und wenn ich das zu doof erklärt hab, das sagt MSDN:
MSDN schrieb:
The array keyword lets you create a dynamic array that is allocated on the common language runtime heap.
[qualifiers] [cli::]array<[qualifiers]type1[, dimension]>^ var =
gcnew [cli::]array<type2[, dimension]>(val[,val...])
dimension [optional]
The number of dimensions of the array. The default is 1. The maximum is 32.
qualifiers [optional]
A storage class specifier. Valid keywords for qualifier are: mutable, volatile, const, extern, and static.
A comma-separated list of the size of your array or an aggregate initializer.
There should be one size val for each dimension. For more information, see Multidimension Arrays.
The type of the array variable. Valid types are managed reference types (type^), managed value types (type), and native pointers (type*). A tracking handle is always required after the closing angle bracket (>) in the declaration.
The type of the values initializing the array. Commonly, type1 and type2 will be the same types. However, it is possible for the types to be different, as long as there is a conversion from type2 to type1. For example, if type2 is derived from type1.
Like type1, valid types are managed reference types, managed value types, and native pointers. However, a tracking handle is not allowed after the closing angle bracket (>).
The name of the array variable.