Zu Frage 1: Diese Interpolation scheint korrekt zu sein.
So sieht mein Vertexshader fürs Normalmapping aus:
attribute vec3 tangent; //The inverse tangent to the geometry
attribute vec3 binormal; //The inverse binormal to the geometry
varying vec4 passcolor; //The vertex color passed
varying vec3 LightDirTangent; //The transformed light direction, to pass to the fragment shader
varying vec4 diffuse,ambientGlobal,ambient;
varying vec3 halfVector,lightDir,normal;
varying float dist;
void main()
vec4 ecPos;
vec3 aux;
normal = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal);
passcolor = gl_Color; //Put the color in a varying variable
gl_Position = ftransform(); //Put the vertex in the position passed
mat3 rotmat = mat3(tangent,binormal,gl_Normal); //Construct a 3x3 matrix from the geometry’s inverse tangent, binormal, and normal
ecPos = gl_ModelViewMatrix * gl_Vertex;
aux = vec3(gl_LightSource[0].position - ecPos);
lightDir = normalize(aux);
dist = length(aux);
halfVector = normalize(gl_LightSource[0].halfVector.xyz);
diffuse = gl_FrontMaterial.diffuse * gl_LightSource[0].diffuse;/* Compute the diffuse, ambient and globalAmbient terms /
ambient = gl_FrontMaterial.ambient * gl_LightSource[0].ambient;/ The ambient terms have been separated since one of them suffers attenuation*/
ambientGlobal = gl_LightModel.ambient * gl_FrontMaterial.ambient;
LightDirTangent = gl_NormalMatrix * rotmat * normalize(aux); //Rotate the light into tangent space
LightDirTangent=normalize(LightDirTangent); //Normalize the light
gl_TexCoord[0] = gl_TextureMatrix[0] * gl_MultiTexCoord0; //Use the first set of texture coordinates in the fragment shader
Zu Frage 2:
Ich berechne die Normal-, Tangent- und Binormalvektoren für jeden Vertex so, indem ich ERST für jedes Dreieck die Vektoren N,T,B berechne, dann interpoliere ich alle 3 Vektoren mit den Nachbardreiecken.
So berechne ich die N,T,B-Vektoren für mein Dreieck(V[0] bis V[2] sind die Eckpunkte)
int i = 0;
// Calculate the index to the right and left of the current index
int nNextIndex = (i + 1) % 3;
int nPrevIndex = (i + 2) % 3;
// Calculate the vectors from the current vertex to the two other vertices in the triangle
Vektor v2v1 = V[1].pos - V[0].pos;
Vektor v3v1 = V[2].pos - V[0].pos;
// The equation presented in the article states that:
// c2c1_T = V2.texcoord.x – V1.texcoord.x
// c2c1_B = V2.texcoord.y – V1.texcoord.y
// c3c1_T = V3.texcoord.x – V1.texcoord.x
// c3c1_B = V3.texcoord.y – V1.texcoord.y
// Calculate c2c1_T and c2c1_B
float c2c1_T = V[1].texcoordU - V[0].texcoordU;
float c2c1_B = V[1].texcoordV - V[0].texcoordV;
// Calculate c3c1_T and c3c1_B
float c3c1_T = V[2].texcoordU - V[0].texcoordU;
float c3c1_B = V[2].texcoordV - V[0].texcoordV;
float fDenominator = c2c1_T * c3c1_B - c3c1_T * c2c1_B;
if (Math.Round(fDenominator) == 0.0f)
// We won't risk a divide by zero, so set the tangent matrix to the identity matrix
tTangent = new Vektor(1, 0, 0);
bTangent = new Vektor(0, 1, 0);
nTangent = new Vektor(0, 0, 1);
// Calculate the reciprocal value once and for all (to achieve speed)
float fScale1 = 1.0f / fDenominator;
// T and B are calculated just as the equation in the article states
Vektor T, B, N;
T = new Vektor((c3c1_B * v2v1.x - c2c1_B * v3v1.x) * fScale1,
(c3c1_B * v2v1.y - c2c1_B * v3v1.y) * fScale1,
(c3c1_B * v2v1.z - c2c1_B * v3v1.z) * fScale1);
B = new Vektor((-c3c1_T * v2v1.x + c2c1_T * v3v1.x) * fScale1,
(-c3c1_T * v2v1.y + c2c1_T * v3v1.y) * fScale1,
(-c3c1_T * v2v1.z + c2c1_T * v3v1.z) * fScale1);
// The normal N is calculated as the cross product between T and B
N = Vektor.Kreuzprodukt(T, B);
// Calculate the reciprocal value once and for all (to achieve speed)
float fScale2 = 1.0f / ((T.x * B.y * N.z - T.z * B.y * N.x) +
(B.x * N.y * T.z - B.z * N.y * T.x) +
(N.x * T.y * B.z - N.z * T.y * B.x));
// Calculate the inverse if the TBN matrix using the formula described in the article.
// We store the basis vectors directly in the provided TBN matrix: pvTBNMatrix
tTangent.x = Vektor.Kreuzprodukt(B, N).x * fScale2;
tTangent.y = -Vektor.Kreuzprodukt(N, T).x * fScale2;
tTangent.z = Vektor.Kreuzprodukt(T, B).x * fScale2;
tTangent = Vektor.Normiere(tTangent);
bTangent.x = -Vektor.Kreuzprodukt(B, N).y * fScale2;
bTangent.y = Vektor.Kreuzprodukt(N, T).y * fScale2;
bTangent.z = -Vektor.Kreuzprodukt(T, B).y * fScale2;
bTangent = Vektor.Normiere(bTangent);
nTangent.x = Vektor.Kreuzprodukt(B, N).z * fScale2;
nTangent.y = -Vektor.Kreuzprodukt(N, T).z * fScale2;
nTangent.z = Vektor.Kreuzprodukt(T, B).z * fScale2;
nTangent = Vektor.Normiere(nTangent);
Geht das so?