editor geändert werden. /// </summary> void InitializeComponent(void) { this->AutoScaleMode = System::Windows::Forms::AutoScaleMode::Font; } #pragma endregion /// <summary> /// Recalculate the points that represent the polygons of the /// seven segments, whether we're just initializing or /// changing the segment width. /// </summary> private: void RecalculatePoints() { int halfHeight = gridHeight / 2, halfWidth = elementWidth / 2; int p = 0; segPoints[p,0]->X = elementWidth + 1; segPoints[p,0]->Y = 0; segPoints[p,1]->X = gridWidth - elementWidth - 1; segPoints[p,1]->Y = 0; segPoints[p,2]->X = gridWidth - halfWidth - 1; segPoints[p,2]->Y = halfWidth; segPoints[p,3]->X = gridWidth - elementWidth - 1; segPoints[p,3]->Y = elementWidth; segPoints[p,4]->X = elementWidth + 1; segPoints[p,4]->Y = elementWidth; segPoints[p,5]->X = halfWidth + 1; segPoints[p,5]->Y = halfWidth; p++; segPoints[p,0]->X = 0; segPoints[p,0]->Y = elementWidth + 1; segPoints[p,1]->X = halfWidth; segPoints[p,1]->Y = halfWidth + 1; segPoints[p,2]->X = elementWidth; segPoints[p,2]->Y = elementWidth + 1; segPoints[p,3]->X = elementWidth; segPoints[p,3]->Y = halfHeight - halfWidth - 1; segPoints[p,4]->X = 4; segPoints[p,4]->Y = halfHeight - 1; segPoints[p,5]->X = 0; segPoints[p,5]->Y = halfHeight - 1; p++; segPoints[p,0]->X = gridWidth - elementWidth; segPoints[p,0]->Y = elementWidth + 1; segPoints[p,1]->X = gridWidth - halfWidth; segPoints[p,1]->Y = halfWidth + 1; segPoints[p,2]->X = gridWidth; segPoints[p,2]->Y = elementWidth + 1; segPoints[p,3]->X = gridWidth; segPoints[p,3]->Y = halfHeight - 1; segPoints[p,4]->X = gridWidth - 4; segPoints[p,4]->Y = halfHeight - 1; segPoints[p,5]->X = gridWidth - elementWidth; segPoints[p,5]->Y = halfHeight - halfWidth - 1; p++; segPoints[p,0]->X = elementWidth + 1; segPoints[p,0]->Y = halfHeight - halfWidth; segPoints[p,1]->X = gridWidth - elementWidth - 1; segPoints[p,1]->Y = halfHeight - halfWidth; segPoints[p,2]->X = gridWidth - 5; segPoints[p,2]->Y = halfHeight; segPoints[p,3]->X = gridWidth - elementWidth - 1; segPoints[p,3]->Y = halfHeight + halfWidth; segPoints[p,4]->X = elementWidth + 1; segPoints[p,4]->Y = halfHeight + halfWidth; segPoints[p,5]->X = 5; segPoints[p,5]->Y = halfHeight; p++; segPoints[p,0]->X = 0; segPoints[p,0]->Y = halfHeight + 1; segPoints[p,1]->X = 4; segPoints[p,1]->Y = halfHeight + 1; segPoints[p,2]->X = elementWidth; segPoints[p,2]->Y = halfHeight + halfWidth + 1; segPoints[p,3]->X = elementWidth; segPoints[p,3]->Y = gridHeight - elementWidth - 1; segPoints[p,4]->X = halfWidth; segPoints[p,4]->Y = gridHeight - halfWidth - 1; segPoints[p,5]->X = 0; segPoints[p,5]->Y = gridHeight - elementWidth - 1; p++; segPoints[p,0]->X = gridWidth - elementWidth; segPoints[p,0]->Y = halfHeight + halfWidth + 1; segPoints[p,1]->X = gridWidth - 4; segPoints[p,1]->Y = halfHeight + 1; segPoints[p,2]->X = gridWidth; segPoints[p,2]->Y = halfHeight + 1; segPoints[p,3]->X = gridWidth; segPoints[p,3]->Y = gridHeight - elementWidth - 1; segPoints[p,4]->X = gridWidth - halfWidth; segPoints[p,4]->Y = gridHeight - halfWidth - 1; segPoints[p,5]->X = gridWidth - elementWidth; segPoints[p,5]->Y = gridHeight - elementWidth - 1; p++; segPoints[p,0]->X = elementWidth + 1; segPoints[p,0]->Y = gridHeight - elementWidth; segPoints[p,1]->X = gridWidth - elementWidth - 1; segPoints[p,1]->Y = gridHeight - elementWidth; segPoints[p,2]->X = gridWidth - halfWidth - 1; segPoints[p,2]->Y = gridHeight - halfWidth; segPoints[p,3]->X = gridWidth - elementWidth - 1; segPoints[p,3]->Y = gridHeight; segPoints[p,4]->X = elementWidth + 1; segPoints[p,4]->Y = gridHeight; segPoints[p,5]->X = halfWidth + 1; segPoints[p,5]->Y = gridHeight - halfWidth; } static int gridHeight = 80; static int gridWidth = 48; static int elementWidth = 10; static float italicFactor = 0.0F; static System::Drawing::Color colorBackground = System::Drawing::Color::DarkGray; static System::Drawing::Color colorDark = System::Drawing::Color::DimGray; static System::Drawing::Color colorLight = System::Drawing::Color::Red; /// <summary> /// Background color of the 7-segment display. /// </summary> public: property System::Drawing::Color ColorBackground { System::Drawing::Color get() { return colorBackground; } void set(System::Drawing::Color value) { colorBackground = value; this->Invalidate(); } } /// <summary> /// Color of inactive LED segments. /// </summary> property System::Drawing::Color ColorDark { System::Drawing::Color get() { return colorDark; } void set(System::Drawing::Color value) { colorDark = value; this->Invalidate(); } } /// <summary> /// Color of active LED segments. /// </summary> property System::Drawing::Color ColorLight { System::Drawing::Color get() { return colorLight; } void set(System::Drawing::Color value) { colorLight = value; this->Invalidate(); } } /// <summary> /// Width of LED segments. /// </summary> property int ElementWidth { int get() { return elementWidth; } void set(int value) { elementWidth = value; RecalculatePoints(); this-> Invalidate(); } } /// <summary> /// Shear coefficient for italicizing the displays. Try a value like -0.1. /// </summary> property float ItalicFactor { float get() { return italicFactor; } void set(float value) { italicFactor = value; this->Invalidate(); } } private: void SevenSegment_Resize(Object^ sender, EventArgs^ e) { this->Invalidate(); } protected: virtual void OnPaddingChanged(EventArgs^ e) override { //base::OnPaddingChanged(e); this->Invalidate(); } virtual void OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs^ e) override { //base::OnPaintBackground(e); e->Graphics->Clear(colorBackground); } /// <summary> /// These are the various bit patterns that represent the characters /// that can be displayed in the seven segments. Bits 0 through 6 /// correspond to each of the LEDs, from top to bottom! /// </summary> public: enum class ValuePattern { None = 0x0, Zero = 0x77, One = 0x24, Two = 0x5D, Three = 0x6D, Four = 0x2E, Five = 0x6B, Six = 0x7B, Seven = 0x25, Eight = 0x7F, Nine = 0x6F, A = 0x3F, B = 0x7A, C = 0x53, D = 0x7C, E = 0x5B, F = 0x1B, G = 0x73, H = 0x3E, J = 0x74, L = 0x52, N = 0x38, O = 0x78, P = 0x1F, Q = 0x2F, R = 0x18, T = 0x5A, U = 0x76, Y = 0x6E, Dash = 0x8, Equals = 0x48 } ; private: static String^ theValue = ""; /// <summary> /// Character to be displayed on the seven segments. Supported characters /// are digits and most letters. /// </summary> public: property String^Value { String^ get() { return theValue; } void set(String^ value) { customPattern = 0; if (value != "") { //is it an integer? bool success = false; try { int tempValue = Convert::ToInt32(value); if (tempValue > 9) tempValue = 9; if (tempValue < 0) tempValue = 0; switch (tempValue) { case 0: customPattern = (int)ValuePattern::Zero; break; case 1: customPattern = (int)ValuePattern::One; break; case 2: customPattern = (int)ValuePattern::Two; break; case 3: customPattern = (int)ValuePattern::Three; break; case 4: customPattern = (int)ValuePattern::Four; break; case 5: customPattern = (int)ValuePattern::Five; break; case 6: customPattern = (int)ValuePattern::Six; break; case 7: customPattern = (int)ValuePattern::Seven; break; case 8: customPattern = (int)ValuePattern::Eight; break; case 9: customPattern = (int)ValuePattern::Nine; break; } success = true; } catch(Exception ^e) { }; if (!success) { try { //is it a letter? String^ tempString = Convert::ToString(value); switch (tempString->ToLower()[0] ) { case 'a': customPattern = (int)ValuePattern::A; break; case 'b': customPattern = (int)ValuePattern::B; break; case 'c': customPattern = (int)ValuePattern::C; break; case 'd': customPattern = (int)ValuePattern::D; break; case 'e': customPattern = (int)ValuePattern::E; break; case 'f': customPattern = (int)ValuePattern::F; break; case 'g': customPattern = (int)ValuePattern::G; break; case 'h': customPattern = (int)ValuePattern::H; break; case 'j': customPattern = (int)ValuePattern::J; break; case 'l': customPattern = (int)ValuePattern::L; break; case 'n': customPattern = (int)ValuePattern::N; break; case 'o': customPattern = (int)ValuePattern::O; break; case 'p': customPattern = (int)ValuePattern::P; break; case 'q': customPattern = (int)ValuePattern::Q; break; case 'r': customPattern = (int)ValuePattern::R; break; case 't': customPattern = (int)ValuePattern::T; break; case 'u': customPattern = (int)ValuePattern::U; break; case 'y': customPattern = (int)ValuePattern::Y; break; case '-': customPattern = (int)ValuePattern::Dash; break; case '=': customPattern = (int)ValuePattern::Equals; break; } } catch(Exception ^e) { } } } theValue = value; this->Invalidate(); } } private: static int customPattern = 0; /// <summary> /// Set a custom bit pattern to be displayed on the seven segments. This is an /// integer value where bits 0 through 6 correspond to each respective LED /// segment. /// </summary> public: property int CustomPattern { int get() { return customPattern; } void set(int value) { customPattern = value; this->Invalidate(); } } private: static bool showDot = true, dotOn = false; /// <summary> /// Specifies if the decimal point LED is displayed. /// </summary> public: property bool DecimalShow { bool get() { return showDot; } void set(bool value) { showDot = value; this->Invalidate(); } } /// <summary> /// Specifies if the decimal point LED is active. /// </summary> property bool DecimalOn { bool get() { return dotOn; } void set(bool value) { dotOn = value; this->Invalidate(); } } private: void SevenSegment_Paint(Object^ sender, PaintEventArgs^e) { int useValue = customPattern; int counter; //MessageBox::Show("Painting"); Brush^ brushLight = gcnew SolidBrush(colorLight); Brush^ brushDark = gcnew SolidBrush(colorDark); // Define transformation for our container... RectangleF srcRect = RectangleF(0.0F, 0.0F, gridWidth, gridHeight); RectangleF destRect = RectangleF(Padding.Left, Padding.Top, this->Width - Padding.Left - Padding.Right, this->Height - Padding.Top - Padding.Bottom); // Begin graphics container that remaps coordinates for our convenience GraphicsContainer^ containerState = e->Graphics->BeginContainer(destRect, srcRect, GraphicsUnit::Pixel); Matrix^ trans = gcnew Matrix(); trans->Shear(italicFactor, 0.0F); e->Graphics->Transform = trans; e->Graphics->SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode::AntiAlias; e->Graphics->PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode::Default; // Draw elements based on whether the corresponding bit is high for(counter = 0; counter < 6; counter ++) { copiedsegPoints[counter].X = segPoints[0,counter]->X; copiedsegPoints[counter].Y = segPoints[0,counter]->Y; } e->Graphics->FillPolygon( (useValue & 0x1) == 0x1 ? brushLight : brushDark, copiedsegPoints) ; for(counter = 0; counter < 6; counter ++) { copiedsegPoints[counter].X = segPoints[1,counter]->X; copiedsegPoints[counter].Y = segPoints[1,counter]->Y; } e->Graphics->FillPolygon((useValue & 0x2) == 0x2 ? brushLight : brushDark, copiedsegPoints); for(counter = 0; counter < 6; counter ++) { copiedsegPoints[counter].X = segPoints[2,counter]->X; copiedsegPoints[counter].Y = segPoints[2,counter]->Y; } e->Graphics->FillPolygon((useValue & 0x4) == 0x4 ? brushLight : brushDark, copiedsegPoints); for(counter = 0; counter < 6; counter ++) { copiedsegPoints[counter].X = segPoints[3,counter]->X; copiedsegPoints[counter].Y = segPoints[3,counter]->Y; } e->Graphics->FillPolygon((useValue & 0x8) == 0x8 ? brushLight : brushDark, copiedsegPoints); for(counter = 0; counter < 6; counter ++) { copiedsegPoints[counter].X = segPoints[4,counter]->X; copiedsegPoints[counter].Y = segPoints[4,counter]->Y; } e->Graphics->FillPolygon((useValue & 0x10) == 0x10 ? brushLight : brushDark, copiedsegPoints); for(counter = 0; counter < 6; counter ++) { copiedsegPoints[counter].X = segPoints[5,counter]->X; copiedsegPoints[counter].Y = segPoints[5,counter]->Y; } e->Graphics->FillPolygon((useValue & 0x20) == 0x20 ? brushLight : brushDark, copiedsegPoints); for(counter = 0; counter < 6; counter ++) { copiedsegPoints[counter].X = segPoints[6,counter]->X; copiedsegPoints[counter].Y = segPoints[6,counter]->Y; } e->Graphics->FillPolygon((useValue & 0x40) == 0x40 ? brushLight : brushDark, copiedsegPoints); if (showDot) e->Graphics->FillEllipse(dotOn ? brushLight : brushDark, gridWidth - 1, gridHeight - elementWidth + 1, elementWidth, elementWidth); e->Graphics->EndContainer(containerState); } // void }; }
Während das Ganze mit C# unproblematisch ist, scheint es mit C++/cli nur irgendwie zu funktionieren. Sobald ich ein weiteres Segment mittels des Forms- Designers in ein Form hinzufüge, übernehmen die bereits hinzugefügten Elemente die Eigenschaften des zuletzt hinzugefügten Elements. Vielleicht kann mir ja hier jemand weiterhelfen.
Also das Ganze scheint doch irgendwie zu funktionieren – man muss aber nach jeder Werteänderung nochmal „->Update“ aufrufen, damit der Wert auch in die Klasse geschrieben wird. Andernfalls beobachtet man, dass beim Aufruf des PaintEvents jeweils nur der Wert des zuletzt bearbeiteten Control ankommt.
So geht’s erst mal:void button1_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) { this->sevenSegment1->Value = L"5"; this->sevenSegment1->Update(); this->sevenSegment2->Value = L"6"; this->sevenSegment2->Update(); }