Jamlegend C++ Bot
wer mir ihn so um ändern kann bzw einen neuen machen kann der halt auch strummen kann würde auch geld von mir bekommen
1280x1024 firefox
tabs on always
fullscreenqueue.h struct Queue { int key1; int key2; int key3; int key4; int key5; int delay; int tickid; int type; };
jlbot.cpp // jam legend bot (2.0) // drachlen@gmail.com #include "stdafx.h" #include "queue.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <string> #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <math.h> #include "Windows.h" #include <WinAble.h> using std::string; using namespace std; int returnTotal(int x, int y, HDC hdc) { int pixel; int pixR; int pixG; int pixB; int total; pixel = GetPixel( hdc, x, y ); pixR = GetRValue(pixel); pixG = GetGValue(pixel); pixB = GetBValue(pixel); total = pixR+pixG+pixB; return total; } int checkStreak( HDC hdc ) { //153 153 153 612 612 153 612 153 if( returnTotal(247,253, hdc) < 155 && returnTotal(253,246, hdc) < 155 && returnTotal(249,253, hdc) < 155 && returnTotal(250,252, hdc) > 155 && returnTotal(322,245, hdc) > 155 && returnTotal(321,250, hdc) < 155 && returnTotal(320,255, hdc) > 155 && returnTotal(326,261, hdc) < 155 ) { return 0; // streak is 0 } else { return 1; // streak is greater than 0 } return 0; } int readNote( int note, HDC hdc ) { int baseX = 535; int baseY = 494; int total; switch(note) { case 1: baseX = 535;// SUSTAIN/NOTE TYPE: 551 (baseX + 16) break; case 2: baseX = 575;//591 break; case 3: baseX = 615;//631 break; case 4: baseX = 655;//671 break; case 5: baseX = 695;//etc break; default: baseX = 535; break; } //baseX = baseX-8; total = returnTotal( baseX, baseY, hdc); if( total > 400 ) { // note detected, what kind of note? // check if it's a non-strum note // baseX + 16 is the coordinate for note type // baseX + 16 and baseY-17, baseY-19, baseY-21 to check sustain //what kind of note is this? if( returnTotal( baseX + 16, baseY, hdc) > 700 ) { //non strum note //check the streak. is it 0? // If the streak is 0, then we have to strum this non-strum note. // if it's greater than 0, we don't have to strum if( checkStreak(hdc) == 0 ) { return 1;//1 // treat this as a note with strum } else { return 3; // note without strum } } else { //this is a strum note: return 1; } } //couldn't find a note return 0; } void sendKey(char ch, int state) { if(state == 1) { INPUT input[2]; ::ZeroMemory(input, sizeof(input)); input[0].type = input[1].type = INPUT_KEYBOARD; input[0].ki.wVk = input[1].ki.wVk = ch; //input[1].ki.dwFlags = KEYEVENTF_KEYUP; ::SendInput(2, input, sizeof(INPUT)); } else { INPUT input[2]; ::ZeroMemory(input, sizeof(input)); input[0].type = input[1].type = INPUT_KEYBOARD; input[0].ki.wVk = input[1].ki.wVk = ch; input[1].ki.dwFlags = KEYEVENTF_KEYUP; ::SendInput(2, input, sizeof(INPUT)); } } void releaseNote( int key ) { switch( key ) { case 1: // sendKey(0x31, 1); //Sleep(1); sendKey(0x31, 0); break; case 2: //sendKey(0x32, 1); //Sleep(1); sendKey(0x32, 0); break; case 3: // sendKey(0x33, 1); //Sleep(1); sendKey(0x33, 0); break; case 4: // sendKey(0x34, 1); // Sleep(1); sendKey(0x34, 0); break; case 5: // sendKey(0x35, 1); //Sleep(1); sendKey(0x35, 0); break; default:// ?? break; } } void pressNote( int key ) { switch( key ) { case 1: sendKey(0x31, 1); break; case 2: sendKey(0x32, 1); break; case 3: sendKey(0x33, 1); break; case 4: sendKey(0x34, 1); break; case 5: sendKey(0x35, 1); break; default:// ?? break; } } void doTap( int key ) { switch( key ) { case 1: sendKey(0x31, 0); //Sleep(1); sendKey(0x31, 1); break; case 2: sendKey(0x32, 0); //Sleep(1); sendKey(0x32, 1); break; case 3: sendKey(0x33, 0); //Sleep(1); sendKey(0x33, 1); break; case 4: sendKey(0x34, 0); //Sleep(1); sendKey(0x34, 1); break; case 5: sendKey(0x35, 0); //Sleep(1); sendKey(0x35, 1); break; default:// ?? break; } } void main() { int dispc = 0; /* function: readNote( [1-5] ); returns the following: 0, no note 1, note with strum 2, note with strum and with sustain 3, note without strum 4, note without strum, with sustain --- notes will not be released until a new note needs to be pressed the held note will be based on the lowest note in the queue */ HDC hdc = GetDC(NULL); Queue queue[30000]; int queueBottom = 0; int queueIndex = 0; int tick = 0; int run = 0; int queueLoop=0; int delay1=0; int delay2=0; int delay3=0; int delay4=0; int delay5=0; int lastHeld1 = 0; int lastHeld2 = 0; int lastHeld3 = 0; int lastHeld4 = 0; int lastHeld5 = 0; int foundNote = 0; int indexQueue = 0; // //modify these to tweak for specific songs ///////////////// int varDelay = 67; int betweenDelay = 74; int indexQueueInt = 104; int replaymode = 1; int indexUp = 0; /////////// // int waitNext = 0; int f5waitNext = 0; int nextSong=0; int pixR,pixG,pixB,pixel; int f5wait=0; INPUT input[2]; /////////// while(1) { /////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////// /// JAM LEGEND BOT V1.0 CODE FOR PLAYING NEXT SONG::: if(waitNext > 0) { waitNext--; } if(f5waitNext > 0) { f5waitNext--; } nextSong = GetPixel(hdc, 552, 420); pixR = GetRValue(nextSong); pixG = GetGValue(nextSong); pixB = GetBValue(nextSong); if(pixR == 9 && pixG == 121 && pixB == 201 && run == 1 && f5waitNext == 0) { nextSong = GetPixel(hdc, 553, 420); pixR = GetRValue(nextSong); pixG = GetGValue(nextSong); pixB = GetBValue(nextSong); if(pixR == 0 && pixG == 171 && pixB == 222 && run == 1) { if(f5wait == 0 && f5waitNext == 0) { f5waitNext = 750; f5wait = 1; } if(f5wait == 1 && f5waitNext == 0) { f5wait = 2; f5waitNext=1500; } if(f5wait == 2 && f5waitNext == 0) { f5wait=0; f5waitNext = 700; sendKey(0x74, 1); //Sleep(1); sendKey(0x74, 0); } } } nextSong = GetPixel(hdc, 750, 420); pixR = GetRValue(nextSong); pixG = GetGValue(nextSong); pixB = GetBValue(nextSong); if(pixR == 100 && pixG == 255 && pixB == 100 && run == 1 && f5waitNext == 0) { if(f5wait == 0) { f5waitNext = 1500; f5wait = 1; } if(f5wait == 1 && f5waitNext == 0) { f5wait = 2; f5waitNext=1300; } if(f5wait == 2 && f5waitNext == 0) { f5wait=0; f5waitNext = 1300; sendKey(0x74, 1); Sleep(2); sendKey(0x74, 0); Sleep(8000); } } nextSong = GetPixel(hdc, 460, 440); pixR = GetRValue(nextSong); pixG = GetGValue(nextSong); pixB = GetBValue(nextSong); if( (pixR > 240 && pixG > 240 && pixB > 240) && (run == 1 && waitNext == 0) ) { ::ZeroMemory(input, sizeof(input)); input[0].type = input[1].type = INPUT_MOUSE; input[0].mi.dx = input[1].mi.dx = 37040; //23650 { center input[0].mi.dy = input[1].mi.dy = 28020; // 9500 { center input[1].mi.dwFlags = (MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE | MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE | MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN | MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP); ::SendInput(2, input, sizeof(INPUT)); Sleep(2500); } nextSong = GetPixel(hdc, 485, 512); pixR = GetRValue(nextSong); pixG = GetGValue(nextSong); pixB = GetBValue(nextSong); //34.34.34 if( ( (pixR == 34 && pixG == 34 && pixB == 34) || ( pixR == 33 && pixG == 33 && pixB == 33 ) ) && (run == 1 && waitNext == 0) ) { Sleep(2500); nextSong = GetPixel(hdc, 544, 522);//544,522 pixR = GetRValue(nextSong); pixG = GetGValue(nextSong); pixB = GetBValue(nextSong); //255.255.255 if(pixR == 255 && pixG == 255 && pixB == 255 && run == 1) { //600,510 if(replaymode==1) { printf("replay mode\n"); /*::ZeroMemory(input, sizeof(input)); input[0].type = input[1].type = INPUT_MOUSE; input[0].mi.dx = input[1].mi.dx = 32040; //23650 { center input[0].mi.dy = input[1].mi.dy = 36000; //9500 { center input[1].mi.dwFlags = (MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE | MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE | MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN | MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP ); ::SendInput(2, input, sizeof(INPUT));*/ ::ZeroMemory(input, sizeof(input)); input[0].type = input[1].type = INPUT_MOUSE; input[0].mi.dx = input[1].mi.dx = 29040; //23650 { center input[0].mi.dy = input[1].mi.dy = 36000; // 9500 { center input[1].mi.dwFlags = (MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE | MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE | MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN | MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP); ::SendInput(2, input, sizeof(INPUT)); }else{ ::ZeroMemory(input, sizeof(input)); input[0].type = input[1].type = INPUT_MOUSE; input[0].mi.dx = input[1].mi.dx = 34040; //23650 { center input[0].mi.dy = input[1].mi.dy = 32000; //9500 { center input[1].mi.dwFlags = (MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE | MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE | MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN); ::SendInput(2, input, sizeof(INPUT)); ::ZeroMemory(input, sizeof(input)); input[0].type = input[1].type = INPUT_MOUSE; input[0].mi.dx = input[1].mi.dx = 34040; //23650 { center input[0].mi.dy = input[1].mi.dy = 32000; // 9500 { center input[1].mi.dwFlags = (MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE | MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE | MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP); ::SendInput(2, input, sizeof(INPUT)); } Sleep(2500); printf("sddf"); queueBottom = 0; queueIndex = 1; tick=0; Sleep(1000); ::ZeroMemory(input, sizeof(input)); input[0].type = input[1].type = INPUT_MOUSE; input[0].mi.dx = input[1].mi.dx = 24040; //23650 { center input[0].mi.dy = input[1].mi.dy = 28020; //9500 { center input[1].mi.dwFlags = (MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE | MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE); ::SendInput(2, input, sizeof(INPUT)); ::ZeroMemory(input, sizeof(input)); input[0].type = input[1].type = INPUT_MOUSE; input[0].mi.dx = input[1].mi.dx = 24040; //23650 { center input[0].mi.dy = input[1].mi.dy = 28020; // 9500 { center input[1].mi.dwFlags = (MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE | MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE); ::SendInput(2, input, sizeof(INPUT)); printf("second click\n"); waitNext = 10500; } } nextSong = GetPixel(hdc, 555, 348); pixR = GetRValue(nextSong); pixG = GetGValue(nextSong); pixB = GetBValue(nextSong); //34.34.34 if(pixR == 173 && pixG == 250 && pixB == 39 && run == 1 && waitNext == 0) { printf("next song waitNext = 0 \n"); nextSong = GetPixel(hdc, 595, 350); pixR = GetRValue(nextSong); pixG = GetGValue(nextSong); pixB = GetBValue(nextSong); //255.255.255 Sleep(2500); if(run == 1) { //600,510 ::ZeroMemory(input, sizeof(input)); input[0].type = input[1].type = INPUT_MOUSE; input[0].mi.dx = input[1].mi.dx = 34040; //23650 { center input[0].mi.dy = input[1].mi.dy = 22020; //9500 { center input[1].mi.dwFlags = (MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE | MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE | MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN); ::SendInput(2, input, sizeof(INPUT)); ::ZeroMemory(input, sizeof(input)); input[0].type = input[1].type = INPUT_MOUSE; input[0].mi.dx = input[1].mi.dx = 34040; //23650 { center input[0].mi.dy = input[1].mi.dy = 22020; // 9500 { center input[1].mi.dwFlags = (MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE | MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE | MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP); ::SendInput(2, input, sizeof(INPUT)); Sleep(5); queueBottom = 0; queueIndex = 2; indexUp = 0; if( lastHeld1 == 1 ) { releaseNote( 1 ); lastHeld1=0; } if( lastHeld2 == 1 ) { releaseNote( 2 ); lastHeld2=0; } if( lastHeld3 == 1 ) { releaseNote( 3 ); lastHeld3=0; } if( lastHeld4 == 1 ) { releaseNote( 4 ); lastHeld4=0; } if( lastHeld5 == 1 ) { releaseNote( 5 ); lastHeld5=0; } Sleep(10); ::ZeroMemory(input, sizeof(input)); input[0].type = input[1].type = INPUT_MOUSE; input[0].mi.dx = input[1].mi.dx = 14040; //23650 { center input[0].mi.dy = input[1].mi.dy = 28020; //9500 { center input[1].mi.dwFlags = (MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE | MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE); ::SendInput(2, input, sizeof(INPUT)); ::ZeroMemory(input, sizeof(input)); input[0].type = input[1].type = INPUT_MOUSE; input[0].mi.dx = input[1].mi.dx = 14040; //23650 { center input[0].mi.dy = input[1].mi.dy = 28020; // 9500 { center input[1].mi.dwFlags = (MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE | MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE); ::SendInput(2, input, sizeof(INPUT)); waitNext = 10050; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////// // END OLD CODE //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Sleep(0.5); if( run == 1 ) { tick++; if( ( (indexUp == 1) && ( queue[queueBottom].key1 != queue[queueBottom+1].key1 || queue[queueBottom].key2 != queue[queueBottom+1].key2 || queue[queueBottom].key3 != queue[queueBottom+1].key3 || queue[queueBottom].key4 != queue[queueBottom+1].key4 || queue[queueBottom].key5 != queue[queueBottom+1].key5 ) )) { indexUp = 0; if( lastHeld1 == 1) { releaseNote( 1 ); } if( lastHeld2 == 1 ) { releaseNote( 2 ); } if( lastHeld3 == 1 ) { releaseNote( 3 ); } if( lastHeld4 == 1 ) { releaseNote( 4 ); } if( lastHeld5 == 1 ) { releaseNote( 5 ); } //Sleep(1); if( queue[queueBottom].key1 == 1 ) { pressNote( 1 ); lastHeld1 = 1; } else { lastHeld1 = 0; } if( queue[queueBottom].key2 == 1 ) { pressNote( 2 ); lastHeld2 = 1; } else { lastHeld2 = 0; } if( queue[queueBottom].key3 == 1 ) { pressNote( 3 ); lastHeld3 = 1; } else { lastHeld3 = 0; } if( queue[queueBottom].key4 == 1 ) { pressNote( 4 ); lastHeld4 = 1; } else { lastHeld4 = 0; } if( queue[queueBottom].key5 == 1 ) { pressNote( 5 ); lastHeld5 = 1; } else { lastHeld5 = 0; } } for( queueLoop=queueBottom; queueLoop<queueIndex; queueLoop++ ) { if( queue[queueLoop].delay > 0 ) { queue[queueLoop].delay--; } if( queue[queueLoop].delay == 23 ) { if( queue[queueLoop].type == 0 ) { //send strum printf("strum\n"); sendKey(VK_RETURN, 1); //Sleep(1); sendKey(VK_RETURN, 0); } else { if( checkStreak( hdc ) == 0 ) { // this note was queued as a non-strummed note, // but a note must have been missed and now it must be strummed //send strum //printf("strum\n"); sendKey(VK_RETURN, 1); //Sleep(1); sendKey(VK_RETURN, 0); } else { //release note and re-press note (non-strummed) //printf("note non strum\n"); if( queue[queueLoop].key1 == 1 ) { doTap( 1 ); } if( queue[queueLoop].key2 == 1 ) { doTap( 2 ); } if( queue[queueLoop].key3 == 1 ) { doTap( 3 ); } if( queue[queueLoop].key4 == 1 ) { doTap( 4 ); } if( queue[queueLoop].key5 == 1 ) { doTap( 5 ); } //sendKey(VK_RETURN, 1); //Sleep(1); //sendKey(VK_RETURN, 0); } } } if( queue[queueLoop].delay == 0 ) { queue[queueLoop].key1 = 0; queue[queueLoop].key2 = 0; queue[queueLoop].key3 = 0; queue[queueLoop].key4 = 0; queue[queueLoop].key5 = 0; queue[queueLoop].tickid = 0; queue[queueLoop].type = 0; queueBottom++; } } //reset delays if( delay1 > 0 ) { delay1--; } if( delay2 > 0 ) { delay2--; } if( delay3 > 0 ) { delay3--; } if( delay4 > 0 ) { delay4--; } if( delay5 > 0 ) { delay5--; } //first note //note with strum if( readNote(1, hdc) == 1 && delay1 == 0) { delay1 = 100; queue[queueIndex].delay = varDelay; queue[queueIndex].key1 = 1; queue[queueIndex].tickid = tick; queue[queueIndex].type = 0; foundNote = 1; } //note without strum if( readNote(1, hdc) == 3 && delay1 == 0) { delay1 = 100; queue[queueIndex].delay = varDelay; queue[queueIndex].key1 = 1; queue[queueIndex].tickid = tick; queue[queueIndex].type = 1; foundNote = 1; } //second note //note with strum if( readNote(2, hdc) == 1 && delay2 == 0) { delay2 = betweenDelay; queue[queueIndex].delay = varDelay; queue[queueIndex].key2 = 1; queue[queueIndex].tickid = tick; queue[queueIndex].type = 0; foundNote = 1; } //note without strum if( readNote(2, hdc) == 3 && delay2 == 0) { delay2 = betweenDelay; queue[queueIndex].delay = varDelay; queue[queueIndex].key2 = 1; queue[queueIndex].tickid = tick; queue[queueIndex].type = 1; foundNote = 1; } //third note //note with strum if( readNote(3, hdc) == 1 && delay3 == 0) { delay3 = betweenDelay; queue[queueIndex].delay = varDelay; queue[queueIndex].key3 = 1; queue[queueIndex].tickid = tick; queue[queueIndex].type = 0; foundNote = 1; } //note without strum if( readNote(3, hdc) == 3 && delay3 == 0) { delay3 = betweenDelay; queue[queueIndex].delay = varDelay; queue[queueIndex].key3 = 1; queue[queueIndex].tickid = tick; queue[queueIndex].type = 1; foundNote = 1; } //fourth note //note with strum if( readNote(4, hdc) == 1 && delay4 == 0) { delay4 = betweenDelay; queue[queueIndex].delay = varDelay; queue[queueIndex].key4 = 1; queue[queueIndex].tickid = tick; queue[queueIndex].type = 0; foundNote = 1; } //note without strum if( readNote(4, hdc) == 3 && delay4 == 0) { delay4 = betweenDelay; queue[queueIndex].delay = varDelay; queue[queueIndex].key4 = 1; queue[queueIndex].tickid = tick; queue[queueIndex].type = 1; foundNote = 1; } //fifth note //note with strum if( readNote(5, hdc) == 1 && delay5 == 0) { delay5 = betweenDelay; queue[queueIndex].delay = varDelay; queue[queueIndex].key5 = 1; queue[queueIndex].tickid = tick; queue[queueIndex].type = 0; foundNote = 1; } //note without strum if( readNote(5, hdc) == 3 && delay5 == 0) { delay5 = betweenDelay; queue[queueIndex].delay = varDelay; queue[queueIndex].key5 = 1; queue[queueIndex].tickid = tick; queue[queueIndex].type = 1; foundNote = 1; } if( foundNote == 1 ) { indexQueue = indexQueueInt; foundNote = 0; } if(indexQueue == 1 ) { queueIndex++; indexUp=1; } if( indexQueue > 0 ) { indexQueue--; } //checkStreak(hdc); /*if(dispc>0) { dispc--; } if( (readNote(1, hdc) > 0 || readNote(2, hdc) > 0 || readNote(3, hdc) > 0 || readNote(4, hdc) > 0 || readNote(5, hdc) > 0) && (run == 1) && (dispc==0) ) { printf("%d|%d|%d|%d|%d\n", readNote(1, hdc), readNote(2, hdc), readNote(3, hdc), readNote(4, hdc), readNote(5, hdc) ); dispc=105; }*/ } if( ( GetAsyncKeyState(VK_F8) ) ) { run = 1; } if( ( GetAsyncKeyState(VK_F9) ) ) { run = 0; } } return; }