• Hallo,

    Es gibt DNS (Port 53) für TCP und für UDP. Was ist der Unterschied?


  • Grundsätzlich werden Anfragen per UDP verschickt. Ist das Antwortpaket jedoch größer als 512 Byte, wird TCP benutzt. Naja, lies selbst 🙂

    Make sure your parent domain has the same NS records for your zone as you do. (Don't forget your in-addr.arpa zones too!). Do not list too many (7 is the recommended maximum), as this just makes things harder to manage and is only really necessary for very popular top- level or root zones. You also run the risk of overflowing the 512- byte limit of a UDP packet in the response to an NS query. If this happens, resolvers will "fall back" to using TCP requests, resulting in increased load on your nameserver.


    Quelle: http://www.ohse.de/uwe/rfc/rfc1912.html

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