Blend 2D image frame buffer overlay

  • I am trying to solve the below problem. Please review my code written so far.

    // // // To produce code for a system that has a frame buffer. The frame
    // // // buffer stores a 2D image which is automatically displayed on an LCD screen.
    // // //
    // // // The LCD and framebuffer have a resolution of 640x480. All buffers’ pixels are
    // // // stored sequentially in rows, with each subsequent row immediately following
    // // // the previous in the buffer. The first pixel in the frame buffer is displayed
    // // // in the top-left most corner of the LCD.
    // // //
    // // // The frame buffer uses 16-bits to encode each pixel, split into individual
    // // // blue, green & red components of sizes 5, 6 & 5 bits respectively
    // // // (red occupies the least significant bits).
    // // //
    // // // A software renderer is required to blend a 32x32 pixel mouse pointer over the
    // // // frame buffer. The buffer containing the pointer uses 32-bits to encode each
    // // // pixel, split into individual 8-bit blue, green, red & alpha components,
    // // // respectively (alpha occupies the least significant byte).
    // // //
    // // // A mouse pixel's transparency is defined by its alpha value, which may be
    // // // anywhere between 0 and 255 inclusive, where 0 is completely transparent
    // // // and 255 is completely opaque.
    // // //
    // // // The mathematical equation for alpha blending, for each component C, is:
    // // //
    // // // outputC = (foregroundC x alpha) +
    // // // (backgroundC x (1.0 – alpha))
    // // //
    // // // Where all values are in the range 0.0-1.0.
    // // //
    // // // Note the co-ordinates will always be within 640x480, but the mouse pointer
    // // // may overhang the end of the framebuffer.
    // // //
    // // // Implement the 'overlay_mouse_pointer' function below. Any tests can be run
    // // // by adding them to the 'main' function.
    // // // /
    // // // /

    // // // Blends the image contained in the mouse pointer buffer over the provided frame
    // // // buffer, at the specified coordinates. The result of the blend should be written
    // // // back to the frame buffer.
    // // //
    // // // Inputs:
    // // // frame_buffer: The provided frame buffer, over which the mouse pointer
    // // // image should be blended
    // // // mouse_pointer_buffer: Buffer containing mouse pointer image (with per
    // // // pixel alpha information)
    // // // x_coordinate: X coordinate of top left pixel of mouse pointer on frame
    // // // buffer. Only values within the range 0 -> 639 are permitted.
    // // // y_coordinate: Y coordinate of top left pixel of mouse pointer on frame
    // // // buffer. Only values within the range 0 -> 479 are permitted.
    // // //
    // // // Output:
    // // // frame_buffer: The result of the blend is written back to frame_buffer

    #include <iostream>
    #include <vector>
    #include <cstring>
    using namespace std;
    #define PIXEL_16 2  //assuming 2 char per pixel
    #define PIXEL_32 4  //assuming 4 char per pixel
    class MousePixBlend
      static constexpr int FRAME_BUF_WIDTH = 640;
      static constexpr int FRAME_BUF_HEIGHT = 480;
      static constexpr int MOUSE_PTR_BUF_WIDTH = 32;
      static constexpr int MOUSE_PTR_BUF_HEIGHT = 32;
      // Here 3 values that has 3 colors
      static constexpr int RED_SH = 32;
      static constexpr int GREEN_SH = 64;
      static constexpr int BLUE_SH = 32;
      // Here for the 3 values to handle for the 3 colors in 16bit
      static constexpr int RED_SH_OFFS = 12;
      static constexpr int GREEN_SH_OFFS = 6;
      static constexpr int BLUE_SH_OFFS = 0;
      // Here for the 3 values to fetch 3 RGB colors from 32bit
      static constexpr int RED_INT_OFFS = 25;
      static constexpr int GREEN_INT_OFFS = 18;
      static constexpr int BLUE_INT_OFFS = 9;
      // 3 masks to extract 3 RGB colors from a short
      static constexpr int RED_INT_MSK = 0x0000002F;
      static constexpr int GREEN_INT_MSK = 0x0000004F;
      static constexpr int BLUE_INT_MSK = 0x0000005F;
      // 3 masks to merge 3 colors into a short 
      static constexpr int RED_SH_MSK = 0x0000F700;
      static constexpr int GREEN_SH_MSK = 0x000007F0;
      static constexpr int BLUE_SH_MSK = 0x0000001F;
      //here the colors that are encoded for those many bytes
    //assume colors encoded in 32 bits are byte each
      static constexpr int COLOUR_MSK = 0x000000FF;
      static constexpr int ALPHA_BLD_MAX = 255;
      static void overlay_mouse_pointer(std::vector<short> &frame_buffer, std::vector<int> &mouse_pointer_buffer, int x_coordinate, int y_coordinate);
    void MousePixBlend::overlay_mouse_pointer(std::vector<short> &frame_buffer, std::vector<int> &mouse_pointer_buffer, int x_coordinate, int y_coordinate)
      if (x_coordinate < FRAME_BUF_WIDTH && y_coordinate < FRAME_BUF_HEIGHT)
        int Redpixel;
        int Greenpixel;
        int Bluepixel;
        int Redmous;
        int Greenmous;
        int Bluemous;
        int alphabld;
        //this is to figure out about more info whether mouse is to be drawn here as it may go outside the frame sometimes
        int MouseWidthcrop = std::min(FRAME_BUF_WIDTH - x_coordinate, MOUSE_PTR_BUF_WIDTH);
        int MouseHeightcrop = std::min(FRAME_BUF_HEIGHT - y_coordinate, MOUSE_PTR_BUF_HEIGHT);
        for (int mouseY = 0 ; mouseY < MouseHeightcrop ; ++mouseY)
          for (int mouseX = 0 ; mouseX < MouseWidthcrop ; ++mouseX)
            // here we begin blending for one pixel frame
            int curMouseBufIndval = (mouseY * MOUSE_PTR_BUF_WIDTH) + mouseX;
            int curFrameBufIndval = ((y_coordinate + mouseY) * FRAME_BUF_WIDTH) + x_coordinate + mouseX;
            Redpixel = (frame_buffer[curFrameBufIndval] >> RED_SH_OFFS) & RED_INT_MSK;
            Greenpixel = (frame_buffer[curFrameBufIndval] >> GREEN_SH_OFFS) & GREEN_INT_MSK;
            Bluepixel = (frame_buffer[curFrameBufIndval] >> BLUE_SH_OFFS) & BLUE_INT_MSK;
            alphabld = mouse_pointer_buffer[curMouseBufIndval] & COLOUR_MSK;
            if (0 < alphabld)
            { // here there is none to do for mouse pointer if fully transparent
              Redmous = (mouse_pointer_buffer[curMouseBufIndval] >> RED_INT_OFFS) & COLOUR_MSK;
              Greenmous = (mouse_pointer_buffer[curMouseBufIndval] >> GREEN_INT_OFFS) & COLOUR_MSK;
              Bluemous = (mouse_pointer_buffer[curMouseBufIndval] >> BLUE_INT_OFFS) & COLOUR_MSK;
              Redpixel = ((alphabld * Redmous) + ((ALPHA_BLD_MAX - alphabld) * Redpixel)); // here it does the normal alpha blending
              while (Redpixel > RED_SH)
                Redpixel = Redpixel >> 1;
              } // need to fit the new colour 
              Greenpixel = ((alphabld * Greenmous) + ((ALPHA_BLD_MAX - alphabld) * Greenpixel));
              while (Greenpixel > GREEN_SH)
                Greenpixel = Greenpixel >> 1;
                Bluepixel = ((alphabld * Bluemous) + ((ALPHA_BLD_MAX - alphabld) * Bluepixel));
              while (Bluepixel > BLUE_SH)
                Bluepixel = Bluepixel >> 1;
              frame_buffer[curFrameBufIndval] = static_cast<short>((RED_SH_MSK & (Redpixel << RED_SH_OFFS )) | (GREEN_SH_MSK & (Greenpixel << GREEN_SH_OFFS)) | (BLUE_SH_MSK & (Bluepixel << BLUE_SH_OFFS)));
            // this is the end blending for one pixel frame
    int main() {
      cout<< "=======Alpha Blending=======\n";
      //To test code, need to provide the buffer
     // int i;
      //char **buf, **mousbuf;
      //buf = (char**) new(480* sizeof(char *);
      //for(i =0; i < 480; i++)
        //buf[i]= (char*) new(640 * PIXEL_16 * sizeof(char));
        //memset(buf[i], 0, 640 * PIXEL_16 * sizeof(char));
     // }
      //mousbuf = (char**) new(32* sizeof(char*));
      //for(i =0; i < 32; i++)
       // mousbuf[i] = (char*) new(32* PIXEL_32 * sizeof(char));
    return 0;
    } // end of the main

  • @codebugs2022 sagte in Blend 2D image frame buffer overlay:


    I need help to test and verify the code logic written here. any suggestions?

  • @codebugs2022
    I have a suggestion, work your way in.

  • I need inputs in writing test cases to verify the code.

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