
  • I would like to use the wxWidgets library with the wonderful Orwell Dev C++. I have tried to compile wxWidgets with TDM-GCC x64 4.7.1 which installs with Dev C++ 5.4.1. After trying to manually configure the wxWidgets MS Windows makefile I am still getting a variety of errors.
    Has anyone succeeded in compiling the library?

  • Although this is a German C++ forum, by the way 😃 :
    I had been faced with the same problem some time ago. Actually, using a specific command with mingw32-make.exe, with wxWidgets 3.1.1, it worked somehow. I can't explain it myself because all the time it didn't work.

    - I've got a WEB.DE webspace and can provide you a whole wxWidgets-3.1.1 environment with a monolithic, unicode, dll-using build.
    - Please, PLEASE stop using a buggy, old IDE like Dev-C++, even because it's Delphi-based ( 😮 ). According to sourceforge, the Last Update was on 2012-10-11. Rather use CodeBlocks with the specific configuration. Or, if you REALLY want to use Dev-C++, consider using wxDev-C++ because it's got a prebuilt library set inside. I've used it for a couple of days until I realised the code completion does not work. After that, I've tried to build it again with the official tutorial and it worked somehow I don't really get.

    Please say what you think about getting wxWidgets provided by me.


  • Since we've already talked in the wine forum are you on wine or windows now?

    Also, why are you crossposting so heavily?
    and a few deleted topics. I mean, WTF?

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